"It's levitating, levitating alchemy train!"

The people next to him also corrected his statement, but more people were amazed.

"The heavenly car, the speed is still so fast, now even Mond has it here, although for the series of sky ships in Liyue, the shock is much smaller."

"But it's still amazing."

For their reaction, Su Bai shook his head and smiled, and did not say anything.

"Jean, let's go."

As a result, Jean hesitated at this time.

"But I still have a job, and I have a bunch of things to deal with today."

Everyone in the Knights on the side hurriedly spoke up.

"Commander, rest assured, the matter here has us-."

"You enjoy playing with Su Bai-sama."

Even Erin, who is an assistant, said that today's affairs will be handled by them, and that Jean is not only an assistant here, but Wendy is also here, the A Valkyrie of the Three Worlds.

Around her waist, there was an eye of the wind god hanging.

She was also sent by Su Bai to help Qin's work, and this girl has always been moved and religiously working and living in Liyue, after all, it was Su Bai who cured her.

Otherwise, according to normal development, she would have sent it long ago.

So Jean looked at the ambiguous expressions of several of her female assistants, urging her to go quickly, causing Jean to stutter.


How to face them in the future?

As a result, she was still pulled away by Su Bai, and stopped and walked, not only to the Wind Origin, but also to the Temple of the Thousand Winds, the Star Cliff, and the Lookout Wind Cape on the very edge.

It's just the two of them here.

And at this time, Su Bai also gently supported Qin's thin waist, making her body tremble, the two hugged together, Qin leaned on Su Bai's shoulder, blushing shyly.

She also remembered Lisa's teaching last time.

That one measures the waist with the legs.

At that time, Lisa lifted the long black silk legs and pasted them, leaning tightly against Su Bai's waist, making Qin stunned and red.

This is not a waistline measurement at all!

And later, Lisa told Jean very seriously.

A serious look.

Having said that, Jean, beautiful legs are a big advantage for girls, so you should take advantage of it.

And now that they get along, Qin and Su Bai are very sweet, and she is also thinking, is it that if she does this, Su Bai will be happy?

So subconsciously.

She lifted her legs.

As a result, Jean took it down shyly again.


Can't do it.

Why can Lisa be so bold and fiery?

But Su Bai's laughter sounded in her ears.

"Hey, Jean, you actually .."

"I didn't! No, it's not, Su Bai, you listen to me. Yes!!! "

Qin exclaimed, her legs were lifted up by Su Bai, and she was also stroked by him.

To this.

Qin could only rely on Su Bai and whined.

So shy.

Is this a couple and a lover?

Liyue Sky Port.

"The meaning of several immortals is to ask if the world bubble can delay destruction?"

At this time, Su Bai was here looking at the True Monarch of Cutting the Moon and Zhuyang, the True Monarch of Lishui Stacking Mountain, and the Liuyun Borrowing Wind True Monarch.

These immortals have been quite interesting lately.

Anyway, Su Bai shook his head with a smile.

Because in the end.

Since this product defeated Ah Ping, it was a swelling mess, and he proudly ran to provoke other immortals, specifically to their cave heaven.

And the immortals are also arrogant.

Isn't it an immortal-level competition?

Afraid of you?


In the end, it is that kind of naughty and amiable personality, it is easy to get along with immortals, and this time it really got together.

She swept all the immortals.

The immortals dared to be angry and did not dare to speak.

The face is black.

Damn it.

What kind of disgusting combination is this, another dust bell, another wind bag, and a golden kamikaze, excessive!

Even the True Monarch of the Moon Cutting Moon on Dan Dingsi's side, studying the Pill Immortal Art, was able to release a series of strange immortal arts with the Immortal Pill, but they still ushered in a fiasco, which really made them silent.

It is estimated that this wave will be proud for a long time.

That's it.

When will you finally sue the union of these immortals, and give the [Dingfeng Bead] to yourself.

Finale: ???

Do you understand what it means to call a generation version and a generation of gods?

However, this still shows that he is good-hearted.

But now, they're here for something else.

【Teng Snake Immortal Boat】There, a large world bubble was found, which was a huge desert, but according to the detection findings, there were many resources contained below.

They are resources that have been precipitated over a long period of time.

The soldiers on the Xianzhou were ecstatic.

Because this is the biggest harvest since many fairy boats set sail!

No other Xianzhou has encountered such a large scale.


Ling Su Bai pondered.

Newbie protection period, right?

But the embarrassing thing is that the world bubble is in accelerated destruction, and Xian Zhou has to race against time to continuously transport resources out to prevent this world bubble from dying and turning into nothingness in the quantum sea.

So it's very liver.

But even if this is the case, it is expected that Xianzhou can move one-twentieth of the resources.

It's still moving back and forth.

Temporarily place resources in other nearby world bubbles.

It can be imagined that it is indeed a huge amount of resources.

The reason why this is so is sometimes related to the actions of Xian Zhou, and they often look for this kind of bubble in the world that is not far from destruction.

Like there are some world bubbles, the resources are indeed abundant.

But there is civilization inside.

Liyue Xianzhou's side will choose friendly communication and business exchanges, and will not directly rob, but through purchase and material circulation.

After all, Liyue came with friendship.

But that civilization has long been destroyed, and the barren world bubbles.

Very popular with Xianzhou.

O Borderlands! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It means that resources can be moved casually and there is nothing to worry about.

It's the same as following up the goods.

This is the joy of opening up the unknown.

As a result, this wave of world bubbles is disintegrating faster than they thought, but there are so many resources, and it is the most troublesome to move it endlessly, but it will not be like this if it is finished.

You can only watch.

The established Xianzhou contact channel also notified other Xianzhou.

However, it is a long distance and it takes time to rush over.

However, after the immortals got the news back, they wanted to ask Lord Su Bai if there was any way.

After all, look at Liyue.

He is the person who knows the most about the outside of the world and has the highest prestige in the eyes of everyone.

Knowledgeable and unfathomable.

And this question.

I will definitely encounter it in the future.

It's okay this time, but it's often like this since then, I feel very bad.

It is even worse than Mora, who lost a billion yuan in Liyue.

It's really not okay for everyone to think of a way together.

After all, the immortals also master the technology of cave heavens, and can create a series of cave heavens, which also involves the aspect of space, maybe it is very helpful for the study of the world bubble?

Su Bai nodded.

"Okay, I can tell you that there are ways, not only to slow down the pace of destruction, but even to continue to perpetuate the world bubble."

The immortals were all taken aback.

Worthy of being an emperor!

I really know!

"Let me see, that world bubble is indeed very far away, Teng Snake Xianzhou suddenly picked such a remote place ah, in that case, let's go, take you to see it together."

Under the shocked gazes of the immortals, Su Bai snapped his fingers.

So everyone disappeared here, appeared in the quantum sea, and was wrapped in a cloud of energy, flying in the quantum sea at an indistinguishable speed.

Treat the immortals as stupid.

What a capability.

It's much more outrageous than Xianzhou.

It didn't take long.

Their energy ball flew over a long distance, straight towards the coordinates where the Snake Immortal Boat was located, and after that, they passed through the world bubble and entered it.

Thus fell to the ground.

What appeared in front of all the immortals was an endless vast desert.

Not far away.

An immortal boat is docked here, and a large number of mechanical beasts, the Thousand Rock Army, and alchemy creations are all struggling to exploit resources, using equipment to stabilize quicksand, and digging a big hole here.

Head down.

This is the Tengyu Immortal Boat led by Fushe.

Their arrival also startled Xian Zhou, and Fushe personally led the team over.

Gathered with everyone.

After a commotion, the floating house also took out the resources excavated here, which was a strange black spar, and he sighed for it.

"Lord Emperor, all immortals, according to research and exploration, there should have been many creatures living in this world in the past, but they have already perished, and they are buried deep below as the earth changes."

After a long period of evolution, the remains and remains of these ancient creatures have become various resources.

The resources this time are good and rich, so even the floating house is full of unwillingness.

Damn it!

"No way, according to calculations, we can't take all the resources here."

"Mo is too anxious, this time I came."

Su Bai looked at everyone.

"In fact, the key to the world bubble is the anchor."


"Is it similar to the kind of anchor, shouldn't it?"

Everyone is a little confused about this unfamiliar concept.

They were amazed.

"The so-called anchor point, which is the cornerstone of the entire world, can stabilize the world bubble, once it is gone, the world will quickly move towards extinction and destruction, because the rules of the quantum sea will interfere with the world bubble."

"Make it chaotic and impermanent."

Coupled with the erosion of the quantum sea, it dies quickly without an anchor.

However, there is actually a difference between the etheric singularity and the etheric anchor, the former is not so important, that is, after it is gone, there is no way to position, and the world bubble will continue to float.

After all, it's the sea and bubbles.

You come back next time.

You can't find it in your original location.

But the latter, it's really over.

"But what I mean is that a world bubble like this gradually destroys can be nailed into it with another anchor, so that it can quickly stabilize, and its duration will be greatly extended."

"And tend to stabilize."

And now along the way, I have encountered so many worlds, is there anything similar to an anchor point?

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