This side is shorter than the other, so Naxida also sighs, Liyue is unfathomable.


With your back to Liyue, you are full of security.

After all, she saw it all.

King Dacishu and Su Bai both held hands and went to play on the streets of Meru, and they were like this outside, so what if they were at home.

It is because of this relationship.

So everyone is actually a family.

Nasida is moved, Lord Tree King, you are really great.

Even after I retired, I still helped me and played a huge role.

Thank you so much.

You and Su Bai must be happy."

So a family helping a family, and it became what it is now.

Even the Decree Academy and Liyue Academy are in a close cooperative relationship, and they are almost one, and both sides are active and experimenting.

Everywhere you can see people from two academies, studying together.

Whether in Meru or in Liyue.

The two colleges are very close.

Everyone also knows it, after all, this involves Lord Su Bai.

It's just that they don't know.

This is even closer than expected, and the previous generation of Sumeru's ruling power was soaked by Su Bai and became his partner.

Even your supreme goddess is my woman.

The relationship between Su Ya and Su Bai does not need to be said.

It's just that he and the Great Mercy Tree King were handed over to Nasida to manage.

It's the same anyway.

There are not many gods like Nasida who are willing to work hard and actively.

Look at other countries, one by one, not the bard who runs around, or the guest of the past life hall who eats well every day and listens well.

Even before the shadow, he was closed and hidden.

No matter.

It's all up to the generals.

Only now, the candidate for autism has become the general himself.

Therefore, all the older gods, one by one, touched the fish.

Even Su Bai is a handshaker, and a bunch of his 170 women are in charge of the following things.

Every now and then interest comes.

You can also go to them and have a beautiful celebration.

And Nasida here.

It was Rosalyn and Shen He who came to protect her and came together.

Even if the grass dragon has a bad attitude, or wants to do something, you have to ask them.

However, with the injury being repaired, the grass dragon Apep has always been calm.

The same is true in the face of Nasita.

Regarding her plan to jointly build the Meru Oasis and the Rainforest.

The Dragon of Grass expressed its no.

She has the pride of the dragon clan!

I will never join forces with you gods!

The so-called dragon should live dignified and proud on this land, and not mix with these gods and mortals.

Nasida is also helpless.

It's hard to persuade.

The pride and pride of the dragon have been deeply imprinted in the heart of this grass dragon Apep.

So don't look at her without any anger.

In fact, the attitude towards the non-dragon race is still very resistant and exclusive, unless it is those elemental beings born in her body.

It seems that his bitter and sincere invitation is still going to fail.


Maybe not, if you talk about it, Apep will be angry, she can see it.

So Nasida looked at the two next to her.

"Shen He, Rosalind, let's go back. Thank you very much for coming over this time. "

Both women smiled.

"It's okay, find us for something."

"Let's go, you can also go to Liyue by the way, we will take you."

As a result, when they turned to leave, the grass dragon Apep suddenly wondered in surprise.

"This is?"

Nasida was a little puzzled, but she quickly understood.

In the sky in the direction of the rainforest in the distance, there was a red dragon figure, vibrating the flame-like dragon wings, coming towards this side at an extremely fast speed.

It turned out to be a fire dragon.

And above, Chipu, who has a slender and graceful body, also waved down with a smiling face.

"Sister Rosalind, Sister Shenhe, I came to play with you."


They landed.

As soon as he arrived here, the fire dragon looked at Apep in shock.

"What a big dragon!"

Apep also said.

"What a weak dragon!"


This makes the fire dragon not angry with the dragon wing fork waist, is there any courtesy ah!

It hurriedly spoke up to defend itself.

"Because, I haven't been in this position for a long time, and I'll become stronger in the future, this huge grass dragon senior? Oh no, Sister Grass Dragon? Don't look down on me! "

"I read this Liyue book before, so what's the matter, don't fool the fire dragon poor!"

He is so bad, and he is also an immortal-level fire dragon.

As a lively and cheerful her.

Even in the face of such an ancient dragon, he will not be afraid to speak.

"You can see that you are indeed very young."

But Apep is still puzzled.

"But as an elemental dragon, one of the seven apexes of the new generation, why don't you have the strength of the Demon God, it stands to reason that you stand at the highest level of elemental creatures."

"Dragon, it's directly the Demon God Start."

"And why should you be with these people with God? Have you also betrayed the pride of the dragons? "

A big question mark appeared on the faucet.

What is it.

What is this strong-looking grass elemental dragon talking about?

Her eyes became strange.

"One of seven what? What is that? Can you eat, I'm not anyway. "

"I am a newborn fire dragon in Liyue, and I have been blessed by the emperor to be allowed to live here and be able to run around."

"As for strength, I don't understand what you said, I can continue to grow."

"Wait for the long years to pass. It's Cologne. By that time, it should be stronger. "

Anyway, for now.

She thinks the strength is still enough.

Regarding the level of these dragons, the spider sub-world is like this.

Dragon, cologne, patriarch of cologne.

In the third step, it is the patriarch of all dragon races who command (chcd) this attribute, and in a sense, is also the dragon king.

Refers to the strongest cologne!

Still in the category of [Cologne].

And above their ancient dragon patriarchs, there is also a boss.

Dragon God! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As for Tivat here.

Although in "Sun and Moon Before", it is said that the seven terrifying kings, and then said that these kings are actually dragons.

The Dragon King is not explicitly named.

However, in the background information of [Deep Sea Dragon Lizard], it is written bluntly, the ancient seven kings have withered, and a new generation of seven kings is being born.

This illustrates.

Tivat is also the Seven Dragon Kings.

It's the same as the world on the spider's side, and one more dragon on the head.

And for the words of the grass dragon Apep, the fire dragon felt inexplicable.

"Betrayal? There is no way to talk about this, Lord Su Bai is my boss, he leads my clan and protects me. "

"And in Liyue, people and dragons are in harmony."

"Just vegetarian, just vegetarian!"

Hearing this strange sound, Shen He and the others looked at the back of the fire dragon.

There was a young rock dragon lizard gurgling and rolling over.

Everyone who is familiar with it is surprised.

"It's you, Little Rock Dragon Lizard, you're here too?"

"Well, it's a nest! Hehe, seeing the bucket-eating sister and the fire dragon sister, the nest said, can you take the nest to play together? "

"Wo also wants to come to the virtual rice."

Red Eyes: .....

This accent is also nobody.

Previously, Su Bai and Bao's [Tai Void Enlightenment Spirit Pill] gave the Rock Dragon Lizard family enlightenment and wisdom growth.

Accelerate their evolution.

And constantly germinate spiritual intelligence.

The tallest ancient rock dragon lizard, even able to speak completely, has a high level of wisdom.

Even some rock dragon lizards can say some words or something.

Among them, there is a young rock dragon lizard, which can communicate completely, and the degree of wisdom has reached that of teenage children, which is a huge change brought about by the evolution of elixirs and rock dragon lizards.

There is just a little.

It speaks, and it sounds like a little human girl with a quirky accent.

Plus especially active, running everywhere.

Many people of Qianyan Army and Liyue know it.

Last time, it also ran to the streets of Liyue and shouted, "Restaurant, bring squirrel fish and Mora meat!"

It caused a lot of a stir.

Everyone was shocked!

What the hell, the rock dragon lizard can talk?

Frightened countless Liyue people.

Or Shen He to deal with and calm this matter.

Today's Shen He is also a member of the high-level in Liyue, both as Esders' assistant and as Su Bai's assistant.

And at this time it still looks drooling.

"Well, the shrimp I ate at the Steamy Rice Flavor Shop last time is ruthless! If you go to the local area, there should be more that have not died, right? "

“... You said, it should be Meru's curry shrimp, right? And it's not that it's not dead, it's food. "

"I remember that the store also has [coconut charcoal cake], and Qiqi likes to eat it very much."

"That's not a hero! Nest wants to eat something else. "

Nasida is speechless, what meter?

Is Meru okay?

However, she also found this little rock dragon lizard very interesting, and also laughed out loud.

"There are also omelet rice waltzes, rainforest salads, green sauce crispy balls, potato boats, secret fragrant meat balls, honey gold bubble fruit and other delicacies, welcome to taste."

"And if you like the big meat pie like Mora meat, you can also try our [pocket cake] from Meru."

"The filling is varied, and the aroma of vegetables and meat inside is like magic, and it tastes crisp and refreshing, mouthful, and delicious."

And isn't the relationship between Meru and Liyue very good, those meats are still specially used Liyue's dangerous breed meat.

The original pocket cake tasted far more than it did again, and it was more than several floors.

It has become a popular snack.

This made the little rock dragon lizard saliva almost flow out when he heard it.

It quickly bowed its head in respect and happiness.

"Crab and crab little auspicious grass king's good intentions!"

"Sounds good!"

Grass Dragon Apep: ???

Did you just ignore me in front of me and start talking to yourself?

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