"No, there are still five minutes before Fu Hua comes over, so I want to know if my beloved Rosalind's beautiful legs have been carefully maintained recently, let me help you see."

"You should know what I mean."


Rosalyn blushed shyly and was stunned.

Which, where is there such a straightforwardness!

Don't think I don't know, you don't just want to see.

"And the last time you retracted your legs on the beach, remember, then now it's my lover, no problem."

"Hurry up, if they find out, I don't care."

"How can such a strong man be difficult, woo. Bully your Rosalind! "

Rosalyn was aggrieved.

However, she still obediently walked over and grabbed Su Bai's hand and put it on her leg.

In the distance, Kiana's eyes widened.

You, you!

Weekday gatherings, is it the same?

Su Bai, this big colored wolf!

But Kiana subconsciously looked at her taut white legs, and then her face turned hot, shaking her head frantically, blah, what am I thinking!

Although the female Su Bai is indeed easily attracted to this guy.

But yourself, but temperate!

Kiana quickly fled here, suppressing the vacillation in her heart.

After all, the more you get along, the easier it is to be touched and influenced, and there are several other female Su Bai who are always intimate with him.

Some female Su Bai will feel outrageous.

But there are some, will be mu.

Kiana is clearly not the former.

When Rosalyn and Su Bai returned, the former was blushing to death and was trying to find a way to keep getting him to retreat.27

Lisa, lying under the umbrella, raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Huh? Mouth going? "

After all, it was Rosalyn who was moved and shouted that Su Bai should not stop... Mouth? "

"Sister Lisa, don't say it! No! "

For Lisa, the old driver's car, Rosalyn couldn't resist in minutes, and immediately collapsed and was embarrassed.

And it's not a kiss at all, okay.

Lisa was also speechless.

Don't keep calling me sister.

Who are we big?

Can this thing still put aside age and monograph?

And when Fu Hua changed his clothes and came over, it caused everyone to marvel, especially Kiana gasped.

"Oh my God, squad leader, are you here?"

Because Fu Hua was wearing a Shenzhou-style cheongsam at this time, he looked quite charming like a Shenzhou beauty, showing his slim figure, and his big white legs were also at a glance.


Bud Yi was surprised.

It was the first time I saw Fu Hua's squad leader dressed like this.

Zhibao in the rear also walked over with a big grin, and there was a book of Cangxuan flying beside her, and she sighed with her small hands.

"Obviously there is still black silk, immortal this guy, just don't want it."

"Isn't cheongsam + silk more attractive, and on the Liyue side, there are even more black silks, and those girls on the road are all on their legs."

"Immortals are really."

"Xiao Xuan, you gave me enough!"

Fu Hua trembled with anger, originally she wanted to wear ordinary summer clothes, but these two guys fooled into wearing this, and the more she listened, the more wrong it became.

What is it called, so that it will be brilliant in that person's eyes, right?

Can you discover the other side of the immortals?

What the!

She came for vacation and barbecue, nothing else!

You two guys!

I really want to punch you guys!

Anyway, Fu Hua's face was unnatural, so he had to step forward and start the barbecue, it's time for the cheongsam to be a fu!

She picked up a row of meat skewers very neatly, began to process and brush the sauce, and came over to help with a smug smile, they are all very good cooks!

And this time I fooled the old antique, so happy.

Nha Yi went to do other dishes, Lisa also accompanied her, the two still said something from time to time, anyway, Nha Yi blushed inexplicably.

A mature woman like Lisa is easy to impact a girl.

And then the treasure is very energetic.

"Grill! Watch me use my power to drive the temperature of the fire. "

"Well, good, delicious, sprinkle some more ingredients."


Fu Hua: ...

You guy, how did you eat it while roasting?

And Fu Hua was a little embarrassed, how Su Bai's gaze always looked at her, especially her legs.

I already knew that I would not wear this cheongsam.

How come I don't have this feeling when I practice martial arts with him on weekdays, but I often look for memories with him, and I will always be seen by Su Bai and should not see it, which makes Fu Hua's face dark, and quickly let Su Bai turn over!

Stop looking!

After all, those memories also have her personal life.

Perhaps it was because of a series of companionship that Fu Hua now felt uneasy to stand.

Yourself, are your thighs leaking too much?

Although nowadays it is a beach.

Zhibao was also slightly surprised, she hoped that the old antique would be happy, and she disliked the actual care on the surface, but Su Bai this guy was really excessive, and he didn't come to her once from beginning to end.

It's a little unpleasant.

Although she didn't think about this kind of thing, even just a comparison would make her forehead appear bruised.

Kiana drooled when she smelled the smell, looking at the skewers in Fu Hua and Zhibao's hands, she thought thoughtfully and smiled.

"That, I'll help you bring it to you and give it to everyone to eat!"

Neither of them cared about this.

Not long after the result, both Zhibao and Fu Hua roared.

"Kiana! How did you give everyone only so many sticks? "

"Did you eat all the rest?"

"Come and get beaten!"


Everyone shook their heads.

Kiana is like this, doing whatever she wants with her cuteness.

But it's normal.

This has happened more than once or twice.

The last time Liyue had food, she didn't hold back and finished eating.

But there is still a lot of meat.


Everyone gathered around a large plate of barbecue, tasted the beauty, blowing the sea breeze, drinking juice, this life is so comfortable!

By the way, Kiana had two more bags on her head. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

She hugged her head with tears in the corners of her eyes.

Why, isn't that setting the mood?

Here comes a wave of tributes.

And I got beaten instead?


This is different from the original!

And a group of people are talking about all kinds of things here.

Among them, Bud Yi spoke out curiously.

"Su Bai, is your Tivat world also planning to return to the tree?"

"Then you will also have a collapse crisis."

After all, Su Bai had told her before that many worlds had crossed over and moved forward smoothly, and they were a little different here.

As for Su holding the Second God Key to observe other parallel worlds.

After all, it was to find a way for them to defeat Honkai here, some worlds were easy, and some were destroyed, which made him say something.

Everyone has a different difficulty.

He could only keep looking for possibilities, trying to find a way.

At this time, Kiana remembered something.

"Well, you have to be careful of all kinds of natural disasters and diseases, Honkai is not just a way of manifestation, anyway, you must not have laws here, but remember our former civilization, there is [Avalanche disease]."

Fu Hua: ...

You know again.

How many times?

And this disease will make the infected person fail the whole body, and there are purple stripes on the body, and the mortality rate is 100%!

The most disgusting thing is.

The only remedy is to cut off those purple stripes.

Sounds simple.

Especially at the beginning, it should be the best to do it.

But as long as the disease begins to be surgically removed, it will expand wildly and rapidly, penetrating the person's whole body, thereby aggravating his death.

If this is not done, the patient will live for a while.

But if you start surgery, you will die faster if you don't get it right.

Killed a lot of people.

Even the technology and technology of the fire moth once had nothing to do with this.

Honkai is not only a Honkai beast, but also natural disasters and diseases.

Even their time.

In the past, the Black Death swept through many people on the European side.

In fact, it is also a manifestation of the collapse disaster.

That is to say, Tivat went back to the tree, and if the collapse test came, I am afraid that the disease would be indispensable.

And it's still the Tivat version of the disease.

In addition, Tivat itself has 213 in the past with various difficult diseases, all caused by the residue of the demon god, resulting in a poor life for the people, and this time I am afraid that it will be much more serious than those.

It will be built on this basis and strengthened.

It will be terrifying in terms of power and quantity.

Trees and the sea are actually quite annoying, one collapses, the other erodes.

You have to be strong yourself to carry it.

Bronia noticed a detail.

"So, is there so many pharmacists in Liyue? Vigorously developed the medical system and elixir. "

"In this way, even if the disease is rampant, it can be targeted and reacted to very quickly."

The duck duck was surprised.

So, Liyue has been planning this for a long time?

After all, Liyue's medicine culture and elixir have developed really well, quite prosperous.

Su Bai was dumbfounded.

"Don't worry about this, in fact, I have already thought about it, I can't even use a medicine master, it's just a small collapse, but it is supported by the tree, which is very helpful for the growth of the world."

"After all, energy is not in vain."

Rather, about Bronia, Su Bai guided her on this path, so that she could try to grow into a lawyer of truth.

"The Law of Truth?"

Duck duck wondered.

Kiana on the side suddenly spoke out cheerfully.

"Yes, the Law of Truth!"

"It means you're a false lawyer right now, a dumb duck, a mad demon." Not working hard yet? "

Bronia's face darkened with the naked eye.


You idiot Kiana!

You are fake!

It is clear that Su Bai means, the truth is good.

Kiana smiled proudly, bullying ducks is fun.

It's to tease hard!

And she stretched her waist.

"Hmph, looking at the past and present, I am a truly powerful Void Multi-Core Lawyer! For the law of vacuum! "

As a result, Tian Tong Mu and Morgan were surprised and their faces became strange.

"Vacuum Lawyer?"

"Talk about vacuum, how to use a vacuum method?"

Kiana: ???。

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