That's right.

Fu Hua, as the forerunner of the Tinder Project, is a fusion warrior.

So why did you keep guarding Shenzhou after the emergence of a new civilization?

Because people are in the last civilization, they are from here.

Just back where it was again.

In the past.

Her father opened a martial arts hall, and Fu Hua studied martial arts with his father since he was a child.

It is a pity that their martial arts hall is lonely, and in the era of science and technology, martial arts can no longer keep up, and can only gradually become a product abandoned by the times.


"So squad leader, your father, let you go to Canghai City to study, but it's a pity that you can't integrate with those girls because you have studied martial arts too deeply."

No way, people talk about a series of topics that girls are interested in.

Fu Hua was all the same as listening to the Book of Heaven.

There is a huge generation gap.

Therefore, [Hua]'s original reading career was not very good, and later he saved the classmates who were attacked by the dead, and this gradually integrated in.

"Alas, when I think of the difficult life of the class leader in the past, I cry, I think the noodles are too delicious, so I plan to eat noodles once a month, it is half a month."

"It's unimaginable now."

"God, let me not eat the rice made by Bud Yi for a few days, I already feel that this is torture in the world, but Ah Hua, don't worry, in the future, we will give you good food every day to make you full, anyway, you will not continue to develop."

"Kiana!! How the hell do you know so much! "

"And don't you think your words are offensive?!"


A certain grinning paramecium was finally punched by Fu Hua, who could not stand it.

"Whew, why did I get beaten again?"

Kiana wanted to cry without tears.

Obviously I am so good to Fu Hua, she even beat me.

787 is so unreasonable.

Neither Rosalyn nor Su Bai said anything, and it was natural for you to be beaten.

And then after a while.

Su Bai spoke up.

"Help you out of my interest, after all, you are Kiana's friend, and some time ago, there was a goddess on my side who broke away from the shackles of the past and ushered in her own life."

"Your situation is a bit similar, let's just go together."

After all, Fu Hua lacks opinion.

This is not a smear.

Just facts.

For the sake of responsibility, for protection, for the future, she has been carrying the tasks and missions entrusted by those wiser people, silently bearing, the most honest one in the thirteen heroes.

There is no problem with this at all.

Even other people say this, Hua is very honest.

She does whatever others say.

She has never lived for herself, even Danzhu and Cang Xuan can't stand it, hoping that she can live her own life, and Danzhu hopes to pass on her affairs so that more people like Fu Hua.

"So I'm going to let you die again, that phoenix of Rosalind, Fu Hua, you should be able to react."

"Do you mean Nirvana Rebirth?"

"Well, rebirth in the fire, activate your power again, and take back everything that originally belonged to you, this is to go through calamity and die and then be born."

"In the past, under the pressure of the emperor-level Collapse Beast Canissa, you activated the super transformation factor with the will to survive and became a fusion warrior."

In death, look for hope.

So this time, once again look for life!

Fu Hua: ...

Is this what Kiana told you too?

How much does she know?

Kiana's eyes lit up, die once?

Isn't this the Law of Knowledge?

Surprise, is the treasure coming.

Now they are there, the broken will has been pitted again and again, and they have been silent, and the lawyer in front is a traitor, unable to play, and finally planned to come together last time.

Among them, there is also a licker, directly giving his core for nothing.

Then the other one was also turned over by Kiana.

Honkai will is directly dumbfounded.

Pick the wrong person.

It's not powerful! Not reliable at all!

Then isn't the next thing the emergence of the law of knowledge?

That's the classic scene.

[Red Iris Immortal, I'm not lying].

Finish speaking.

Otto then gave Fu Hua a shot.

My poor Fu Hua, why can't I stop eating deflated, the treatment is extremely poor!

Then Honkai noticed this scene and said that it was a perfect body.


The Honkai consciousness easily occupied it, and a new lawyer, on the body of the dead Fuhua, appeared!

That is the Law of Knowledge.

Lovely pinch.

Xiaozhi is excellent, and it is also the kind that fights Honkai, making Honkai's will confused again.


Wait, I got it.

Su Bai will not be the one who intends to figure out the law of knowledge, and then with the character of knowing treasure, it is easy to take her down directly.

After all, she has a lively personality, is active, long and good-looking.

Or perhaps.

After plotting against Zhibao as his own person, he can use her to attack Fu Hua?

After all, normal strategies are not very easy to handle, but with such an intermediary or another Fuhua to help, there are a lot more opportunities at once.

At that time, you will be able to take Fu Hua in the future.

50,000 years wife in hand!


Or Su Bai you will play.

After all, now the broken will does not toss for half a day, useless guy, continue to release your authority, law maker.


Stinky brother.

As a result, Kiana was beaten again and looked at Su Bai with teary eyes.

Su Bai, you bastard!

Obviously, I sent you these in private chats, and I didn't say it.

Why hit me!

She first glared at Su Bai angrily, and then continued to look at the private chat.

Su Bai: "Don't make trouble, how do you make up your brain, and then make up your brain." "

Kiana: "No! I don't believe it! Is Fuhua not good-looking? She is very popular, I don't believe you don't want Fuhua's body. "

"Think of the scene where she wears a cheongsam and shows her slender white thighs."

(CECD) Not to mention that even she Kiana remembers that in the comic "Moon Shadow" of the previous life Honkai III, there was a scene of Fu Hua wearing a cheongsam + silk, and she blushed shyly at that time. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

That's called a run.

On the contrary, Fu Hua looked confused, how did Kiana and Su Bai look at each other and show various eyes, could it be that Kiana's classmate, and he had such a relationship?

And how did Su Bai knock Kiana's head.

It looked very light, but as a result, Kiana also cooperated with a tearful expression, pitiful.

Good will sell moe.

They have a really good relationship.

Honkai Three Worlds.

"I hope it can be successful, squad leader, you must get through!"

"It can't just disappear!"

"Transform with a strong will, usher in that hope, and then firmly grasp it, so that the Red Kite Immortal can reappear, so you must not give up."

At this time, under a certain sea area, Kiana was looking at a fiery red giant egg in front of her, encouraging and cheering.

This egg exudes an astonishing high temperature, constantly evaporating the sea water here.

However, Kiana folded it with space to avoid the abnormality of this area, but the will to collapse can be found.

Previously, I got Su Bai's suggestion.

Coupled with Kiana's repeated assurances, Fu Hua was willing to give it a try.

And Kiana also specially mentioned it, Fu Hua squad leader, you don't want to see the situation where if we lose the war and there is no one to protect Shenzhou, right?

Shenzhou, I need you!

In addition, you still have the key of the gods, Yu Duchen, if you fail, you will turn your consciousness away, and you can return after a while.

Su Bai's method will stop once it fails.

On the contrary, if you insist on success, you will become more and more tormented and constantly burned.

So it doesn't matter if you fail.

You can do it a second or third time later until you succeed.

So Fu Hua agreed.

In the matter of Shenzhou, she is always willing to give.

Kiana said, Fu Hua really, I cried to death.

So just before, Su Bai sent a flame giant from the Quantum Sea, which held the [Sword of Flame] and burned a terrible flame, which was Fu Hua's first calamity.

This fire came from Skahah, the Giant King of Flame in the second Persona zone where Scati was.

Its power [Sword of Flame].

Can let the world, let the stars usher in the end of destruction!

It is something that rivals the holy spear.

As for the feeling that the holy gun is so hanging, Kiana said that the essence of the holy gun is a tower that ties the skin of the world, and the side as a weapon, barely appearing in the posture of that gun, is only incidental.

The focus is different.

It was the Arashi anchor that tied the stars.

The features are all different.

Therefore, the flame giant is an attack that Su Bai sent out after seizing the power of that power.

Here it goes.

The alien enemy has not yet arrived, and now it is time for the enemy in the sea!

How are the three worlds of Honkai some strange situations.

But remember, even if it is the thirteen heroes of the fire moth, there is an alien or what?

From the sky came to the earth.


What are you doing on Earth, was it beaten by Honkai.

So isn't Red Kite Nirvana asking for fire, isn't this a fire that destroys the world directly, it's strong enough, right?

The pressure is directly pulled up.

This thing is extremely dangerous to Fu Hua to the point of explosion, but it is precisely this kind of fire that can deeply stimulate her potential again and die and come back to life!

There are so many good things on Su Bai.

This guy.

I'm really hungry.

Think about it carefully, his side is really related to Celtic mythology, Mora is a Celtic pattern on it, the rune of Skaha has been changed to an immortal rune, and the magic gun has become the slaying gun of the fairy boat.

Fiercely burst the gold coins of the old woman with two guns.

And this sea beast of Tivat, remember, in Celtic mythology, warriors also killed and fought with the sea beast family.

I will also use the bones of sea beasts to make bone guns.

How is it so fate?

Wait, this flame giant is not a Celtic, it is Norse mythology, Kiana was inexplicably embarrassed, remember, remember wrong.


It was mainly Skaha who misled herself.

It's always easy to think of Celtic mythology to go.


Can't you say that you've really been humble lately, right?

No way!.

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