General, are you all right!

What to think!

Obviously, you have all the memories of my past, will you not know that I and the real past?

We've always lived here.

You can't even travel to other worlds.

How could there be loved ones!

Think too much!

Ying Shi was really a little unhappy, but she was also really puzzled.

This lightning bud clothes, what's going on?

At this time, the general also said.

"Wait and ask if she's the same as you who can't cook."

"General !!"

Shadow Wrath.

What are you doing!

How can you look down on yourself so much, as if you will cook.

Not to mention.

That is, just cooking, ignore this!

If you do everything else, you can do anything, right?

She is still the majestic thunder movie!

Such a small thing, why worry about it!

Anyway, anyway.

Hanasari cooks for herself.

And delicious pastries.

The general showed a disdainful look.

"Thunder is built by the Dao! Oh! "

The Thunder Lawyer Bud Yi was like a glimpse of lightning, instantly swept across the earth, powerfully waved the God Key in his hand, and endless thunder light continued to fall, bursting with strong power!

On her body, there was a constant flash of thunder arcs.

Exudes an amazing aura.

She uses the technique of lightning and wrapping it around her body to speed up and increase her speed, so that she can move at high speed.

It can produce the same effect as God's speed.

It's tough.

In this move, she has been honing for a long time, especially Qiana and Su Bai have emphasized it.


The destructive side of the existing 27.

There is also a fast side.

Especially in this state, both power and defense can be improved, so she split out five swords in an instant, tearing the earth apart and turning it into a thunder blade that cracked everything!

The ground was full of traces and heat burned by thunder.

On the ground behind her, there are even afterimages left behind because she is too fast.

But to Raiden's surprise, this God of Thunder reacted.

She also slashed out a few knives in an instant!

And rushed to himself.

Both are thunder, and they are good at turning into streamers and constantly killing quickly.

The sky is falling!

There are constant thunderstorms here.


Even the ground was shattered, full of rubble and clods, and constantly shattered by the falling thunder above the sky!


In successive engagements.

After the bud Yi was chopped off, he was also shocked and admired, this Thunder God is so powerful!

You may spend extra strength on one move.

But the other party has streamlined the moves to the extreme, so in terms of strength, it is completely possible to play their own strength perfectly.

Even with the same force, she can exert several times the effect.

But change to Bud clothes yourself.

It may take more energy to produce her power.

It is clear that the power can be the same, but the bud clothes consume more.

So this kind of battle is obviously her loss.

And in this kind of sword skills and martial arts, Lei Dian Bud Yi's forehead constantly broke out in cold sweat, did not dare to be careless, once there was negligence or showed a gap, he would be immediately caught by the other party.

Although his sword skills are very strong.

But this Thor is much stronger than himself!

This is the difference in time accumulation, resulting in a gap.

Raiden Bud Yi is still very young.

There's no way around that.

And she also understood what Su Bai said just now.

In the face of a real master, it is best to correct every mistake, otherwise it will continue to expand under the attack of the other party.

Because just now, Ray's movie forcibly beat her into the downwind.

Directly blasted out.

Just because of a small problem with her, she was caught.

Bud Yi was drenched in cold sweat, if it was a real killing, was it defeated just now?

The masters can even divide the victory and defeat in an instant.

And the words of this thunder god, she is fierce, without a trace of mistake and vacillation, and her will is extremely firm.

So violent!

It's terrible!

It was as if after countless battles and trials, he had already reached the peak realm.

Just like.

She can also cut fierce and powerful sword moves in front.

But once you fight such an opponent for a while, the state will begin to drop, unable to maintain this peak and decisiveness, and after the opponent's move hits, it will disrupt your own steps.

Fierce and hard-to-head, she is bound to be disturbed by this.

She might panic and scramble to figure out how to deal with such an attack.

Forcibly change your moves.

The original combo and the next style of play will all be changed,

But the thunder movies are all cold faces, will never be affected, it is enough to choose to swing the sword, no thought, no thought, a knife to cut off!

With such a gesture.

It's no problem to fight for hundreds of years!

Therefore, Nha Yi felt the huge gap between the realm and experience like the sea like an abyss, and it was simply overwhelming.


How long has this been a martial art that has been cultivated?

Bud Yi was dumbfounded.

Anyway, his own Beichen is a Muggle compared to it.

Here in people's homes, it is completely full of flaws.

She can fight with the other party like this, it is completely based on energy output.

Anyway, the skill is crushed.

Bud Yi also gritted his teeth, and was once again blasted into the distance, directly smashing a mountain, which can be described as a boom.

No, it can't go on like this anymore, completely led by the nose.


You should also use your own strengths!

"Thunder Gun!"

The two ghost armors floating immediately quickly condensed a dazzling thunder gun, instantly killing Lei Movie, but it was suddenly dodged.

But the rear also exploded.

Ray Movie was surprised.

What a power. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The resulting thunderstorms and explosions directly affected a huge ground area, creating great destructive power for a while.

It's the same as what I observed.

Thunder and lightning bud clothes, skills can also be constantly honed, but there is a lot of energy, enough for her to squander and constantly burst out.

Let's put it this way.

In the confrontation just now, the energy consumed by Bud Yi should be more than five times his own.

Although she consumes a lot.

But it has been successfully persevering for so long.

It's funny, like a very young, but promising new god.

This is completely different from the Demon God.

And next, a few Thunder Spears did cause trouble for Thunder Movie, and Raiden Bud Yi seized the opportunity, and some sword weapons that were constantly rotating and accelerating appeared around them.

The amazing power of thunder and lightning is constantly lingering.

"Super electromagnetic sword! Go! "

In an instant, these attacks like light cannons were fired, causing a huge roar of energy.

However, in the eyes of Bud Yi, this thunder god is so fierce, he directly took the long knife and blatantly split it, galloping the battlefield in a frontal manner, constantly fighting and slashing.

Caused a series of horrific scenes of destruction!

In the sea of fire, the thunderstorms and roars that appeared, even if the flames and smoke were constantly burning, and the shattered earth was blown up, did not stop the figure from constantly active.

And the next moment, it was almost in front of him again.

This made Bud Yi dare not get closer.

She is well aware of her strengths and weaknesses.

It's better to bomb from a long distance.

Anyway, compared to sword skills is to find abuse.

"Sword now Amaterasu! Come out, Juligara! "

Ray Films: ???

Under Shadow's surprised gaze.

Thunder Bud Yi actually summoned a huge dragon, full of purple of thunder and lightning, looking mighty and spirited!

And after the bud clothes strengthened it with the key of God.

The energy in his body became more and more amazing.

Between the flapping of the wings, a thunderstorm and thunder net appeared in the sky, heading towards the thunder movie.

And spit out the dragon breath full of devastating collapse energy.

The huge torrent of energy swept directly along the earth.

This is exactly the thunder dragon obtained from the spider sub-world.

In her world, the dragon race, which had many attributes, almost coincided with these attributes of Tivat.

But the spider side.

There are no grass dragons, but there are light dragons and dark dragons.

It's not a small difference.

So after the spider sent the corpse of a thunder dragon, Kiana gave it to Bud 103, so Bud Yi used the power of the Thunder Law to pour into the body of the dragon.

Turned it into dependents.


Thunder Lawyer, if there is a dragon, it is normal, right?

This wave has been strengthened.

And at this time, he also received the blessing of the power of the seven thunders of sin, doubled strengthening, the dependents of thunder!


Not to mention, Nha Yi's moves smell of extreme eastern mythology, and this one who summons the thunder dragon is praised by her as the god of sword Amaterasu.

Then she also developed Kagu Tu, Jian Yu Lei, Su Shu Woo, and Moon Night See.

It's all about one god after another.

But just after Raiden Bud was in full swing, driving the Thunder Dragon across the sky and fighting against the Thunder Movie.

Suddenly, there was the sound of Lei Movie's [Thoughtless Sword], and it had an extremely terrifying light that split the earth and ravaged the sky!

Then the thunder dragon fell down with the bud clothes.

Kiana, who watched, covered her face for a while.


The current bud clothes are still much worse than Ray's movies.

After all, people are top demon gods.

There is a huge gap between the demon god and the demon god.

The same is true between the lawyer and the lawyer.

There are only frozen islands, there are burning continents, or disintegrating an entire continent, and there are even big perversions such as blowing snow that have been superimposed to develop the god king and the Lan wind that splits the stars.

There is a large gap between the upper and lower limits.

But it doesn't matter, if the bud clothes continue to develop, more than the Ray movie, there is no problem.

Especially the dragon with a stronger head.

Double reinforcement again!

That's even more wonderful.

It's like Tiantong Mu more kind of rock law + god, a black hole in one hand, a hammer rock god.

After all, good and bad are lawyers.

Unlike the seven gods, who have been stuck in the upper limit of strength for a long time.

And it will also weaken strength due to wear.

Although now there is no wear.

But their upper limit is clear.

Of course, the premise is that in the follow-up, Lei Movie will not be further strengthened because of Su Bai.

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