"And I still have a series of tricks that are useless, Qingping Sword can also use other sword moves of Izuku and Wind, and has a powerful move combining four elements."

Hearing these words, I was instantly numb.

It's not fair!

Your Qingping sword is a little too fierce!

What do you do with so many skills.

In this regard, Ah Ping had a smile in her eyes, sassy and graceful.

"Who let those before me be my own skills and immortal arts, isn't it normal? So it's not much. "

Good tricks are king.

It's not just a competition of numbers.

"Besides, your windbag itself is a trick that is fresh and eaten all over the world. It can turn inhaled substances into ashes. "

"Other immortal weapons will also be sucked into it by you, and the end is extremely domineering."

"And there is a terrible black wind, aren't you useless?"

In the end, I took the windbag thrown by Ah Ping, and I was depressed, I actually lost.

As for the black wind.

To become full, the power is even more amazing.

Never mind.

Let Ah Ping mistakenly think that the trick is very strong.

But she is still in a strong depression, ah, ah, ah, this time can not show off, for a lively and active person like her, it is like pouring cold water on it all of a sudden.

Damn it!

This wave is Su Bai's sake!

This person is simply his lifelong enemy, forcing his own organ skills, his talent is amazing, so that he can't be proud, the name of the first organ master of Liyue is 27 heads, in the presence of Su Bai, it is very embarrassing.

Because of this terrible mountain of him!


Not only did he not see the hope of challenging Su Bai to succeed, but even Ah Ping suppressed himself now.

In the end, the aggressive heart burned again!


Watch me backhand and suppress Ah Ping again!

Between them, anyway, it has always been such a competitive relationship, you don't believe me, I don't believe you, let's talk about it.

If you lose, just study hard.

The relationship is very good.

First step one.

You have to get the blueprint of another windbag, spend a lot of materials, and make it, and by that time, the invincible Demon God will return!

However, when I thought of Su Bai's contribution, I was like being deflated and lying on the stone table.

Like a cute doll girl.

"Woo, Su Bai's black-hearted, contribution deliberately card so high."

End: Another day of being dizzy by dog Su Bai!

"There are also materials that need to be exchanged, damn it! I, the demon god who has not been resurrected for a long time, has so many years to accumulate, so I am poor, and I can only spend contributions to exchange materials. "

"The result is the disappearance of the contribution, woo-woo, for me who has no background, it hurts too much."

It is really sad for those who hear it, and tears for those who see it.

After all, there are some special materials that Su Bai exclusively provides.

Or refined by special means.

And she has been dead for so long, there is nothing left for a long time, and there is no long time to accumulate technology and treasures.

Otherwise, you can change a lot of contributions.

Just as she was accusing Su Bai, the person who knew the law also appeared here and heard these words.

The same fierce nod.

"Yes, yes, yes! Su Bai that guy, too dog! I have never met such a shameless person! "

"Huh, Zhibao?"

After finally hearing this voice, he turned around and was surprised when he saw the comer.

It is the one who knows the law who stays in Liyue.

Then the two clapped their hands.

They all smiled happily and all showed a cheerful smile.

"Hey, where are you going again?"

"Fire Dragon Mountain, and then it was thrown out by Su Bai."

Finale: ...

Ping and others: ...

You're skinny too.

It is remembered that it is an area that no one is allowed to enter except for some of the Thousand Rock Army.

At this time, Zhibao also crossed his waist with one hand, triumphantly sharing his experience.

"You know what, that Fire Dragon Mountain is super interesting! It's full of magma! Magma hey! "

"That temperature is called a high!"

"The most amazing thing is that there are a lot of creatures living in the magma, well, it's much more interesting than our world over there, and as soon as I walked to the side, there were a few oversized catfish coming out of the magma."

A gesture of intending to swallow her alive.

But who is she?

Great Lady of the Lawyer!

A few punches blasted them into the wall, smashing them heavily to the ground, frightening the other creatures to come out.

They all hid under the magma.

"Not to mention, that catfish is really big enough, a single head is a behemoth, how can it grow so long?"

"And the taste is super delicious, I directly took the local ingredients, came a hand of barbecue, and then added some Liyue seasoning to sprinkle on it, good guy, almost made me cry, it's delicious."

Bud Yi was dumbfounded.

"That, Zhibao, unknown creatures you dare to eat directly? Aren't you afraid of poisoning? "


Zhibao scratched his head, surprised.

"It's so delicious, it shouldn't be poisonous! Yes, that's the truth. "

Bud Yi was silent.

What a crooked reason are you! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Some mushrooms are also delicious, but as a result, the mushrooms are picked in the morning, eaten at noon, and sent to the hospital in the afternoon.

You can't eat things indiscriminately!

This outrageous degree is a fight with Kiana.

Ping pondered.

"Large catfish, that should be no problem, it is a new variety of [dragon catfish] introduced by Lord Su Bai, I heard that there is a possibility of turning into a dragon, and they all have the blood of a dragon in their bodies."

"So in the end, there may be a creature like a fire dragon."

"And according to the growth, there will be various forms, some forms are not delicious, but dragon catfish is quite a delicious stage."

"Hee-hee, yes. Come on, I have one more here! "

The Law of Knowledge smiled proudly, and then pulled out a black behemoth fish from the space ring, and as soon as it fell to the ground, it caused a strong shock and startled everyone.

I saw that this fish was dark, and its length was probably five to six meters.

Like a catfish.

The whiskers on the side of the giant mouth are particularly conspicuous.

Looks particularly hypertrophied.

But in fact, the meat is particularly strong.

Bronia let out a startled cry.

"It's so big, no wonder Zhibao will say that it is a behemoth, normal catfish can't grow to this extent at all, dragon catfish?"

"Liyue is amazing."

"In other words, you just take it away like this, aren't you afraid that Su Bai will find you to settle the account?"

"Hey, it's okay, he knows, and I have a good relationship with him!" Come, who of you can cook, come and just solve and cook, everyone eat together! "

Or Ah Ping stepped forward and summoned the Qingping Sword.

"I'll do it."

She used this sword to cut the dragon catfish, and the sword light kept lighting up, watching the faces of the others twitch.


Is it really good for you to do this?

Immortal sword, is it used like this?

Even the end is dumbfounded, worthy of Ah Ping! Tough!

Heroes in the women!

Soon, a large cauldron was set up here, filled with delicious fish soup and meat, and everyone was eating it with a bowl of delicious food.

At this time, Zhibao also remembered something.

"Ah Ping just said, fire dragon, right? I remember! "

"I did head towards the depths of the cave of the volcano, after all, I am curious, hehe, who let your world not collapse, nor collapsed beasts and deaths, but more strange creatures."

So she encountered a lot of volcanic monsters.

And in the deepest part, he fought with a huge flame dragon.

The dragon looked very thick, seemed to have not evolved completely, and had no wings, but it was very irritable, and as soon as he saw the behavior of the Law of Knowledge, he rushed over and spewed out dragon flames.

A sea of fire.

The two fought a big battle, and when the last person who knew the law was about to kill it, he was stopped by Su Bai who suddenly appeared.

Indicates that it is okay.

The Warcraft here are still evolving, so don't bother them.

Then the treasure was thrown out by Su Bai.

Everyone was speechless.


Or are you more good at making trouble.

It is obvious that Su Bai is raising a fire dragon, you almost killed the first fire dragon in 140 to make barbecue, do you play like this?

This made Zhibao's face unnatural.

A scratch on the head.

"Oops! Obviously the dragon came up first to attack me, well, I'm defending myself! Forced to fight back! "

"If it doesn't attack me, isn't it okay?"

"Maybe we can still be good friends."

So Nha Yi asked curiously.

"That's why you think Su Bai is a dog?"

It sounds like it after all.

Not really.

"Of course not!"

Zhibao immediately denied this statement, the reason why she felt that Su Bai was a dog was because at the beginning she still felt that Su Bai was really a good person, a good person, a big wrong... Ah no.

Anyway, even such a useful thing as a space ring was given to her.

As a result, when Zhibao discussed alchemy equipment and elemental martial arts with him, Su Bai said, the right weapon for you?


Heavenly Lock? Prisoner Dragon Lock? Or soul chains? Chain of Death?

After all.

The trick of knowing oneself is also a bunch of chains and I will, turning everything around!

It seems that after being linked to consciousness and soul, the frequency of [chain] weapons is particularly high, such as hooking other people's souls, arresting the dead or something, it will be a chain.

And Su Bai said.

Can create a god-made weapon suitable for her, summon golden chains at will, can attack, can be defended, can fight both close and far away.

And according to the enemies she dealt with.

That is, in the case of single enemies and group enemies, choose the number of chains to summon.

So as to respond to various situations.

Penetrate the enemy? Imprisoning the enemy? Seal enemies and so on?

It can not only kill the physical aspect, but also cause great restraint on the soul aspect, and even have a special attack on the gods, although the gods of each world are different, and the natural effect is also different.

But it does have a variety of powerful abilities.

At that time, Zhibao's saliva was almost flowing out when he heard it.

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