And here in the spaceship.

The terrible cyan hurricane roared here, constantly dismantling and bombarding the battleship, tearing it to pieces and getting it everywhere.

Blowing snow just walks slowly.

The power emanating from the body automatically twists and shattered everywhere around.

She wasn't inside.

Just standing outside.

However, the part of the spaceship on this side had been torn apart by her, but at this time, another figure fell in the sky.

"Blowing snow, I'll help you. "


Seeing the tornado appear here, Blowing Snow was taken aback.

"Sister, what are you doing, aren't you going to deal with the highest combatant? "

That octopus and five heads combined together.

The other S-class heroes are afraid that they will be deflated.

As for [Goliugan Sup], known as the first user of the universe, who is stronger and weaker than the tornado.

This kind of boring question, blowing snow does not bother to care.

It must be a tornado.

Not to mention that I have lived with her for so long, I still have a lot in my heart.

Even if it is said in a past life.

When interviewing the author, the other party asked him if the three highest level combatants combined could fight the weirdo king big snake.

The answer given by people is a small probability.

Tactics are needed.

And the tornado can win the advancement of the big snake, race the big snake.

Does this need to be said too much?

You can already know what the so-called first thought of the universe power user is, how much water there is.

The tornado rushed up and could be directly seconds for him.

What universe is not cosmic, bragging who will not ah.

Younger brother octopus.

But this wave, the tornado came over, and Blowing Snow's face twitched.

Obviously I said it before.

Poros leave it to me!

Let you see your sister's real highlight strength!

And the tornado stands proudly with its chest in its arms and floats here.

Hmph, don't overdo it.

"If you can't even beat the trash fish, they better not waste time here, what is the difference with waste!"

"On the contrary, you, look down on me too much!"

"When did I get reduced to a tornado that can only eat ashes behind my back? "

"Not to mention that there were times when we fought side by side before, but now again, sisters are together!"

She believed that the two of them had joined forces.

And what about the overlord of the universe?

Obviously Blowing Snow is not afraid, how can she retreat!

Blowing snow can't cry or laugh.

"Sister, if Poros says, you can't beat him. And in a sense, people are very restrained from you. "

"You are not like me, your physical strength is strong, martial arts melee combat is superb, and there are various protective means, your characteristics are more manifested in superpowers, and the advantage is Nian power. "

"It's a disadvantage to fight with a guy who is very good at speed, strength, energy, destruction, and physique. "

This really made Tornado unhappy.


Why did you start selling yourself and boasting?

But in front of you is blowing snow, which is different from others.

It's a sister who has been getting along for so many years.

Tornado's attitude is naturally different.

So she spoke out in amazement and surprise.

"What kind of hegemon, is it really so strong? "

"Really, don't lie to you. "

Tornado's face changed and changed.

It seems that he wants to say something, but he still wants to say something.

Straight to the end.

She sighed.

"Well, my sister has grown up, and my sister is useless. It's starting to can't help you. "

Since it is blowing snow, then she naturally understands her strength.

But I still chose to say so.

It is enough to show that he is indeed inferior to the other party.

Let's be honest.

Tornado was annoyed in his heart.

She is a person with a lot of self-esteem, and it can even be said that her self-esteem is higher than the sky, but she will not be angry with her sister or something because of this.

Change to someone else, she has long been furious.

The more you say this, the more I have to go to that cosmic overlord.

Beat each other hard!

See how many green onions he has!

Dare to pretend like that!

But for the blowing snow, she could only sigh pitifully.

This made Chuixue laugh directly and hugged her to comfort her.

"Okay, okay, sister, this is not like you, could it be that you have been abused by me too many times, and your temper has changed a lot?"

"Bastard, you still have the face to say !!"

"Ahem, then I won't say it, in that case, let's go together." "


Tornado's eyes widened.

Then she saw Blowing Snow stretching out her hand and pressing on her body, accompanied by the flow of cyan strange wind, a set of wind rhythmic and majestic cyan armor gradually rapid shape.

It looks exquisite and extraordinary.

Filled with a powerful aura.

It was worn on the body of the tornado.

"This is another ability I have developed, [Ideal Fluid Feather Divine Suit]. "

"Being able to last for a while, so as to protect you, anyway, it is not a big problem to finish this battle." "

"With this as a defense, your security can be greatly improved. Who made you a crispy skin. "

"! I'm not brittle!"

Tornado is not angry.

Obviously she can also make shields, right?

Underestimate my power shield?

However, the corners of her mouth turned up in joy.

"But since your sister got it, I'll put it on reluctantly." We can join forces now!"

Blowing snow laughs.

What a dead tsundere.

I gave you this protection because I was afraid that you would suddenly be gone, sister.

She has been a wind law for so long, and the power of ideal fluids has been developed and studied, and the so-called ideal fluids can be divided into two categories.

Ultimate attack, and ultimate defense.

And now.

The ability to blow snow is the latter.

And does [Ideal Fluid Feather Godsuit] sound familiar?

The wind law Wendy in Honkai II has a posture, that is, the posture of retiring feathers.

So Blowing Snow just used this name by the way.

As her ability to discipline. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

It's different from the other side.

And the reason why the word god costume is added is also to combine the characteristics of Tivat's side, the god costume!

The lawyer of the three broken three will not shout any god at every turn.

God costume is the saying of the original god side.

The key of God is Collapsed Three.

After putting a layer of wind law armor on the tornado, the two of them ravaged here together, and the ground was full of the corpses of combatants, which was completely a crushing battle!

But it took half a day to dismantle.

Tornado wondered.

"Blowing snow, then what pineapple died?"

Why haven't I seen anyone all the time?

"Ahem, that. "

"I sensed that he had just gone to the other side. "

Tornado: ???


Leave our two supreme combat power alone, this dead thing ran to deal with the others?

Did I make a mistake?

Before that.

The other side of the battlefield.

There was a fierce battle here, and a large number of alien combatants also fell to the ground.

But the amazing scene is.

S-class heroes, there are also many who have been knocked to the ground.

Among them are not only vest Venerables, sexy prisoners, but even atomic samurai.........

He suffered no minor injuries.


"Damn, it was a sneak attack. "

"Ha, stupid!"

Octopus Goliu Gan Shupu was at the side of the five-headed Meruza Galuda at this time, and the two top combatants joined forces, and the conjecture before blowing the snow still happened.

The main thing.

The octopus took the initiative to find this companion.

But whenever Chuixue knew, she had to be despised.

Octopus afraid of death.

As a result, this side was still fighting, and it rushed over to open it directly, sending out a move of flowing stone waves.

Why does he enjoy working with this teammate so much?

The main thing is that the guy Meruza Galudo has a strong regeneration ability and can even fight with him.

The original battle is like that.

This alien, with five heads, orders the battleship to open fire.

Even he bombarded with the enemy.

So being able to penetrate the warship's Nian Movement Flowing Stone Wave, kill it, and frighten these heroes quickly defend, where does a long-range enemy appear?

Caught off guard!

Immediately, the carnal hero suffered a big loss.

Atomic samurai can also slash with a knife.

It is still useful to be good at swinging countless slashes.

As a result, Meruza Galudo also killed, plus the octopus's second move also hit.

It's gravity.

All of a sudden, they were affected and flew out.

Octopus Goliugan Shop was proud.

"My mental power can even be created by gravity, this is exactly my power as the first power master of the universe!"

"I didn't expect it!"

A few heroic teeth itch, this miscellaneous!

Anyone who knows the specifics of the two of you.

None of it will be like this.

Isn't it relying on your companions to carry us, and you suddenly came out to make a move that we didn't expect, to deceive, to sneak attack?

And this gravity.


The black-haired woman I met before was gravity.

How come another one now.

This ability can also be connected?

"It's a pity that Gloribas guy doesn't know where to go. "

"Otherwise, our three top-level combatants would be together!"

What the octopus doesn't know is that Gloribas is fighting King and Bungu.

And soon to die.

"But it doesn't matter, the so-called gravity is such a good force, my partner Meruza Galudo has amazing power and 5.1 destructive power, even if you can handle it." "

"Just add me to the side of gravity, but if you are affected, you will have to be seriously injured, missing arms and broken legs." "

"Fragile life. "

A melee meat shield, and high output.

A remote reading power + force.

This pairing is still interesting.

"Goodbye to the natives of the planet, my gravity is invincible, I guess you don't know, the terrible existence of black holes, that gravity is even more terrifying." "

"We have seen it once before, and I have survived death, and I have a stronger understanding because of this!"

Gravity has been further strengthened.


He was dying of laughter!


He had encountered that black hole before.

Being frightened to the point of pale and screaming bitterly.

I won't say it!


Heroes: ...

Is the black hole you encountered the one we thought?

And just when the octopus intends to continue to exercise gravity and play range.

A female voice sounded here.

"I don't know, I thought you could make a black hole, octopus." "

"The tone is very big, the first thought power of the universe?"

"Let me see how far the gravity of your mental power will be. "。

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