"Ugly ghost, look I cleaned you up!"

"No, don't hurt me! I haven't made any mistakes! "

At this time, a very old ghost was lying on the ground in fear, his forehead was like a large pustule, and horns had grown on both sides of his head, which looked very strange and bizarre.


And blowing snow just has a cyan whirlwind surging in his hands.

Expressionlessly, he threw it over.

Directly tore this ghost in half.

But a very strange scene happened, this ghost did not die, but turned into two new individuals.

Two ghosts!

They all looked young and strong.

They also carry different weapons.

One holds a tuanfan, the other holds a tin cane.

The next moment, the ghost holding the tuan fan directly waved the big fan in his hand, and in an instant, the house here exploded. A strong storm swept through the place, all the way to other areas outside.

However, the blowing snow still waved casually, and a wind wall blocked it.

Then the evil ghost on the other side who wanted to swing the staff was also fixed by her thoughts, and it flew out like hitting a mosquito.

Blowing Snow looked at this coldly, staring at the enemy haughtily.

"Winding up, the ghost of the half-heavenly dog. A ghost who can constantly separate doppelgängers. "

"The most fundamental four doppelgangers have four blood demon techniques, and they can also combine four into one and turn into the strongest avatar of [Hatred Heaven]."

"It is clear that his crime is monstrous, and he will only shout that he is not wrong, a demon who blindly escapes."

"Just let me see your four-in-one."

The words fell, and a strong storm was summoned by the blowing snow, tearing the two ghosts to pieces again.


Four ghosts appeared here.

The ghost of anger, the ghost of joy, the ghost of joy, the ghost of sorrow.

As a result, they were still crushed by blowing snow the next moment.

Finally, a ghost exuding a powerful aura appeared, wearing a warframe-like shape, with a Falun-like thing behind him, and a big abomination word everywhere on it.

It looks majestic and imposing.

Behind him is the Thunder God Taiko, who can generate wooden dragons at will, and use this as a medium, if you use the previous four blood demon techniques, your power will skyrocket!

And at this moment, his angry face was distorted.

A vicious scream was emitted.

"Bastard, see if I don't tear you to pieces!"

"Oh, it's you who has been torn apart by me before."

"Find the !!! dead"

At this moment, a terrible bombardment raged here, and huge trees rose up and turned into a large number of wooden dragons to attack.

The amazing dragon's mouth strikes.

And this ghost is also holding a drum stick in his hand and beating the Thor Taiko drum behind his back.

Furious winds, raging thunder, raging sound waves, sharp cross-striped guns and shock waves, terrible attacks burst out densely.


Just beat this place to pieces!

Energy roars!

The terrible bombardment ravages here, it can be described as overwhelming and endless!

This is the strength of Bantengu.


The blowing snow summoned an even bigger storm, and for a while it looked like lightning and thunder, and the forces of the two fought together, destroying everything around!

At this time, Blowing Snow's eyes lit up with cyan light.

She smiled haughtily.

"Hehe, how about you have so much power, I'll just deal with you with one."

"Just let me try it, the wind ability that I drew from the group yesterday belongs to Liyue Subai."

"Wind God Fury!"

At this moment, along with the turbulent and terrifying wind elemental energy that erupted from Blowing Snow's body, a tall and incomparable wind giant was formed behind her, as if it were a god.

The storm surges and the air currents roll.

For a while, it was arrogant.

And that look turned out to be Blowing Snow himself.

An energy giant made entirely of wind elements!

Then Blowing Snow directly moved his mind, this wind god directly pressed down, and for a while the heavens and the earth changed color, and the buildings and things in this area of Infinite City were bombarded into nothingness!

Even the monster in front of him suddenly changed color!


"You this..."

The powerful storm directly pressed on his body.

Blast it into blood in an instant.

In the distance, a smaller ghost did not escape.

Perish in wailing and fear.

That is the Buddha-figure of the Half-Tengu Ghost.

Although he is called the god of wind, the god in his heart is only himself.

This is exactly one of the [Seven God Fury] elemental martial arts that Su Bai researched, the Wind God Fury.


"Fantastic, fantastic!"

"With such a powerful fighting spirit, you are completely an extremely powerful swordsman, with such power, why not become a ghost like me?"

"Isn't it good to pursue that supreme realm?"

In another place, the sword-wielding Bean is fighting fiercely with the Zouza seat.

It was obvious that the sword body burning with the fire element made him very jealous.

In this lightning-fast exchange, Qiuza was directly cut off two hands, and his fierce punches with strong momentum could be easily seriously injured or exploded by other enemies.

But after touching Your beans, I directly suffered a big loss.

It's just sent up and cut.

When the flames burned, the Zouza decisively ripped off more parts of his arm, preventing the spread of the elements.

Then his body recovered quickly.

The hand grew back again.

This is the advantage of being a ghost, being able to recover and grow quickly.

Even if you are injured in an ordinary fatal injury, you are not afraid.

At this point they are facing each other.

You Bean just looked at the flames on the sword and sighed.

"The fire element is so easy to use, it is worthy of being an enhanced version of the Eye of God."

"Hmph, Hyacinth."

"In the original book, the fighting ghost who will kill the Yanzhu Purgatory Kyoshiro admires the strong and dislikes the weak."

She could only say that this ghost really had a relationship with fire.

Originally, it was Kagura, the god of fire, who was also the pillar of Yan and Tanjiro.

Later, he also faced the alliance of Tomioka Yoshiyuki and Tanjiro.

Now I encounter myself.

"I heard that you never kill or eat women, which is completely different from Tong Mo, but you who have lost your memory are really sad."

"Just let me send you on your way."

Your bean once again took a fighting stance, which greatly changed the face of the Qiwuza seat.

Intuition crazy alarm.

He hurriedly made the [Technique Unfolding], and a formation like a twelve-horned snowflake appeared under his feet.

And made his own trick!

[Destruction kill, final style, blue and silver chaotic light! ] 】

It is capable of firing hundreds of missiles in an instant, directly covering all directions.

That's what his intuition told him.

If not, you may die in an instant!

Qingming reading ceremony! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 5th to April 5th)

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