"For us, especially the maritime archipelago countries, it is even easier to encounter, and it seems that the soldiers have to be careful."

After the sea area has expanded greatly, the ocean is much livelier than before.

And there is no dark sea.

Sea beasts are much more convenient to reproduce than before.

Some can really give birth, all of a sudden, a group, and it doesn't take long to grow very large.

After all, for people, it is a safer and more comfortable living environment.

There is no pollution.

This must not be made to death?

Therefore, between the Tivat countries and the sea beasts, it can be said that various stories have been happening.

Inazuma, naturally, too.

But this is not a bad thing, as long as it is eliminated, the corpses of sea beasts are a lot of resources, which can bring a lot of benefits and wealth to Inazuma, which is good.

Therefore, Kujo Hora, a great general, occasionally patrolled the sea with a fleet.

Guard the tranquility here.

She looked at the sea beasts, paying attention to the various individuals among them, thinking about the dispatch of troops and the separation of the fleet, so that they could deal with something.

Compared to Rigetsu and Meru, on Inazuma's side.

Inazuma people like to call sea beasts [sea owners".

In the past, it was normal to attack ships and everything, and Inazuma also has a world mission [Lonely Sea Beast].

It tells the story of a girl and a sea beast.

And it didn't take long.

The battle began, and Kujo led the shogunate fleet to attack, constantly carrying out long-range coverage strikes.

Among them, she did not carry any weapons.

Instead, as soon as he stretched out his hand forward, a large number of thunder elemental forces condensed together, turning into a thunder bow, and there was a crackling thunder arc flashing continuously.

Then Kujo Jura directly pulled the bow and shot.

Many thunder elements turned into a row of big arrows.

So under her behavior, a shot of thunder elemental arrows raged out, hitting sea beasts one by one accurately, and all those small ones were exploded and sunk.

Clear fast!

And after watching the big one come over, the bow in the hand of Kujo Luo began to float with a bright color.

It's like a flame burning.

Golden Flame!

One by one, the arrows of the sun and purple thunder rose up into the sky and rushed towards the sea beast, causing bursts of explosions.

The shogunate army was taken aback.

Then the morale was boosted, and he called out the mighty Lord Kujo!

That's awesome.

It is worthy of being a general who is assured by the general!

Obviously, Kujo-sama has once again advanced in strength.

And after the sea beast was a little farther away, the bow in the hands of the nine robes changed again, and a moonlight-like brilliance appeared on the bow body, even the condensed arrows.

Purple silver!

The arrows fired are different from before, this time they have a longer range and can be handled, which increases flexibility.

But the power has weakened a lot.

But this one is harmless.

These moonlight purple thunder arrows shot at the sea beasts in the rear, causing those creatures to cry out in pain, and they were defeated by her, and some were also in a much weaker state.

In this way, the shogunate army was more convenient to deal with.

This is exactly the method given by Su Bai who she practiced.

With the two postures of the Sun God Crow and the Moon God Crow, one can attach an attack like the golden flame of the sun, and suddenly the nine robes can skyrocket.

One is the ability of the Moon Immortal Crow, which operates freely and has all kinds of strange abilities.

Very powerful.

And as soon as her heart moved, a large number of Sun Golden Crow feathers appeared around her, and they all went to the battlefield with a roar, fighting with those shogunate troops, burrowing into the bodies of sea beasts, burning and lightning striking their interiors!

After practicing this, the Kujo Qiluo already possessed the combat power among the immortals.

Although Su Bai always teased her and toyed with her, the things he gave were indeed good goods, and it was quite an excellent and excellent cultivation method.

And Kujo Luo wanted to use the [Sun Moon Immortal Crow] technique at this time.

Be able to summon the Sun and Moon Ravens to fight as powerful guards!

This is equivalent to two more combat powers.

However, looking at the Xuanyuan sword on her waist, she pondered for a while, Lord Su Bai said that this weapon is used too much, and it is one with the user's heart, and it will change after resonating.

She used it all the time.

I don't know when it will be.

Why don't you continue to use it this time?

So Kujo gave up the long-range attack, entered the posture of the sun god again, and shuttled through the sea with his sword, and with a little footstep, the thunder element exploded slightly, thus appearing far away.

On the surface of the sea, I quickly tread the water.

Its speed turns into afterimages.

Quite a strong person.

Occasionally, a crow feather slowly falls.

It's just that this is energy condensation, which will dissipate in a moment.

Tengu Fairy Shadow Step!

In the past, Su Bai studied her wings and created the immortal footwork for her, which made Jiujo Luo can't help but admire and sigh, he was not touched in vain, this footwork is super useful.

Wait a minute!

What are you thinking?

What not to touch!

Kujo Luo suddenly felt very ashamed.

She quickly discarded this idea, swung the Xuanyuan sword, and the purple sword light slashed across the sea, fighting with those sea beasts!

Today's Kujo Luo is completely in the sea beast herd like no man's land.

It is much stronger than in the past.

After all, she is a young crow tengu, and normal crow tengu is not hundreds of years old, and she is not called big.

This is the difference between long-grown and short-grown species.

However, after cultivating the Immortal Method, her strength continued to become stronger, which made Jiujo Luo happy and happy, but also in a complicated mood.

After all, last time, the black silk was taken off by Lord Su Bai. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Being played with legs by a meal.

It was useless to struggle, and it scared her to give up.

Tears in my eyes.

So in the future, will he be in Lord Su Bai's arms without anything, hugging him?

She had this idea when she was in a private cultivation venue at home before.

She was so embarrassed that she almost boiled.

It's so humiliating!


She was so scared that she didn't dare to think about it, so let's cultivate sincerely.

Put all your mind on cultivation and work.

And now, the majesty of the girl is dignified, showing the posture of a general, and with the continuous killing, she and the Xuanyuan sword began to have a wonderful sense of resonance, and the sword body also glowed.

This surprised Kujo Yura.

Directly turned into an afterimage, temporarily left here, and returned to the alchemy ship.


With the trembling and light of the sword, the sword's posture began to change.

This is exactly the special ability of Xuanyuan Sword!

And as the light gradually dissipated, the pupils of the Kujo Qiao Luo shrank.

Because this turned from a long sword into a round of exquisite and mysterious immortal pots, and fell to her palm, this change spanned a little widely, so that Kujo Yuluo really did not expect it.

Can it still be like this?

One is a sword and the other is a pot.

How are the two connected?

Zoro was confused.

A question mark popped up directly in the head.

However, this immortal pot transmitted a sense of cordial connection of blood, which made her instantly understand the use of this equipment.

She began to urge with her power, and in an instant, a large number of purple fairy crows flew out from here.

And the nine robes moved and used the power of the sun god crow.

The purple immortal crow was directly plated with a layer of golden fire, which was extremely gorgeous, and a huge army of golden fire thunder crows flew out from such a small immortal pot.

Killed the army of sea beasts!

The two armies clashed!

These immortal crows are extremely powerful, easily blowing up sea beasts one by one, and there are huge numbers.

One man becomes an army!

This turned out to be a summon-type fairy treasure suitable for generals!

Kujo Luo was shocked, she recalled Su Bai's words, and she was able to form her exclusive weapon according to the characteristics of the user.

Fairy crow pot?

In this kind of battle on the sea today, being able to summon such a group of legions is indeed very suitable for her.

Because this is the magic weapon of the immortal family.

So it's powerful.

It is convenient for her to command the shogunate army in the back while releasing these summons, and she is helping the battle.

This makes it look like a general.

So the shogunate army watched as the nine lords suddenly summoned a bunch of fire thunder crow troops, sweeping the sea beasts, hitting them without any backhand, one by one, they were stunned, and the bows in their hands couldn't help but fall.

"It's an exaggeration, what kind of means is this, Lord Kujo?"

"It is too terrifying and amazing that the sea beasts that they fought on their own fell and could only be constantly ravaged, but thinking of the identity of Lord Kujo, I felt at ease and worshiped again."

After all.

This is their general!

The leader of the family is strong, and the soldiers are naturally more confident and proud, and (good) very excited!

And someone saw the immortal pot in the hand of Kujo Yuluo and was taken aback.

"Mo Fei, is that also a powerful alchemy treasure?"

"Such a miraculous creation must come from Liyue, and only that country can forge such mysterious and powerful equipment."

"I didn't expect Kujo-sama to have this in addition to that strange sword."

"This shows more and more that our relationship with Liyue is good, this is all the favor brought by Lord General, so that our Inazuma is also developing better and better."

The soldiers were proud.

Inazuma is also developing rapidly, and many of the original villages are being upgraded into towns.

As for cities, they are more prosperous.

Some people from poor families recently went back to visit, and found that the living environment and level had risen to a big level, and compared with the past, it was completely one day and one place!

They were moved.

After all, they are all from Inazuma, it's not impossible, who wants to leave their hometown.

Naturally, he saw the prosperity outside and wanted to build his hometown well.

And the wise and great Lord Raiden is leading everyone to a prosperous future, and Inazuma is very confident.


Lord General has that one behind him.

Everyone, no, not only them, even Mond and Meru, just follow Liyue's steps together! .

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