I don't know what kind of expression the Empress of Winter would have if she knew everyone's thoughts.

It is estimated that the face will be directly black.

The qi bursts out a wave of ice and snow and winter.

This group of guys!

What are you thinking!

So hearing this, the winter merchant was also silent, and he did not ~ admit it.

But there is no refutation either.

Obviously, he really thought so.

It's just public, and you still have to maintain your own kingdom position.

Everyone smiled and shook their heads.

It's not that you, a Winter Winter, said that the drunk Winter Folk in the restaurant often tells their true thoughts.

Hearing this, Liyue's face was strange.

But also very proud, this is the gold content of Lord Su Bai.

It makes other kingdoms want to send their own goddesses.

Outrageous again. And reasonable.

Don't mention how weird it is.

Once winter was also a land where proud merchants ran amok.

So this little episode passed like this, and there were many Solstice people next to them, but judging from their expressions, it was obvious that you Liyue people were right!

But they did not dare to speak out and participate in this topic.

And the next moment, a huge nebula-colored mirror appeared everywhere in the sky, broadcasting everywhere in the ring.

Even if the terrain here is huge, people from a distance can see it clearly.

Such a movement made the family jump.

No matter what nationality.

They were all shocked.

"This, this is what clearly shows the picture of the ring. "

"It looks like the style of the [Kunlun Mirror Portal], is it the queen of the British Goblin Kingdom who made a move, even this kind of thing can be done, miracle." "

"Sure enough, that one is also a goddess!"

For a while, many people guessed who made these mirrors.

The mysterious Goblin Land Queen Morgan.

Dominate the Seven Elemental Goblins!

Because the Kunlun Mirror Portal that is famous for Tivat was researched by this queen and Lord Su Bai.

It's convenient!

For a little more money, you can teleport to far aways.

I don't know how many people in other countries are dumbfounded.

Moreover, it turns out that Kunlun mirrors can still be used like this?

For the information of this person, everyone does not know much, mainly because the goblins have been in Liyue for a long time, they are very characteristic and styled, and they are very deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

But this queen is still like a fog.

It's just that a few people still know very well that Queen Morgan is actually one of Lord Su Bai's wives.

After all, people directly hugged Su Bai, looking very affectionate and loving.

None of them are disguised.

Besides, looking at the relationship between the Goblin Kingdom and Liyue, you can detect it, right?

The two kingdoms are all family.

Liyue people and goblins are the same.

These goblins who came to Liyue all lived with everyone and perfectly integrated into it.

Go back if you want.

After returning, there was no impact.

However, in addition to marveling and shocking such miracles, everyone also wondered why there was only Meru, Mond, and Inazuma if it was a multinational competition.

What about Goblin Country?

Shouldn't there be them too?

At this time, someone was proud.

"Hehe, you guys don't know, there's a grapevine that the goblins are too strong, it's just a friendly competition, so you don't need to participate. "

"??? the same as those masters in our Liyue, but aren't ordinary goblins okay? "

"Ordinary goblins are also very strong, and as soon as they are added, people from other countries will have to be green, so let it be." "

However, everyone scratched their heads in confusion.

Not very convinced.

What a joke.

Could it be that the goblin boss I often go to buy wine, that is, the soft and weak wind goblin sister, can actually hit me ten with one punch?

And then beg me not to die?

No way.

When pigs fly!

Obviously, everyone is an ordinary Liyue person and an ordinary goblin.

It shouldn't be!

Just like those civilian hunters in Mond, they are all orcs, and they are actually not strong.

There is no gap with the Mond humans.

But it's a big mystery and too puzzling.

Anyway, when they were talking about it, the first audition in the ring had begun, which made many people continue to cheer.

"It's so lively, I saw Inazuma's samurai, Meru's various gilded brigades, hey, that young lady looks pretty good, and there are quite a few Zephyr knights of Mond. "

"Did even the official knights of Mond participate?"

"What's so strange about this, Mond likes to drink and bask in the sun, they have different personalities, and the knights who are suitable to participate are right?"

After all, it's not like them Liyue, and they are experts everywhere.

It is likely that some master has lived in seclusion somewhere.

For example, the old man who laughs and makes tea is the legendary immortal or something.

Just kidding, of course.

But the meaning is true, this is the heritage of their Liyue country.

"Look what you said, maybe there are some bards in Mond who are the strongest in battle?"

"The strongest hidden in secret. "

"Let's not talk about this, when it comes to the West Wind Knights, their slogan is [Listen to the wind and listen to the wind], while our Liyue is [Thousand Rocks Firm, Heavy and Unwavering], and Inazuma is [Constant Way Magnificent, Narugami Eternal]. "

"A question that has puzzled me for a long time has come, what is Meru?"

In an instant, everyone here was stunned.

They wanted to blurt out at first.

But think about it, hey?

That's right.

What is Meru's slogan?

So after a while, people here shake their heads.

"No, I haven't heard of it. "

Some of the Meru present turned dark.

It's a shame.


Don't talk about this kind of topic, okay?

After bullying the winter people, they began to bully us.

Obviously, our Meru and your Liyue are quite close friends, okay! (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!)

And at the top.

Su Bai here.

At this time, Nasida looked at everyone happily.

"Hello, Jean, General, I have always wanted to meet the gods of other countries, but I did not expect to have the opportunity to see you this time, Nasida is very happy. "

This made Jean stunned, a little embarrassed.

"That, Lord Little Auspicious Grass King, I'm just an acting group leader, Lord Fengshen he didn't come. "

After all, Jean felt quite embarrassed.

She was a mortal present.

Su Bai is also a rock god.

Here are three veritable gods!

Then add her an ordinary human, the kind with a bit of wind elemental power.

When Jean sits here, she is actually very uncomfortable.

But Su Bai said that it was okay, you can sit.

Nasida also blinked her small eyes and smiled knowingly.

"Captain Qin, I'm not wrong, you are the future god. At that time, you will definitely become a new god. "

"Then in the future, it will be no problem for you to become a second-generation wind god. "

The bard, who likes to drink, must also be happy and agree that times have changed and that new future developments. "

After all.

Qin, you are Su Bai's lover.

Even if Nasida didn't say this, Qin turned red and understood.

Me, me.

Instead, the general nodded at them.

"In this scene, I'll let the shadow come out. "

Kageto's face twitched.

You are a general.

Good things are eaten by you.

Now I think of me.

Soon, the shadow was online, this piano was shocked, the God of Thunder, there were actually two?

Nasida said softly.

"Hello Sister Ying, it's nice to meet you, so that I know one more god, it's good. "

"And can you please pass my words to the general, in fact, I feel that the general's sister is also a god with a good personality, although it is a little cold, but it is fine." "

"Su Bai also told me before that the general is a good goddess and silently bears everything. "

The general in the Pure Land was stunned.

This Nasida is very good at talking.

Moreover, did Su Bai still praise her in front of other gods.

This guy really is.

Do something that doesn't make sense.

The general hugged his chest in the pure land and was speechless.

As for what she thought in her heart.

This is unknown.

Anyway, she is not so hard-mouthed on the surface.

Su Bai tasted it.

It's actually very soft.

And then they also set their sights below, this time the participation is very luxurious, the number of people is large, affecting many countries, not only here, but actually there are Nata, Solstice and so on.

So the scale is very large!

And the rewards are also very good, you can get good things when you reach a certain rank.

Everyone sighed.

It is worthy of the rich Liyue!

It's rich!

Coupled with the water mirror with Morgan broadcasting from various perspectives, everyone can watch wherever they want, and the number of rings is very large.

After that, you can also pass through the Tiandao terminal and the Liyue card.

Watch the replay.

Don't worry about missing out.

So it's very lively.

One of the first to bear the brunt of the ring was a normal patrolling Thousand Rock Army, which started with the classic Golden Rock Flying Sword, summoned a lot of sword light, and attacked the enemy.

However, even though the Liyue flying sword is a household name, it still arouses the amazement of many people.

On the other side is the Liyue Qianyan Army with a shield alchemy prop, and the two are inseparable.

And don't worry about this friendly match, everyone received a special rock shield generator, once it reaches a serious danger, it will open the shield and automatically teleport off the ring.

And the reason why this competition is luxurious and full of various attractions makes everyone excited.

It is because the contestants on Liyue's side have appeared a lot of wonderful people and things.

For example, there is an area that has surprised many people.

"Oh my God, look, what's that?"

"How can there be such a big rock crystal butterfly? I'm not mistaken?"

I understand the truth, but why is the crystal butterfly so big?"

On ring 0802.

At this time, in front of a Thousand Rock Army, there was a huge rock crystal butterfly, exuding rich rock element energy, and he also gave the order.

"Go, use the Rock Whirlwind!".

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