King Dacishu's eyes once again flowed with emotion.

I'm sorry, Su Bai, obviously the matter here has nothing to do with you.


It is the red king, the grass dragon, the ~ crisis they bring.

It should have been solved by me, after all, it is the old ledger from before.

It's just that you're still so nice to me.

Thank you, my dear friend.

This time I have trouble you to come and join me again.

And that rock mushroom beast is still shocked.

The king of rock in Liyue, incredible.

However, if he sleeps in the abyss, it really involves the territory of this god.

And, for appearing here in Meru, not under the abyss.

It's also very ignorant.

What happened?

Why did you come here directly?

I heard that it was brought directly by the King of Rock, could it be that when he was sleeping, this adult discovered and saved himself?

So it's also grateful.

A place of wind and sand.

Apep's hiding place.

Su Bai and the Great Cishu King gradually came here, and they were followed by a lot of mushroom beasts.

With yellow sand and sand dunes full of grass, Meru's terrain is huge.

Especially desert areas.

There are also areas that were not involved in the past between the Red King and the Flower God.

That is the deeper part of the desert, the inaccessible area, where ordinary life cannot survive.


With this undisguised act of arrival, the ancient being living here is also perceived.

And start showing up.

A strong wind began to blow up.

In this sandstorm environment, the visibility decreases quickly, the sky is gloomy, and then an extremely large dragon looming in the wind and sand appears here.

Its shape is completely different from Mond's [Wind Dragon Twalin] and Liyue's [Rock Dragon Ruoda Dragon King].

It belongs to the kind of dragon species that is slender, curved, and coiled here.

His handsomeness is so handsome that even Ruoda will envy when he sees it.

At this time, its cold eyes were looking here, and its whole body had the same style as branches and sand bars, like a forest of thorns in the desert.

If you look closely, you will see that this is very similar to those dead branches in the desert.

And such a grass dragon looks like a [Sand Dragon].

This is exactly the posture that has been forced to adapt to the environment here, from the grass green dragon in the past to the wind and sand dragon today, but its power is still dominated by the grass element.

It is a veritable grass dragon.

"Unknown gods, small humans, leave my territory! This is not the place you should be! "

This sound is a first impression, and it feels a bit like the bird in Liyue.

That is, Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun.

And the Great Compassion Tree King returned to his original appearance at this time.

The verdant and elf-like goddess of grass and trees, lord of trees, founder of the rainforest, gentle and great god.

Come back again.

"Grass Dragon Apep, it's me, I'm here to save you."

"Oh? It turned out to be you. But so what, I don't need to be saved, let alone by guys like you, don't forget what our relationship is, don't forget the original Meru, and whose territory it really is! "

The grass dragon's tone was very bad.

After all.

In the past, the grass region of Meru, the grass dragon, was the lord here! Dragon Lord!

The so-called red king, the so-called flower god, are just latecomers.

One by one.

All came down from heaven.

With the authority of Sky Island and the gods, they established a kingdom here without authorization, developed civilization, and took this place as their territory.

Even the Great Compassion Tree King is the same.

She was born as the goddess of the world tree in this new environment after the original retransformation of heaven and earth.

The age of the dragon fades and the age of the demon god arrives.

It represents both the era and the old and the new.

So how can this grass dragon not be hostile, and how can he not be resentful?

Naturally, it was just like what Su Bai said at the beginning.

Meru is an area of grass.

Whoever wins is the first generation of grass gods.

It is the region that is this attribute, and the fixed area comes out of the fixed god.

And for the attitude of the grass dragon, the Great Compassion Tree King is still so gentle.

"Those things, the past is gone, Apep, what we should look to is the future, whether it is you or the Meru, mushrooms and beasts can live here and live in peace."

"So I didn't think about it that much, I just came to save you."

"This is my agreement with them."

The grass dragon's gaze also noticed those mushroom elemental lives, they were all races bred in their own bodies, so the grass dragon paused for a moment before continuing to speak coldly.

"It's as kind as ever, Bouyer."

"But it's too stupid."

"Do you think you will end up in this way, every time it consumes your own strength, constantly getting smaller, don't get to the end, even the whole Sumeru doesn't remember you."

"And I won't thank you either."

"It doesn't matter, I just made this choice to help these children's grief and weeping, and the future of Meru, everything, wait until I cure you, okay?"

"At least, these children want to go home, and they've had a long and difficult time for that. Always looking for ways to save you. "

Listening to the words of the Great Cishu King, the grass dragon was shaken.

But it still sneered hatefully.

"It's worthy of being a goddess with sharp teeth, but I still don't think about it!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It looked like it couldn't listen, and directly turned around and left, intending to leave here.

I don't want to continue the conversation.

With the gods, there is nothing to say!

Heavenly lackeys!

I wait for the enemies of the dragon clan!

Seeing that the Great Cishu King wanted to catch up with the second wave of persuasion, Su Bai shook his head.

"Let me come, it is now a huge problem in the body, like a patient who is irritable because of his condition, it is easy to go crazy and bite people indiscriminately."


As soon as he heard Su Bai's words, the grass dragon who left in front became furious.

"Humble human beings, there is no qualification for you to speak here! Dare to be so presumptuous, believe it or not, even the Great Compassion Tree King can't protect you. "

"Yes, friendly reminder, Apep, I advise you to pay attention when you speak, I am not a special gentle character like the Great Compassion Tree King."

"Oh, you think you are.... Yes!!! "

It just wanted to be sarcastic, but the invisible force instantly crashed down, covering its entire body, causing the terrifying impact and dust to be instantly swept away, and the grass dragon let out a harsh scream and wail.

Ben has been tormented by taboo knowledge for so many years, and it is difficult to adapt.

As a result, the body opened such a big hole again.

The grass dragon was already quite weak.

Pressed by this force again, it instantly screamed and weakened too much, and suddenly fell to the ground, without strength, only a wisp of gossamer-like breath remained.

King Dacishu's mouth opened wide.

She was so shocked just now that she wanted to quickly stop the grass dragon from speaking, for fear that Su Bai would beat the grass dragon to death.

In the words of that Estes.

You ate a few dishes, and you actually talked to Su Bai like this.


Although this kind of words are not suitable for a goddess like her.

Sometimes Esders and their style of speaking is very wonderful.

And now, the Great Compassion Tree King hurriedly ran over and released the power of the grass element in his hand, allowing the grass dragon Apepu to slow down.

"It's okay, Appep."

Then she smiled wryly.

"Thank you Su Bai, spare its life, the grass dragon Apep does not know how you exist, so he speaks a little irritable, and he should be able to communicate well now."

Grass Dragon Apep: ...

You're poisonous, right?

At the beginning, the posture of the Great Compassion Tree King was completely an ordinary woman, and she felt that she was a god at most, or after she returned to her original form, she found out that she was the god of grass.

Such a strong camouflage ability?

As for this human being, he is not a human at all for half a day!

Also a god!

What's wrong with the current era, all of them are such old foxes?

Teasing me is fun, isn't it?

I'm going to vomit blood.

And according to the pressure of the force just now, the dust and wind and sand set off were all protected by the golden energy cover when it affected those elemental lives and them.

Look at it this way.

Is it the rock god of Liyue?

But how do you feel, you have a sense of horror and panic that the sky is falling?

What the hell is this?

And the King of the Great Cishu is also a shame, grass dragon, grass dragon, you better be quiet.

The god who came out of Liyue seems to be more powerful, and Su Bai was also like this before, saying that if he loses a rock gun, he will lose a rock gun.

A shot to the desert.

Very straightforward.

"So now, calm down, you also know who should be resentful, right?"

"Those are in the past and have nothing to do with me and him."

The grass dragon was angry all of a sudden.

"How can it have nothing to do with you, you are all gods under Tianli! It has only existed for the time of Xu Yu, but it rules here, so they are all enemies of our dragon clan! "

Even the Red King, the Great Compassion Tree King, and the Flower God, creatures that could not move for thousands of years to lay the foundation, in its eyes, were only extremely brief.

The ancient dragon is such a long-lived creature.

It lived for tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of years?

It's all possible.

Even Ratha has said in the past that life like this is almost endless and can continue with eternal time.

That's how you can live.

The Great Compassion Tree King shook his head.

"I'm not under Tianli, he is even more not, to be precise, I am under him, in fact, I have long died, and I am no longer the old seven rulers of the earthly world."

"Just as his best friend."

"The age of heavenly reason has passed nine times."

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