"When I think of this, my blood is shaking and surging wildly!

"Finally, let me encounter this kind of strong enemy whose fighting spirit is crazy and extremely excited!"

Suppressed for too long!

His sleeping power and the powerful energy that he had not exerted for a long time began to constantly recover and return to their peak state!

Poros, laughing maniacally!

The body is trembling!

That's not the fear of encountering a terrifying opponent!

It's excitement from the heart!


This planet, come to the right place!

Originally, he thought that the one who used gravity was already a strong man who could be his opponent!

Didn't expect that.

Another one pops up!

His body suddenly became excited, and the power fluctuations emitted increased more and more, and even the ground was shattered one after another, turning into a series of rubble that was shaken apart.

Then as a streamer, kill again!

Blowing Snow and Tornado also launched an attack for it, starting this earth-shattering killing battle!

Sisters join forces!

Two rays of blue light and a purple light instantly roared.

Nian power, wind law energy, and alien energy continue to erupt in this battlefield, the sky is shattered, and the sun and moon are without light!

The earth continues to smash one after another!

Can't withstand their power at all!

At every turn, it is a large piece of shattering, a large piece, full of rubble and impact, and soon it will be full of holes, shocking!

And the tornado is still cracking the earth, smashing a series of boulders over!

At the same time, a series of new moves are unleashed!

Used in this tough enemy battle!

There is constantly energy being annihilated.

Even soon.

The earth was no longer a battlefield that limited them, and the streamers rushed into the sky like lightning, and began a more massive battle!

In this battle, the cyan streamer transformed by 773 Blowing Snow is even stronger!

The tornado matched her rhythm.

Their flight can sweep over the vast land in a moment, causing a terrible wave of air and roar in the air everywhere, and a strong storm covers the sky.

Even some S-class heroes on the ground were stunned at this time.

Look up at the sky.

I saw streamers colliding together, and the terrifying explosions and impacts shook their hearts every time!


Especially the energy storm set off, there was that Yu Wei from far away, almost swept everyone into the air screaming, and frightened everyone into a cold sweat.

Constantly avoid being affected.

It's not just that.

The energy fluctuations in the air alone are already very frightening, and sometimes the falling attack can instantly evaporate a large area of the ground.

Large pits appear.

When a meteor shower-like attack was fired above, a little fall to the ground was simply a wild bombardment, easily creating one black giant hole after another, the fire burst into the sky, and the earth continued to shake.

Looking at the bottomless huge abyss in the distance, everyone was terrified, and their eyes showed fear and fear.

This attack.

Once it falls on them, everyone will go straight away, right?

Fortunately, there was still Blowing Snow who helped with an extra hand, using the power of the ideal fluid to protect this place, otherwise the traces of destruction here would only be greater, which made them feel grateful.

"It's worthy of blowing snow, the second in the S-class, you can fight the enemy like this! "

I haven't seen her like this before, it seems that she is really showing her strength now?"

"But the overlord of the universe is also terrifying, and the energy that rages out, even if it is so far away, still makes my skin tingle, and my brain is crazy to alarm if I go up." "

I'm afraid I won't be able to hold out a few times.

You'll be killed, right?


It may even be killed in a single move.

Is this the enemy from the universe?

It's much stronger than a dragon-level weirdo!

Let each of them constantly wipe their sweat and watch such a scene in horror.

After all, dragon-level words.

The three top-level combatants just now were all dragon-level.

The result?

Can it be compared with this.

The strength is no longer a grade at all, and it is natural to kill those three in one move.

So look at it this way.

How good can these heroes be!

The same trash fish.

I'm afraid, vulnerable.

After all, S-class heroes are the apex of heroes, and the level of coping disasters is from ghosts to dragons.

Strength is different, quality is different.

Sometimes it makes a big difference.

Therefore, for such a battle, they were shocked, especially when they saw that the tornado, they all continued to fall into the downwind in such a battle, and it was even more impactful.

Tornado is crazy, but many people know that she is fierce.

As for the fact that they are obviously two cyan streamers, how did they recognize them?

Very simple.

One of them will be repulsed far away at every turn, and then launch a stronger attack from behind, and the other will always be fierce and has not been repulsed at all, and has never fallen into decline.

The dazzling Blue Streamer, the ruler of the sky, the one who caused the endless storm!

That's no doubt about it.

It must be blowing snow!

And here in the battlefield in the air, the tornado once burst and gritted his teeth.


This pineapple is so strong!

If it weren't for her sister condensing an ideal fluid retreat god costume for herself, I'm afraid she would have withdrawn long ago.

This kind of charge and speed like a shooting star, setting off atmospheric storms, causing the energy attacks that are surging around are indeed the same as Blowing Snow said, it can be called a strong enemy in all aspects!

Very restrained tornado this kind of thing.

Because the other party is easy to resist the power and attack of the thought, and directly kill in front of him.

In general.

Tornado's Nian Power Three-dimensional Defense is still possible.

But that's not good.

And the tornado found that it was difficult to fight this guy, and a series of attacks were blocked or shattered, and even the (chbd) meteorite summoned from space was blasted away.

Many killing moves have been cracked.

Instead, she was blasted out at every turn, which surprised this Boros.

"Your strength is indeed much stronger than that of Goliugan Shupu, the first power master of the universe. "

"But it shouldn't take so many blows in quick succession. "

"So that's the case, is that armor?"

Tornado annoyed.

It's just that now the battle has reached a fever pitch.

Tornado found that this guy had entered a new stance, and he had greatly exploded and improved in both speed and strength.

And Blowing Snow also entered the retreating wind law posture itself, and fought with it in the posture of a lawyer!

The two fought exaggerated at a speed that exceeded the limits of living things, and a blue light and a purple light instantly shuttled through the sky.

Various explosions sounded continuously.

Because the speed is too fast, it has already been connected from the streamer to the line.

Two lines.

You can imagine how amazing their speed is. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

And the tornado will also feel that in an instant she has suffered many blows, was constantly punched crazy, and blatantly knocked her to the ground, smashing many mountains and rocks in a row.

This thing, how is it still the same as something.

There are several gestures?

At the beginning, there was a broken armor, and then it became stronger and stronger, turning into that kind of energy liberation posture, and the recovery ability was amazing, in the case of working with blowing snow.

She also caused quite a few injuries to Poros.

But even if it is a fatal injury, this Poros can easily recover.

This ability to recover, Tornado said that it is indeed ashamed of itself.

Alien creatures are really perverted.

In exchange for her, this kind of injury has long been seriously injured or the combat power has plummeted, or even dying, and as a result, this alien is the same as nothing, and the next moment can fight in full glory!

Strange and outrageous.

In terms of resilience, most of the heroes in the Hero Association are very poor.

It's all human after all.

So after Poros moved on to the next gesture.

Tornado felt like he couldn't keep up, couldn't do it.

Even the ideal fluid retreat god suit was attacked and impacted one after another, causing it to fly far away.

On the contrary, after he left the battle, Tornado found that his sister suddenly became much stronger.

Poros, who began to fight off the new posture at every turn, once had a clear upper hand, which made Tornado's face turn dark and twitch.

What do you mean.

I, dragged you down.

And in the battle between Blowing Snow and Boros, she finally didn't have to worry about her sister's long-range and a series of thought power, and directly made her fist linger with the power of the ideal fluid, and exploded!

She can fight both far and close.

The same all-round warrior of the hexagon!

The combination of the ability of wind law and a series of abilities is so convenient!

Poros also let out a roar that resounded in the sky in successive battles, staring at the blowing snow.

"Impossible, how can you be so strong?"

"Obviously, I have continuously turned the energy in my body into motivation, showing this form like a meteor explosion, even if it will cause me a huge burden. "

"But can you still keep up and be stronger than me?"

This is one of his trump cards!

A killer among killer apps.

In general, you don't need to use tricks at all!

As a result, this guy turned out to be so incredible, and after entering a one-on-one duel with himself, he was extremely powerful all of a sudden, and her wind attack was really too lethal.

You can easily split yourself at once.

It's the same as cutting something.

This edge, he Poros scalp numb.

And in that kind of large-scale coverage, it was directly a terrifying attack, which suddenly beat him into a blood mist.

What a weird wind.

All emerge in their own gestures.

But what never changed was the attack and destructive power that made him difficult to resist!

Why is it so fierce?

Poros suddenly discovered his direction and shortcomings, completely different from the strong man on the other side, the posture defense on the person was amazing, and there was still this kind of incomprehensible armor.

And he is pursuing adaptability and continuous regeneration.

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