In the middle of a large cave.

"The variety of organisms is increasing, the world is growing, and naturally there are new individuals. As for these, this is a normal situation. "

Su Bai looked to the other side indifferently.

In the distance.

There is a huge fairy boat under construction, revealing many cabins inside, a series of Liyue buildings have emerged in it, and various caves are also being built.

Streets, star ports, markets, cezhuang, high-rise buildings, freight roads, stone forests, mountain clouds, pools and so on.

Very advanced and magnificent.

However, it is still far worse than the Liyue mainland, but it doesn't matter, this is the cave environment inside the Xianzhou, which is convenient for the Xianzhou to sail and self-circulation, and it can also make the standard of living much better inside.

When passing through other civilizations, it can also be carried out ~ trade and trade.

In this way, it looks like a giant ship.

Originally, it was to integrate a series of comprehensive ships such as combat, life, resource storage, construction, repair, industry, etc., and now there are many advanced technologies used on it.

Compared to the original version of Xianzhou, this is already a huge change from the rebirth.

And looking at the appearance, this is exactly the appearance of the first fairy boat, the Jinpeng fairy boat, the cyan fairy wind ship, the giant ship that Liyue originally sailed the quantum sea, which has made great contributions to the development of Liyue.

Today's rebuilding is precisely to lay the most solid foundation, so as to eventually build a star fairy boat.

That's when the time comes.

In the galaxy, it can be regarded as an incredible mothership, which can be regarded as the main force that can cross the sea of stars.

The previous Xianzhou was still a little worse.

And at that time, of course, this Jinpeng Xianzhou will not be so big, mainly after deciding on a certain size, it is mainly to build the cave sky inside, and continue to grow and expand the interior, so that by then it will be considered a star fairy boat.

Just like Luofu Xianzhou, this is the characteristic of the Dongtian civilization.

And the interior of Luofu is much larger than the planet, if it is all spread, the area is very large, and Jinpeng Xianzhou is far from catching up with that scale.

After all, it was the Immortal Boat Alliance that had built the cave heaven for thousands of years to be so amazing.

It's all about accumulation.

When there were many people in the past, it was simply desperately trying to open up a hole.

It's like crazy.

But in any case, after the transformation and construction of this Jinpeng Xianzhou, the foundation is laid well, at least in this track, the potential is amazing, and the technology, parts, units and so on can be constantly modified and replaced in the future.

The future is promising.

It was also a matter of time before Luofu Xianzhou caught up.

After all, Liyue is backed by the quantum sea, and can constantly explore and expand many world bubbles, collect and transport a series of resources, and form its own quantum sea world bubble group system with this as the center.

Not to mention Kiana's side.

Therefore, what Liyue lacks is technology and advanced resources, which is naturally the idea of targeting the Star Dome Railway Universe.

It's prosperous there.

And Dongtian technology is not only used in Xianzhou and Liyue Sky Port, but also recently in Liyue Port and other cities on the ground, resulting in an increasing actual area, and Liyue will be hugely scary at that time.

On the surface and in reality, they are two completely different things.

Sometimes you have to walk in and realize, how did this become like this?

And Su Bai loaded the small technology developed on the fairy boat this time, that is, the meme virus, which is nothing, it is a means to enrich the fairy boat, and sometimes it can play a big role.

Civilizations like the Black Tower Space Station and the Louvre Fairy Boat, as well as others, have experience with meme viruses.

But it doesn't hurt.

Technology is developed step by step.

You have to have experienced and experienced it to be qualified to speak.

Instead, Su Bai set his sights on the other side, this large cave sky was a construction and repair base, and there was a broken immortal boat in the distance, that is, the Jinpeng Immortal Boat

I still fought a lot of bad battles.

In the quantum sea, there have also been many enemies.

And more than once the Jinpeng Xianzhou almost crashed, or there are other immortal boats to support, this is also normal, the quantum sea is boundless, when to drill out of some incredible powerful civilization, or amazing individual units.

It's all possible.

Now it is moving a series of original units, places and resources that can be used, and some caves are also moving space technology, and the development of space technology and people fighting the sky is this good.

Technology is also progressing fast.

However, the bigger and more troublesome the cave sky, the more difficult it is to use the space involved, which is the gold coins of the people who need to continue to explode the sky.

After all.

People are a civilization with developed star gate technology, and it is still very good to cross the stargate and even make a stargate that crosses into other universes.

So after Su Bai glanced at it here a few times, he nodded.


Luofu Xianzhou.

At this time, Qingquan was still touching the fish and swimming around outside, and her task this time was to go to the construction department to give them a kind of Taibu driver's clever drawing, and urge to discuss it with the craftsmen.

Don't understand the wrong meaning.

If you make a mistake, it will be very troublesome.

She also thought back to the conversation between the superiors and the newcomers at the other workplaces, and what I was a little disappointed in you, and I recruited you before because you had potential and could grow rapidly.

You have to be worthy of your salary and position.

Next, we should work harder, don't play jade signs there as soon as things are done, don't be idle there, be busy, move, Taibusi is not a place to raise idlers.

Come on, hear no.

Just do it well and give you a promotion in the future. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And what else are you 200-year-olds who just have to suffer a little more, which is a good thing.

As long as you continue to stay up and work hard, sooner or later you will be favored by Lord Taibu, become the right-hand man of Taibu Si, and then shine.

Deeply admired by everyone.

The green sparrow is shaking his head in his heart and speechless, what superior classic PUA words, everywhere they are these words, but those newcomers, but also a grateful excited look and crazy nod, like beating chicken blood.

I am full of motivation to work, and I will not leave after work, and continue to work overtime.

Just such a little money, what a desperate effort!

A group of two goods.

Only she is still fishing steadily, and she everywhere with her players every day.

Oh yes!

She has many good friends in the Industrial Construction Division, including several close friends of craftsmen, all of whom are great beauties, who help create the imperial qiongyu and chess board, and input and manufacture a series of functions.

Naturally, it's them.

After all, she doesn't know that.

The difference between being professional and being good at it.

Well, this time I stopped by to see these good sisters, and I missed them a little.

My friends are everywhere.


After returning from a trip to the Industrial Construction Division, Qingque also looked at the scenery in the distance, and she also saw a lot of new faces in the Cloud Cavalry Army, and on the other side of the street, there was a conspicuous girl, wearing yellow clothes, very energetic.

is chasing a foreigner who sells art juggling, and seems to be playing together.

She shook her head.

After this girl came to Luofu Xianzhou before, it really made Qingque dumbfounded, isn't this Li Suxiang?

It's outrageous.

At first, it was Yanqing, then he met Xi'er, and now she is here?

We really have more than one isotope.


Then I'm afraid her mother is Qin Suyi's isotope.

So Qingque got acquainted with her, knowing that it was [Yao Qing Xianzhou] who came over, hmph, no need to guess that she probably knew that it was this, that Xianzhou was full of martial arts, and there were many martial arts families.

If it is Li Suxiang, then it is likely to be born there.

But this is only a little young and immature, well, not as big as the one of Honkai Three.

That was the scale of Fu Hua's silence when he saw it.

And after noticing her rustiness and hard work with a heavy sword, outrageous, this thing is really called Xuanyuan Sword, Qingque suddenly realized that maybe her parents let her transfer Luofu to grow up.

It's a bit rude to use gilding.

It is hoped that this time will allow Li Suxiang to grow and develop rapidly, complete the transformation from a recruit, and become a veteran.

After all, Yaoqing Xianzhou is fighting on the other side.

If you are too immature, you may die in battle all of a sudden, and you will at least have a buffer on Luofu Xianzhou's side, and then carry out large-scale battles, and you will be more confident and calm.

Yao Qing Xian Zhou, what advanced battle map.

After the great battle thirty years ago, the rich people were scattered, and it took a lot of time and effort for them to gather every time, and once the battle passed, there would be a good period of cultivation.

Today's Xianzhou war is rare, and Luofu is even more comfortable.

Leave here every day to do business.

Only [Yaoqing Immortal Boat], they are still a pair, rush! Kill! gesture.

It's shameful.

Each immortal boat is very distinctive, Luofu is now a commercial trade, then the past [square pot] Xianzhou is the party with more main forces of the Ming clan, and their combat power is much stronger than that of the Xianzhou people.

It is a pity that it is also targeted for this reason.

So, where will the dazzling combat power of the foxman, who is good at flying and easy to get out of the top star and fighting ship pilots?

If you pass by some places in Luofu Xianzhou, you will find that some fox clan girls will bitterly persuade their parents, saying that they want to go to Yaoqing Immortal Boat, join the [Qingqiu Army], and serve Xianzhou!

Strike at those bountiful things!

Is it already obvious ten?.

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