It sighed.

Disappeared into the depths of the desert.

"Do you suspect that the Law of a Thousand Men has appeared?"

At this time.

At Su Bai's house, the next day, Kiana came to visit again.

And took out a tablet to him.

Although, seeing Esders, who was asleep next to him, showing his fair and slender skin and beautiful legs, covered only by a blanket, Kiana almost screamed out and could only blush.

Cover your mouth.

Glared at Su Bai with embarrassed eyes.

Change, pervert!

If you tell me this earlier, I won't come, or come back in the evening.

So she could only forcibly look at Su Bai's side and swipe the screen for him.

"Well, the failure of the Broken Will verifies the inability of the monolithic, especially like me and Bud Yi, who will go to fight and block."

"Then the most suitable person to cause a new round of crisis is naturally the group lawyer."

This is the best option.

Thousand Lawyers, listening to this name, you can also guess some of its characteristics, which represents a thousand lawyers!

Since it is not possible to go it alone.

Then secretly come a whole lot!

This kind of lawyer can hide in society, and select those ordinary human beings with negative emotions, basically all social losers, incapable of "seven five zero" power.

Manipulate it, transform it.

In the end, it is the exact same doll.

The law of a thousand people is different from the previous frontal bombardment, destroying several cities at every turn, and causing a large-scale crisis.

They're better at destroying quietly.

Constantly making society worse.

Play yin.

Since you can't beat you lawyers, then secretly collapse human society.

And the large number of people and organization, and the ability to communicate directly regardless of distance through a way similar to "quantum entanglement", means that they can appear all over the world.

And constantly contact other companions.

Synchronize and quickly exchange information, and report directly if you encounter trouble.

For those who are used to regular single-player battles, this thing is very good.

So that's what Kiana has to guard against.

Avoid jumping off the wall.

After all, a single thousand-person lawyer is very weak, and Kiana kills this kind of goods.

The Spear of the Arkon exploded directly!

But more trash fish is also a problem.

Because they can be distributed everywhere, if Kiana makes a move without permission and forces these guys, they will be placed in each city separately, although they will still be eliminated in the end.

But undoubtedly leave everyone exhausted.

Causes great harm.

The other side is fighting a quantity + delivery war.

Crowd tactics!

Of course.

This kind of play is obviously also unless they force the [Thousand Laws of Talent], otherwise they will choose to continue to quietly create destruction, rather than trying to break the net.

So the method.

Can't destroy humans, only disgust Kiana and Destiny.

For Kiana, it was a slap in the face.

It is clear that he is much stronger than these guys, but he runs around like a mosquito, tired to death.

I also watched these guys engage in destruction, yin and yang ridiculed themselves.

She didn't want to see this scene!

Even if you destroy these guys, but there is a mess everywhere, the key is that you are disgusted!

It's quite annoying.

Said that the good crossing collapse to Fu Hua and their big words have been said, then every game must be played beautifully!

It's not okay to make a mess.

They can't be allowed to use this trick, after all, their own strength, the law of a thousand people must know.

It will no longer be like the previous civilization or the original.

A large number of thousand-person lawyers, came over like Huluwa to save grandfather, sent wildly.

In the former civilization, their warriors went to clean up some, and as a result, the Thousand Men Law directly took the remaining 730 companions and attacked the base.

Melon skin behavior.

Directly swept by Kevin, they swept away.

It is a call for the operation against the sky.

The original is also a bunch.

But this time, knowing that they can't win like this, will they still do it?

Of course not!

Fragmenting the whole and scattering everywhere is the most efficient method.

This kind of lawyer.

Get together and fight.

After dispersing, find out one by one, it's disgusting.

This does not.

Kiana came to Su Bai for help.


It's nice to have him reliable.

Although I saw the picture that made my little heart beat wildly, I didn't see much, and Estes showed a smooth white leg, but it still made Kiana red-faced.


Don't bully me okay.

Everyone is Su Bai, and I know that you have a dark belly.

"Then, didn't I update the information gathering ability of Destiny before, some natural deaths caught my attention, of course, it was also a coincidence."

A data observation and estimation program developed by Kiana has recently been debugged.

She deliberately collected data on people in several regions.

According to a series of data such as personality, behavior style, habits, characteristics, etc., to calculate their next behavior and law.

It was originally a trivial experiment.

Kiana's own scientific research ability is very good, but she has more hidden ability and likes to put it on the table.

What I want to do most is to live with Bud Yi and Bronia.

If you can be lazy, you can be lazy.

If you can touch the fish, touch the fish.

As a result, a small random action, accidentally hit by mistake, she noticed that something was wrong.

According to calculations, some people will go to work tomorrow as normal as they should, and go to class when they should be in class.

How did a fire and an accidental explosion lead to death?

You tease me?

It stands to reason that the world is so big.

People are dying every day, every moment.

This is quite normal.

But in Kiana's calculus, those few people should not die, one, two are enough, so many cases at a time?

There is a problem!

She believes in her level.

If I hadn't been doing my own experiments, I'm afraid I would have ignored the past.

After all, you would care about another city, a man driving a motorcycle and falling to his death?

Or killed by a truck directly.

Come on.

There are a lot of such things.

It's happening all the time.

But this time Kiana's eyes sharpened, and after her many investigations, she was finally convinced that you guy showed your horse's feet!

I can catch any traces of this!

It is the lawyer, the lawyer of a thousand people, who appears.

Even Su Bai was surprised to see her information.

"You, it's bad luck for the Thousand Men Lawyer, and you caught the little tail."

If you continue to do it openly and secretly, the results will become more and more amazing.

This kind of non-frontal attack is sometimes quite fierce.

It's like the Law of Erosion.

It is a kind of lawyer who relies on information and data for survival.........

And the law of erosion of the last civilization used nuclear bombs to destroy the only three remaining cities of mankind.

If the Thousand Laws of Man attack the human high-level, the effect can also be significant.

Even the possibility of exposure will increase wildly.

And in the face of Su Bai's praise.

The corners of Kiana's mouth turned up.

"That's, maybe because I've always been lucky."

"Well said, then what do you smoke to blow the snow god king."


In this confrontation, Kiana lost!

She could only whimper and hug her head.

Damn it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But if I have a god king who blows snow, I pretend to have the wind law every day, or the wind law that blows up the sky!

I, Wind Rhythm Kiana, fight all enemies!

After a while.

Kiana clasped her hands together and pleaded with Su Bai. Her little eyes blinked, and she said cutely.

"Please help me, please, another me, and the core of the Law of a Thousand People, but there are more than a thousand. I'm sure you think it's pretty good. "


Su Bai nodded.

"This kind of core, it is very good to use to create equipment, I plan to collect these cores to research and create special alchemy equipment suitable for Liyue."

"After all, you also know that in the original book is a thousand divine keys, that is, the Xuanyuan Sword."

This weapon is interesting.

Under normal circumstances, it is the posture of a golden sword.

However, after the holder resonates with it, it will automatically change the posture and become suitable for the user.

Become its combined divine weapon.

The most typical is Fu Hua's.

After she awakened the Super Transformation Factor, this Tenth God Key Domination Key turned into a black-gold fist.

【Too Void Grip】This is the birth!

After all, Fu Hua is a boxer.

Although it sounds weird.

Later, Fu Hua brought a lot of this divine key to Shenzhou, so [Xuanyuan Sword] began to shake the land of Shenzhou and became a legendary and immortal divine weapon.

Even the original Ji Lin was holding a Xuanyuan sword.

Although the back is blackened.

And Fu Hua is convenient, and it is summarized into the 4.0 Tai Void Sword Qi in the form of [Sword Intent].

Comprehend to a certain extent.

Xuanyuan Sword will change its posture and become a divine weapon suitable for the other party.

Like the seven disciples under her seat, each of them had a Xuanyuan sword.

After they reached a certain realm, Xuanyuan Sword changed.

Some of them turn into [Light Dust Willow], which is an indestructible but extremely flexible long sword, and can also become a soft sword.

Some Xuanyuan swords turned into a pair of [Yin and Yang Twin Swords].

It just became two.

It's wonderful.

Others turned into [Clear Wind], [Falling Nothing], or crimson [Giant Sword Red Shadow], and some turned into a pen.

As well as the Xuanyuan Pulse weapon.

The key of God [Wakasui].

It's a lot of change.

It's very interesting.

So Su Bai intends to recycle and create stronger weapons on this basis.

When the time comes, all kinds of rare materials and precious ores will be added, and the finished products created will be at the worst immortal level.

Then it can be continuously used and influenced according to the characteristics of the user.

In the end, the resonance appears in the [Xianbao] state suitable for each other!

It's not stuck in the shape of a sword.

At that time, there will be thousands of possibilities, and the immortal family will shine together, which can be described as very interesting.

It's fun to think about.

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