When people and scholars hear it, I am afraid that I will fight hard with you!

Obviously it is a very powerful thing.

How did it suddenly change the taste.

But if you think about it, it's actually true.

In the eyes of flies, it is actually a slow world, the specific speed is different, but the nature is the same.

"Oh yes, which is Amilido College?"

"Why don't you even know this, the biothetics, who like to study plants, the rainforest faction, I heard that there is a famous figure called [Tinaly]. "

"Actually, it sounds a bit similar to our Liyue Academy's [Elixir Department]. "

After all, it all involves plants and biology and so on.

Moreover, the subdivision of biotheories also has a medical aspect.

This is especially true of the elixir department.

It is directly the place where pharmacists are trained.

"But in fact, this agent is okay to use for experiments, itself still depends on the bottom, once the body can't react, it's over." "

Many of them have more vicious eyes.

But everyone still sighed, this competition is really interesting, worthy of Lord Su Bai, make such a big one.

Everything came out.

Where is this on weekdays?

And gradually, another outstanding trainee shined, it was a Liyue woman in a white robe, with a golden book flying beside her.

Around her.

And can unleash various rock attacks under her use.

A golden big sword fell, directly eliminating many people.

Or conjure up a huge page and shoot them all in, as if sealed, and then those people will also be eliminated.

The Enchantment of Books, a series of golden rock swords, various abilities are displayed.

Every move, dashing and free.

With martial arts is another style.

It attracted the envy of many Liyue students watching the battle.

"It's the dark horse of the Immortal Martial Arts, obviously she can't cultivate elemental martial arts, spell 090 is okay, it stands to reason that this is difficult to compare with those geniuses, who let her successfully contract with the Golden Immortal Book and get recognition." "

"So that he can carry a fairy book and projection, he has outstanding combat power. "

"Immortal Book?"

This statement surprised many people.

Instead, the students were surprised.

"Yes, Immortal Book, in our Liyue, isn't the legend about [Immortal Book] widely circulated, but now in the academy, there is indeed it. "

Immortal Martial Arts, an academy that practices elemental martial arts and spells.

Students who graduated can choose to join the Thousand Rock Army or join the official department of Liyue to work.

More advanced elemental martial arts can be obtained from these two ways.

Of course.

The former is easier and has more variety, abundant resources and greater opportunities.

After all, it is often fought.

Therefore, in the [Xianwu Ke] Academy, a library was built inside, recording a lot of knowledge and martial arts, and many systems in other countries were constantly recorded.

And sometimes Su Bai will also put some magic tricks from other worlds into it.

It makes Liyue richer and richer.

Combined with a lot of wisdom, I hope that these people will walk out of a more brilliant path of Liyue Immortal Dao, making it more and more prosperous and vibrant.

This thing can be learned and read by the whole hospital according to the contribution.

It's very curly anyway.

The more advanced areas are generally visited by the tutor.

Or other immortals.

And a series of books for a long time, because of the mysteries or knowledge recorded, gradually have wonderful power, some books will begin to emit elemental power, and continue to accumulate changes over time.

Become no longer ordinary.

In the world of god killers, this is called a magic guide book.

In other worlds, there are also (chfd) books of magic, fairy arts, heavenly books, and so on.

Different strengths, different levels.

But they are all books with special powers.

It stands to reason that the library of Liyue is not so fast, but Su Bai did a small experiment to speed up the flow of time inside, and interestingly, there is a book that is becoming more and more unique in the accumulation.

In the end, because of the many fairy concepts and mysteries recorded, they were fused with the magic, spells, and magic of other worlds.

It transformed into a fairy book.

It was named [Golden Immortal Book] by Su Bai.

After all, the Rock Immortal Book is something, it is not qualified.

It's just that in Su Bai's eyes, the general immortal book, for others, it is also necessary to be an immortal level to browse, but if it is a student, the talent can be recognized, and the contract immortal book projection.

So that it has good power.

I guess I started a new system.

Immortal Book Messenger.

Therefore, for the students, this makes them cherish knowledge and keep records, filling this library, adhering to Su Bai's teachings, the so-called books have the power to change the world!

As a carrier of knowledge, books are very important.

It is absolutely not because of the emergence of a more convenient Heavenly Dao terminal that the role of books is ignored.

"Oh yes, I remember that Meru's side was because of the Void Terminal before, they didn't use books, the library was more of a collection, more like a museum. "

"Or when you go to the exam, go and read it. "

"The book culture is more prosperous, but it is still our Liyue side, which may be the difference in concept." "

"And books are things that have power, and they can constantly change with the immortal path, which is worthy of us. "

Some of Meru's faces turned dark.

How does it feel like we're being said again?

And connotation of us!

And this large-scale ring match is still continuing, it can be described as more and more sensational, all kinds of wonderful players, all of them are down, and before there was the appearance of the fire dragon of Liyue, which also caused a uproar at that time.

Playing again, it's even more popular.

"Come, General, it's yours. "

Su Bai handed a delicious snack he had taken from the snack stall to the general. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

She didn't hesitate and took it directly.

And said thank you.

Looking at the shadow in the pure land, his face twitched again.

Just me off!

Obviously you didn't eat much before!

In the past, she accompanied Su Bai everywhere and was responsible for tasting food, obviously she thundered the movie.


At this time, they were here in a small town, a few days had passed since the previous ring competition, when the general and the shadow sighed, you are engaged in a large event, so many wonderful battle matches and various special players.

Contains a series of fantastic creatures, novel alchemical weapons, and ways to fight.

It also detonated the countries, even those who did not participate, and the same was shaken by the discussion.

Liyue once again shows the gold content of the world.

Su Bai smiled and didn't care, saying how many times it had detonated, not worse this time, just get used to it.

And in the competition, even Ying ran to participate.

Su Bai, who was watching, shook his head.

You guy, holding the god-made weapon [Nanming Fire Sword], is going to bully people.

Never mind.

Just be happy.

Anyway, in this competition, although a series of immortals did not end, but the immortals have a lot of combat power, it can be said that the battle is quite fierce and interesting, which makes countless Liyue people and spectators from other countries.

They were shocked and immersed.

Can't extricate yourself.

The former can better feel that their own country is more and more full of the atmosphere of immortal and martial arts.

The latter silently swallowed his saliva.

Liyue, really a master like a cloud.

Scary to death.

Therefore, the popularity of this competition, the impact of which may last for a long time, has been talked about for everyone.

Like what restaurants, Mond bars, and other countries, it is estimated that these topics are all these topics.

And this Liyue event is really big.

Because not only the large-scale event of the ring competition, but also a series of various celebrations and fun activities unfolded, and it was a lively mess everywhere.

This is much more exaggerated than the festival of the Sea Lanterns.

However, this year, the Hai Lantern Festival will become more grand.

And now.

Su Bai and the general came to [Mingyun Town], this place is located near the foot of Longji Snow Mountain, above is the salt in the ground, below is Yaoguangtan, in the direction of Liyue.

It is the Wangshu Inn and Guiyuan.

Isn't it familiar?

Before Zhiqiong, he was from here.

Mingyun used to produce a lot of ore, but it was later depleted, and those mines were scrapped.


Today, in search of new ways to develop, it has become a tourist and snack town.

And because of the prosperity of the city of return.

It also rubbed a lot of benefits here, a lot of traffic came here, and many people wanted to go to the snow mountains to adventure, so [Mingyun Town] specially added a series of cold-resistant equipment sales stores.

Youra has also come many times, and has also completed Su Bai's commission here.

And Eura itself has not been to the snow mountain for a long time, starting from Su Bai providing Hermes flying boots, with that thing, although it is impossible to fly on the snow mountain, but patrol and the like.

It doesn't have to be that she goes often.

It is also not convenient to soak in the bath.

Instead, Su Bai invited her later, or did she go to his house to take a bath?

You were angry to death, her face was red, and she couldn't wait to hack Su Bai, a bastard.

What do you mean?!!

Invite girls to your house for a bath?

Don't think I don't understand!

In your Liyue's words, what is it, Su Bai's heart, even a pure girl like Amber can see it!


I wrote down this hatred!

The angry Youra ignored Su Bai for several days, and then when she talked to Qin and Lisa, she knew that it was Su Bai's house, there was really an iceberg, and she also went to see it.

Only then did I find that Su Bai's family was ridiculously big.

High-rise buildings and various hidden spaces.

There are beaches, volcanic hot springs, snow mountains and ice lakes.

Is this God?

That's an exaggeration.

Where is your home, it is simply a world, there are mountains and waters, and through the door above, you can go there.

So Eura was stunned.

It seems that he misunderstood Su Bai.

His home was different from what he thought, and he thought that he was bathing by himself, and he was in the hall or something, making it very ambiguous and embarrassing.

But I didn't expect it to be so big, it wouldn't be like that at all.

So after she went to soak a few times, they were very quiet and peaceful, and the experience was very good.

It won't be disturbed at all.

Youra was embarrassed and guilty, and then she was arrogant and attitude towards Su Bai was much better.

Take the initiative to pay attention to him often.

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