As a result, the third time, the fourth time, this prophet was numb, what was the situation?

Why is this!

I am 100% accurate in my foreknowledge!

It made her doubt life.

And also let the hero association say, don't make trouble.

Normal foreknowledge, isn't it good?

As long as you don't say what the world is dying about, it's okay.

But recently, the pressure and sense of crisis have become more and more intense, which led her to warn the Hero Society to be vigilant, and I was afraid that terrible big trouble was coming.

The Heroes Guild doesn't believe it at all!

Great Prophet Sheba Bava: ...

She's going to be!

Trust me!

Is there still a little cooperation between everyone?

Wasn't it good before?!

The old man fell into despair.

On the contrary, it was her appearance that was about to hang up, which caused the hero association to panic, hoping to save her.

Those prophecies in the past helped the Hero Guild reduce a lot of losses for a while.

Able to assemble heroes in advance.

And thus carry out the action.

Dragon Scroll heard about this and recalled that his sister had a lot of magical potions that could easily heal injuries and heal his body.

Make people healthy or something, sprinkle water.

Why is she so clear?

When I think of this, Tornado is very unhappy.

Stinky sister!

Since Blowing Snow exposed its true power, gradually, the tornado has been beaten violently from falling into the downwind, so you know why Blowing Snow took out the potion, right?

27 Because tornadoes are sometimes injured.

Discussions are inevitable.

Tornado: Holding back.

I didn't expect that she would be rubbed on the ground by her own blowing snow.

What the hell is going on with this guy, how can he be so powerful?

It is clear that the previous strength is very weak, and the superpower is far from being comparable to her, so it is in the first position of the B class.

Now, Blowing Snow has grown up and even she can't understand it.


So this time she thought and asked her sister if she had a similar medicine.

Hearing this, Chuixue was surprised.

looked at Su Bai.

"Great crisis? Poros?"

"Strange, Su Bai, you used to say that you used a special method, so let me not think about this matter, or wait until I grow to a certain strength, is it now?"

"Hmm. "

Su Bai nodded.

"That's right, in fact, I came to your side of the world this time, by the way, considering the spatial power released before, it should be almost the same. "



In the old times.

Su Bai used the power of space power to transform the spatial position and coordinates outside the planet on the side of Blowing Snow.


That battleship can't come to Earth at all, and will be directly affected by space power.

Teleport to other places.

This wave is a blow to technology by power.

Their spacecraft had no choice, and they didn't even realize anything at first.

Technology touches the god side, that's it.

It's like the godkiller world.

They can be directly immune to the creation of science and technology at every turn, especially the mythical gods, even if they are creatures, and any attack hitting them will return to nothing.

You have to enchant.

Otherwise, you won't even be able to move a Warcraft.

So technology is easy to take this no way, unreasonable, power is even more so, the technology of that spaceship is completely unbreakable, trapped there.

All combatants of a ship: ...

We're not coming to Earth, can't we?

Let us go!

This broken place is poisonous!

I was in tears.

Ravaging the universe, they would be in such a strange place, and they couldn't get out.

As for why this prophet can predict every time that the enemy is coming and gone?

That was naturally because of Su Bai's operation.

It is a force that does not exist in this life.

She couldn't feel it.

Every time the spaceship flew over, she could predict it and was scared to death.

As a result, after coming here, he was teleported away again.


Isn't the crisis over?

This caused her repeated prophecy to be so embarrassing.

However, this was made by Su Bai in the early days.


By now, either reinforce it or come and deal with it.


Isn't he coming?

"So, are you surprised, I didn't want you this time, so I came over." "

"Look. Occasionally I'm quite serious. "

Blowing Snow complained.

"I wish you me, or it sounds like I'm unattractive." "

"Good, good, good. "

Su Bai laughed.

Whispered in her ear.

"I'm especially hungry for you who don't wear clothes, the kind with black silk, okay." "

Blowing Snow whimpered in shame.

You don't say any more.

So shy!

Last time I didn't slow down for half a day.

Su Bai smiled and said nothing, the girl cares about what is really strange.

The first thing she worries about is her charm.

So Blowing Snow changed back to his original clothes and redressed, as for the set just now, of course, it was only for Su Bai to see.

That's the channel on the night.

Then Su Bai directly opened the space and teleported to the place where the Great Prophet Hiba Bawa was.

Their sudden visit startled the guards there.

"Who is it?"

"Don't come close, how the hell did you show up?!!?"

Just when the guards drank in horror, Blowing Snow took off their eyes, which made the effect disappear, and the guards here suddenly realized and respected.

"It turned out to be you, Miss Blowing Snow, I'm sorry. "

They all breathed a sigh of relief and put their weapons back.

What kind of disguise is this?

Incredible. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

I didn't feel it at all before.

Obviously, just wearing a pair of glasses, there should be no difference from the original appearance.

It feels really bizarre.

However, if the snow blows and puts it on again, they will not recognize it.

As for these people, they are personal personnel specially sent by the Hero Society to protect this prophet, and this has been the case since a long time ago.

Blowing snow also met the prophet.

Ms. Hiba Bawa.

She lay on the bed like an old woman as thin as dead wood, with white hair, a large green bead necklace around her neck, and a crystal ball on the table not far away.

It's exactly the posture of an old witch.

As a result, after blowing snow and pouring her potion, the old woman immediately opened her eyes and jumped up alive.

The guards were shocked.

Because from their point of view, Ms. Hiba Bawa, who originally did not look very angry, suddenly turned rosy, and her skinny body seemed to be much tougher.

Just drank a little potion?

What the hell is that?!

How can it have such an amazing effect?

It is worthy of being an S-class hero of the association.

As soon as it is shot, Fang knows whether there is one.

After Ms. Hibabawa recovered, she immediately made a panicked look in her eyes and pulled the blowing snow.

"Blowing snow, it's not good, a terrible disaster is coming, obviously my feelings before are not so exaggerated, why is this time a big disaster." "

"I'm sure it's really coming this time. "

"I also know that you don't believe me, but this time, I promise with the honor of my life, if you don't believe me again, I will kneel..."

"I believe!"

"I kneel down and beg you to be okay, this old face, compared with the crisis of the world, natural.. Alas?"

Hiba Bawa, who was still talking in a hurry, was dumbfounded.

All along, the top of the Hero Guild.

But I never believed her.

As a result, this blowing snow, Ms. Hiba Bawa was moved to tears, worthy of being the second in the S-class, and now the greatest hope of the Heroes Association.

No wonder her reputation is so good.

So much to rely on.

As for the original S-class second?

Tornado: Huh.

It was blown down by the snow.

And hearing Ms. Hiba Bawa say that this time I am afraid that it is really coming, of course she also understood.

I am afraid that Su Bai has changed the space power of outer space.

The enemy can come over normally.

So in the next, Hiba Bawa and Blowing Snow went to the Hero 530 Association and began to tell the association about it seriously.

And gather many S-class heroes.

Su Bai's eyes were indifferent.

After all, this world is guarded, and it is impossible to know nothing about these goods in the end, as if it has nothing to do with them.

Since it is their world, it is naturally up to them to protect it.

It's one thing to fight or not.

It would be foolish to not only not know, but still be arrogant.

S-class heroes, it's time to see the world.

Anyway, Su Bai didn't care much about this.

It would take time for the other S-class to arrive, so he went home directly with a space for blowing snow.

Blowing snow at home.

On the sofa, at this time, Su Bai grabbed Blowing Snow's hand and looked at her lying here, with short hair and bumps, which was like a wonderful stunner.

He smiled slightly.

"There's still time, so let's live in a two-person world." "


Blowing snow panicked, his cheeks were red.

She thought it was nightfall.

Knot, how is the result now.

It was really caught off guard by Su Bai's move.

"Let's start on the couch. "

"Whoosh. "

Blowing Snow blushed and agreed.

After that.

Heroes Guild Headquarters.

Almost most of the S-Class heroes are gathered here.

And Ms. Hiba Bawa is also here.

"What? The crisis that destroyed the world?"

"According to the information provided by the association, Ms. Hiba Bava, you have mentioned it many times, but so long has passed for this so far, saying that the previous few times were wrong. "

"It didn't happen, did it?"

"So please don't keep making jokes like this and call us over just because of that?"

"Oh yes, what about the second S-class blowing snow? "

"Why, do you have an opinion?"

With the unhappy voice of the tornado's face, it was silent all of a sudden.

There was an instant silence.

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