And they still do little tricks.

Not a lot though.

However, Su Bai and Rosalind were sitting in the sea of flowers at this time, and Rosalind was a little shy and bowed her head, not daring to face it directly.

Like a gentle woman in love.

Apprehension and nervousness in front of your beloved.

"Well, say yes next time to make up for you, spend a wonderful and long kiss and alone with you." So this sea of flowers is good, endless, pure white and peaceful, and you are right. "

Pure white Rosalind.

She herself is also from Mond, and this is also a peaceful and beautiful place that Mond has never been destroyed.


To this, she also nodded with a crimson face.

I feel very happy in my heart.


She also got the life she wanted, and she was very obsessed with being able to get along with people she liked day and night.

The two hugged here and blew the wind, talking about the past.

There was a laugh for a while.

Next to it are beautiful dandelions.

It looks extra homely.

Just when Rosalyn wanted to share her study life and interesting facts about her study at the Primitary School five hundred years ago, her eyes suddenly showed surprise.

"Su Bai, it seems that someone is coming? Through my perception, I found that it seemed to be Yura. "

"Well, I know, she also has a good relationship with the little foxes."

"Then let her come?"

"It depends on you, after all, it is my time with the two of you, and if you let Eura come, it will affect a series of intimate behaviors between us."

"From a two-person date to a three-person party."

Rosalyn smiled sweetly and snuggled up and pressed her face against him.

Ling Su Bai enjoyed her white 27 smooth skin.

That beautiful touch.

Blowing bombs can be broken.

"It's okay, I still have more time with you, and there will be more time in the future, not to mention that Eura is not also our friend."

"She came here alone, presumably for a reason."

And just outside this dandelion sea.

At this time, a blue-haired girl who looked like an ice flower came here.

She has a four-leaf hair ornament on her head, and a black lace-trimmed headband under her short hair, which makes her hair hang down just a little more and no less, and is distributed on the sides of her face, giving her a cute feeling.

But compared to cute.

She also has a graceful and plump royal sister figure, between a girl and an adult, the black tights make her stand out more slender and chic, and the white lace jacket is a perfect match with black.

It's like a mountain flower in the snow and ice.

At the ribbon on the front shoulder, the conspicuous eye of the ice god is visible, and the lower body is a high-heeled boot, which outlines the charming curves of the curve.

At the same time, the air of dignity and elegance is quite obvious.

This is exactly the captain of the guerrilla squad of the Zephyr Knights, the girl Yura who is known as the Wave Knight!

It has the background of the old aristocracy [Lawrence family] of Mond.

It is a person who belongs to the West Wind Knights and belongs to quite complicated.

But at this time, she was a little dumbfounded and puzzled.


"Can't I come to you guys today, greeting two distinguished guests?" So there's no way to go inside? "

"Okay, I see, I originally wanted to lie down in the sea of flowers with you and scatter or something."

"Looks like I've got to go back."

"Yura, come in, it's us."

Hearing the familiar voice, Yura was taken aback, and the tall blonde woman who came out of it, pinned her long legs, smiled and waved gently at her.

Ling Youra's eyes widened.

"Rosalind? How could it be you? It turns out that you are the guests of the little fox. "

"Wait, then the other won't be?"

So she also followed Rosalyn inside, turned left and right in the depths of the woods, experienced a series of strange paths, and then suddenly opened up in front of her, and came to the Dandelion Sea.

Soon, there was one more person sitting in the center of the sea of flowers.

And when I met just now, Yura's forehead showed a well horn, and she was very angry.

"Sure enough, it's you, Su Bai! See you again, you guy. "

"I haven't repaid the feud last time."

"Yes, but the feud between us has accumulated many times, don't you report it, then you don't have to care about the last time, come on, sit down."

"You !!"

"This attitude of not putting me in the eyes is unreasonable, this hatred I have written down!"

Rosalyn covered her mouth and snickered.

These two are bickering again.

It was the same last time.

That island trip with Alice, Curly, Jean, and Amber.

It is worthy of Su Bai.

This will provoke girls.

It can easily make Yura angry to death.

I have seen similar pictures many times.

And Eura glanced around, her face twitching.

"No, can't you two come here to talk about love and honeymoon, Su Bai, you color embryo, obviously there are many girls around, and the results are still increasing."

She looked disdainful.

Youra and Su Bai have known each other for so long.

When I first heard about him.

It was the library lady who would be with him often, the two talked and laughed, and they later came together.

Moreover, the Knights of the West Wind have an extra batch of alchemy equipment.

Hermes flying boots capable of flying in the sky.

Wind element props.


Eura is now wearing it on her feet.

On the surface, it looks the same color as her boots, but when used, it will stretch out its little wings, and then control the wind element, flying freely and in the sky.

She spent a lot of contributions to get it.

On weekdays, she is often active in the wild, and does not act much in Mondstadt, and the reasons are understood.

So when she went back, she found that the contribution standard had risen a lot. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Youra's face darkened.

Suspect that they are being targeted.

Later heard Jean's explanation.

It was Su Bai who asked to raise this standard, paying attention to the scarcity of things, and things that are too easy to obtain will not be cherished.

And said, is it bad to let the knights work harder?

Wouldn't it be beautiful to correct the lazy atmosphere and allow the Knights to generate more income and achieve positive operation.

Eura is numb.


Don't bring your Liyue winds to us in Mond!

Roll you big-headed ghost!

And why did I get the first to go?


Obviously, she contributed enough, and was so involved by Su Bai.

Let Eura feel hard again.

Especially the other knights also want it, and the competition is very fierce, and there is a fiery atmosphere.

The amount of tasks during that time was once quickly robbed.

The monsters in the city and village are quickly emptied.

Not even a shadow can be seen.

Only dumbfounded and petrified eura remained, looking there without saying a word.

I usually don't see this group of guys, so positive!

All these changes come from someone.

She could only grit her teeth.

Su Bai, you this goods, this hatred I wrote down!

Pit me, right?

No way.

Such a useful alchemy prop, she also wants ah.

It can add a lot of convenience, and it can also expand the range and tactics in terms of combat, especially suitable for field operations.

Isn't it a perfect match for a knight like her?

And she, as the leader of the guerrilla squad, is it reasonable to have such a pair of alchemical boots, right?

Just as they Liyue is not an old saying.

What is it called soldier god speed!

Anyway, it took a lot of effort for Eura to get it.

She was going to throw up.


And later, Qin purchased a new auxiliary alchemy equipment from Su Bai, and that exchange contribution once again made Youra's eyes black.

Don't think about it, this must be Su Bai's idea.

Kind Jean wouldn't do that.

She has a good relationship with Jean.

Sometimes tea is drunk together.

Although because of Yura's imposing attitude of carrying a giant sword and her identity, 027 will always make other knights feel that this will not quarrel, or try to compete or something, right?

So she knows and admires the piano very well.

The early Hermes flying boots are really easy to exchange.

It's hard to say anything later.

But Jean found that this did have a miraculous effect, and her eyes lit up, indicating that she could do it, and this requirement was not changed.

Everyone can only complain.

Those who were exchanged in advance were all snickering.

So Eura looked at the second alchemy equipment, silent for a long time, and worked hard for a long time.

Can she not be angry.

Su Bai, that hateful man, can single-handedly alchemy be amazing?

As a result, Liyue later changed drastically.

The overwhelming alchemy equipment and various huge changes swept through the Seven Kingdoms and caused amazing effects on the Seven Kingdoms on earth.

It also made Yura speechless for a while, and her face was red.


All right.

You are truly amazing!

I served.

But this hatred, I also wrote it down!

And recent words.

Jean seems to be planning to equip Amber, the scout knight squad, with a new reconnaissance prop called [Arubis's Scepter], a wood-like short cane.

Very small.

An alchemy piece of equipment suitable for carrying with you.

That shape seems to be from Meru's side.

Its role is to be able to summon a jackal, detect traces, track monsters, explore secret places, hunt down prisoners and a series of reconnaissance acts.

There can also be unknown dangers to get jackals on.

For example, in the secret realm, to send death, cough, no.

It's to explore the way.

Anyway, if you die, you can summon a new one.

It is simply a tool wolf suitable for stepping on thunder.

Jackal: ???

Is there still a wolf right here, I want to protest!

And with development.

Anyway, Amber here, the original reconnaissance squad has long existed in name only.

But now, with her efforts, she has gradually accepted a group of new girls and formed a new team.

She's the captain.

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