He will continue to improve and guide Beibeilon to absorb, as long as it absorbs this wave, it can be smoothly promoted to the last law level.

Finally, it's not too dish.


"Becoming the last law level is actually like this, the important thing is that if Beibeiron can get this characteristic of Qianyou, it will be very considerable, perhaps, the last law level is not ~ the upper limit." "

"It can continue to get stronger. "

Kiana was also thoughtful.

"Yes, like the Kos Demon in the Thirteen Yingji of Chasing Fire, that Vishnu gene also has infinite growth, and the potential of the last law level is very good. -"

"With this kind of growth. "

"Yet. "

If it can really be done, and Beberon gets this ability, won't it also become - as big as Chi Yu in the future?


Can't even fly, right?

Su Bai shook his head.

"No, the evolution of living things is based on their own characteristics and habits, and at most they will become larger dragons, and they will not be able to become Chiyu. "

"It's getting stronger on its own. "

Still able to fly.

"If you're really worried about it getting too big, let it master the way to get bigger and smaller, mythically, sometimes it's a basic ability." "

Big and small.

In the immortal art on Liyue's side, there are also many changes in body shape.

So for Su Bai, what is this.

You directly combine the characteristics of Liyue and Honkai to create a brand new Honkai dragon.

This is something that no previous civilization could do.

The only lawyer accompanies the beast, fighting side by side.

This point is enough to get stuck at the beginning.

"So Kiana, if you think about it, a long list of Honkai Beast levels, in fact, is just like that, and it is a bell and whistle. "

"But if you can continue to devour, can you cultivate a Collapse Beast that far surpasses the past?"

"Beyond the last law, continue to become stronger, and even transform into a level like Honkai II, and act as a star Avalanche Beast, in that case, you will become a veritable Star-Devouring Dragon. "

"Walking Star Collapse Beast?"

Kiana was taken aback, sounding very impressive.

Especially this ability to eat soil, you only need to find that kind of barren, lifeless, and about to destroy the world bubble, and there is no problem in eating those everywhere.

It's very feasible!

But after a moment, her face was still dark.

"I'm not really stupid, I'm drawing bread, right? "

It's that simple.

The last law level and the star rating look like one after the other.

In fact, the gap is very large!

You can divide a bunch of levels.

And speaking of this infinite growth, don't talk about Kosmo, even Sister Goose has it, Teresa can also be counted, and then what will they grow up like later?

It's not too exaggerated.

Infinite growth sounds scary, and if you keep increasing by, 100,000 years have passed.

But it's also really growing.

The latter can be said to have no time, the front one.

Even the Fuhua squad leader has grown for 50,000 years.

One by one, they still can't get by.

The one who should be stuck is also stuck.

So the time and possibility it takes for Bebelon to grow to the Star Collapse Beast, just thinking of this, Kiana quickly shook her head, it was too long, too terrible!

Su Bai couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, I'm not going to tease you, it's really possible. "

"If you think about it, the last law level Collapse Beast of the previous civilization is more obvious through experiments, such as Kevin's, to carry out the Chimera Plan, and constantly fuse hundreds of Collapse Beast factors. "

Pay attention to one, carry out massive devouring and absorption.

Finally, it was fused together to become a new Avalanche Beast Factor, which is [Brahma].

As for the real Honkai Beast Brahma, it had not appeared outside.

Vishnu, the broken beast, let it continue to develop, but it should be able to appear at the end of the law.

This thing is also a devouring growth.

It's wonderful.

These are the main ones to eat in death and merge into death.

"Then isn't your bebelon also very clear route, referring to this way, constantly devouring other Avalanche Beasts and land, thereby increasing your own strength, among which devouring Avalanche Beasts can also speed up the progress. "

"It's a dragon at the beginning, evolution depends on swallowing, well, it's too smelly of mountains and seas." "

You can swallow the corpse of the original world.

There should be no activation factor after dying for too long.

Just a dry ration.

But eating it should also add some benefits, anyway, Kiana has already robbed the world snake once, so go again.

After all, that was what appeared in Shenzhou.

World Snake: ...


O bandits!

Where is there such a robbery.

Came again and again.

Don't we want face?

When our boss returns, sooner or later we will find you to settle the score!"

"Then keep devouring, and in the end, you can even give it a brand new name, Candle Dragon, Ying Long, and Star Collapse Beast." "

"Look, it's a lot of Shenzhou style. "

There are always a bunch of Hindu mythological names, and occasionally come to Shenzhou and Liyue Wind.

After all, those two names are not bad.

Candle dragon, when you open your eyes it is day, and when you close your eyes, it is night.

Ying Long even has a creation myth. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Enough to use.

Kiana gave him a cute look.

"Well, I'm really moved by what you said, if I come up with such a star collapse beast in the future, it will also be very windy." "

"But make sure you're safe." "

"Oh, don't you even trust me as Su Bai?"

"I believe! I believe!"

Kiana didn't say it angrily, don't use this strange tone, I just said it casually.

How could it not believe you.

"Uh-huh. "

Su Bai's tone was pleasant, perhaps he was teasing the white-haired dango, which was indeed very interesting.

"And I also know that you care a lot about Bebebelon, to be precise, it is indeed your dragon, and you are a new continuation, both Kiana and female Subai." "

"Bebelon also died for a while, and after you became the Void Law, you were awakened again as a brand new dragon. "

As Kiana's companion beast.

The only wish left is that Kiana can be happy.

Perhaps, this is the deviation of the world.

And experimenting with this kind of thing is a long-term and after a series of observations, even the pre-civilization is not a handful, so every once in a while, Kiana brings the dragon to let him study it.

See if there are any bad effects.

Corrective and refined.

Advance towards the apex of the true Honkai Beast, and then you will be a veritable Honkai Dragon!

"Uh-huh, I know, it's that Bei Bei is obviously an elegant dragon, and this is going to become a day of eating a big bite of the Honkai beast, and the painting style has become rough." "

Su Bai stood with his hands in his hands, shook his head with a smile.

Isn't it okay to directly convert it into energy absorption?"

"You can't always say that in the original book, Kevin eats Chiu, just holding one of its thighs, and keeps gnawing and gnawing, just like eating pig's trotters. "

This is even more outrageous than Kevin's noodle scene.

What a curious picture.

It's so weird.

There is no need for this way at all, just swallow it with force.

Kiana also smiled.

"Indeed, that's too weird, so it seems that I'll be busy in the future, hey, get to run around, take Bebelon to devour all kinds of different kinds of Honkai beasts, and land or something." "

"Hell, obviously I have a leisurely life, how come I ran into you and Liyue, and I was busy again. "


Kiana wanted to cry without tears.

If you want to roll, is it bad to roll the Valkyries of Heaven's Destiny?

Huh wait!

You can let Bei Bei go with the Valkyries in the future, you don't need to go with yourself every time, and you can also go to the Valkyries in batches.

It's also a grind.

I'm doing this for their own good!

After all, she is the law of emptiness, so just observe and select a batch of useless world bubbles and send them over.

So you can play with them again.


She Kiana is simply a genius!

Valkyrie: ...

There's a guy who is a dog, and we don't say who she is.

Kiana then silently looked at Beberon and sighed.

"Star Collapse Beast, this idea is really good, envy, in order to become stronger, but I suffered a lot, and was trained hard by Su Bai for a while. "

"Almost lost my life many times. "

This time it was Su Bai's turn to roll his eyes.

"Come on, you, the upper limit of the lawyer is much stronger than that of the Collapse Beast, and Bei Bei can only be regarded as gathering thousands of Collapse Beasts and swallowing the power of many world bubbles, so that such a case is possible." "

The lawyer is fierce.

The ceiling is high, look at the few in the group.

One by one, they have developed into something.

Momentary strength does not matter.

The important thing is to be able to become stronger, and a high ceiling is willfulness.

Instead, it is a series of experiments such as fusion fighters.

The high mortality rate is terrifying, constantly dying, constantly dying, Fu Hua should have the most experience, it is really a miracle that she can survive.

And the few that are very strong are very fierce in themselves.

Kevin was a lawyer when he was still a human, don't ask, ask is hang.

When Qianji was still an ordinary person, he could fight back and forth with the fusion warrior Sakura, and he could also leave injuries on people's bodies.

Because it's an alien.

The Fire Moth is a lot of fusion warriors.

However, in the plot of Paradise, people say to Bud Yi, in fact, most fusion warriors are also super soldiers.

When you die, it's fast.

If you encounter a fierce one, you will die.

That's what is really strong.

Also hold the key of God.

That's not enough, we have to keep experimenting.

Therefore, the law master has always been full of gold content, and if it is well developed, it can quickly soar its combat power.

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