"I rather want you to build the six reincarnations, the place of life rotation, as you who have the memory of the Divine Runes, you should know very well what this concept is, right?"

"Creating reincarnation? Wait, wait! Are you kidding? How can I do it! "

Zhibao was immediately dumbfounded.

I was shocked.

You think too highly of me!

I didn't even know that I could be so awesome.

"And didn't you say that your world has not been reincarnated, so it has been running for so long, do you really need this? Or will you be able to be useful and reincarnated in the future? "


Su Bai was really amused by her words.

Cannot help laughing.

"I don't need it, none of the people I care about, because what I want is for everyone to live forever together and usher in eternity, so they will always live."

Whether it's Hong Yan, wife, friend.

With such development as Liyue.

Constantly becoming immortals and gods.

It is destined to live longer and longer.

Su Bai will not let them die, just stay by his side all the time.

And then he came up with another angle.

"Didn't you see those adventurers before, they will explore the secret realm, and if you are not careful, you may die in it."

"In fact, there will be many in Liyue, because of their own reasons, those who die early, they will all melt the earth and will not exist, I think it's a pity, perhaps, they are more suitable for reincarnation, blank again."

If Liyue continues like this, even the average overall lifespan will be improved.


When it comes to the back, it's like a fairy boat.

Immortal species.

But that was much later.

And no matter what, there will still be the dead, so since Zhibao is the law of knowledge and is in charge of this realm, then her authority will build such a small reincarnation.

That's pretty good.

In mythology, isn't there anyone who wants to have children who have never been obtained, visit the god Buddha, and constantly pray with incense?

Those dead souls can be whitewashed again and return to the purest stage.

Start a new life.

That is, reincarnation.

Although there will be no memory, this is already a good result compared to being absorbed by the earth.


Liyue is also constantly giving birth to new life, coupled with this small reincarnation, to achieve a new positive cycle and stable growth.

Puzzle, a little more complete.

This is another idea that continues to become perfect with development.

"Of course, Xiaozhi, you have to reach that level, not so fast, so just let me talk and play, don't care about it."

"Play as you like."

"Abominable! Don't look down on me! I am a great lawyer! "

Hearing Su Bai's words, she was obviously fried.

It made Su Bai happy.

This girl is so exciting.

"In the future, when I become stronger, hmph, maybe you have to beg me, I will do it!" Otherwise, don't even think about it, this is the price you despise me! "

"Okay, good, then I'll beg you then."

"You! Why did you let go so quickly! "

Zhibao was dumbfounded again.

Logically speaking, shouldn't this kind of thing be difficult for you to do?

It will damage your majesty and image.

How can you say beg me, beg me!

But she still scratched her head, very puzzled.

"Speaking of Su Bai, are you a little too trusting of me and Fu Hua, saying that you will help her, even if it is me a lawyer, you are willing to have such kindness to me and are willing to help."

"Don't you be afraid, don't we appreciate it?"


Su Bai said a word meaningfully.

"In our Liyue, there is such a saying, there is no doubt about the use of people, and doubts do not need to. I believe that the same is true between partners and friends, so I trust you and her. "

"I'm sure you won't let me down, that's all."

"Hmph! Then you have a good eye! Moreover, Shenzhou also has this sentence! It seems that the two places really have a fate. "

The corners of Zhibao's mouth turned up, and it looked like she was happy.

It's really fun.

Because she has a strong desire to express, she hopes to be affirmed by others, which is why she is easy to break her defense when she is said and denied by Fu Huayi.

It turned out to be terrible.


Su Bai thinks I can create reincarnation!

Old antique, see no!

Look at the people, look at you!

The person who knows the law can't wait for Fu Hua to see this scene quickly, this is trust, understand? You hairy!

Actually, even then.

Most likely, Su Bai contributed more.

And to manage the matter of reincarnation, you also need more than one person, just right, the person that Zhibao met can be used as one of the lists for consideration.

That sentence is thinner than her.

You should be able to guess who this person is.

And the treasure is active everywhere, and gradually, everyone also knows that this is another guest of Lord Su Bai, and Lord Su Bai can always bring all kinds of very amazing people.

Let's get used to it.

After all, it's Lord Su Bai, isn't it a matter of course?

And those who know the law also know many immortals.

She planted coconut trees with Qiqi, played crazy with Guiwei, and noticed the alchemy techniques of Lishui Dieshanzhen Jun and Cutting Moon Zhuyang Zhenjun, she was very interesting and went to learn it.

Progress is fast.

And when she went to show off to Su Bai, Su Bai also showed a backhand of alchemy.

Leave her dumbfounded.

And Su Bai also smiled lightly and threw the refined [Meal Yun Chengludan] to her.

"Surprised? In the past, I learned a series of immortal arts, but some of them I didn't use much, after all, I also had my own path. "

"But it doesn't mean I won't, besides, look at their refining methods, this elixir is still very easy to learn."

"Nuo, after eating this meal Yuncheng Ludan, you won't be hungry for a year, do you want to take it."

Hearing this, Zhibao immediately disgusted and directly lost it.

"You're kidding me, I can't eat good food, then life is too boring, why invent this useless elixir?"

"Hmph, it's better to look at me, I'll make you frightened when the time comes!"

She ran to study it again with great momentum.

This character is interesting.

Anyway, Su Bai is happy to see that all of you together are unlikely to refine anything terrible.

It can't be all of a sudden.

[Dandingsi] exploded, and then drilled out a building wood, right?

He didn't think so.

That's not much of a mess.

Maybe it can add her ability as a lawyer of knowledge, and there will be something fun.

Then, another interesting immortal came to the door.

In the office here.

Su Bai looked at a list in his hand, and General Jin Peng stood respectfully on the side at this time, bowing his head and waiting for him to speak.

It can be seen that he is more precipitated now.

It's like going through more battlefields and killings.

But compared to a soldier, he has more of the temperament of a general, resourceful, strategic, calm, and colorful.

This is what has been cultivated by commanding one battle after another. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Today's Wei, in charge of the wind system's main battle type [Jinpeng Xianzhou], leads a series of Immortal Boat soldiers, and has been outside the world for a long time, wandering in many world bubbles and various spaces.

Constantly bring back a series of resources for Liyue.

This ancient rock country continues to grow, making its heritage more and more elusive and incomparable.

The more talents you have, the easier and more comfortable you can be.

After all.

Isn't that how leadership is?

And they have also fought with various creatures of the Quantum Sea one after another, strange, very varied, and constantly enrich the database records of monsters in the Heavenly Dao Terminal.

Among them, he has also fought with many Honkai beasts.

Before even the spider Zi also complained, why many world bubbles have collapsed beasts.

She is not the only one who has said this question.

It's just that this time some members of the group said another thing, saying that the plot of the previous life Honkai III is not still coming out, so the more plots with the World Bubble and the Quantum Sea.

Guess what monsters they fought in the world bubble?

All kinds of Honkai beasts.

Spiders call out to the grass, isn't this the classic way of monster modeling reuse.

The Quantum Sea monster that, compared to this, is still a little different.

After all, there are still many quantum sea monsters, which are new and mysterious.

Huh and so on.

Now that we are facing the real world and various bubbles, doesn't it mean that there are world bubbles of collapsed beasts, everywhere?

Will there be a lot of quantity?


So the fish have also fought many times and personally led the team or something.

And with his great gains in the last few world bubbles, he has accumulated enough contributions and merits, so he wrote the names of the Yasha who hoped to be resurrected on it.

They are all members of the past Immortal Yasha Army. (Nowang's)


Su Bai looked at it, and the first name was [Yasha Copper Sparrow].

This silenced him.

It turned out to be you.

Long time no see.

Su Bai also smiled, and then looked through their information.

After a while, it was handed back to the fish.

"The Yasha above have been resurrected and appeared in various locations, all related to themselves, go, you can go and get them back."

"Whether it's for them to join the Jinpeng Xianzhou Army or something else, it's up to you to decide."

The fish suddenly looked excited, and his body was trembling.

Immediately, he bowed his head deeply again.


"Thank you, Lord Emperor! Your great kindness will never be forgotten. "

"Okay, let's go, there is no need to say these words, I believe you also want to meet them."


The excited fish immediately turned around, turned into a blue light and disappeared here.

It has already passed towards the earth below Liyue.

You can imagine his mood.

And on the list that was just submitted to Su Bai, there is their information.

The fish certainly knew where those Yasha would appear.

That's great.

It means that the reappearance of the Yasha family is no longer a dream!

Today's Liyue still needs Yasha, and they still need to open up the future and fight! .

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