Remember the man who was called the strongest and arrogant, and the strongest female tyrant feared by countless people.

They were all beaten by the black dragon and lost their arms, spitting out blood, screaming and wailing, and finally they could only choose to escape or something.

This is not self-defeating.

It's the original plot.

After Riveria recalled this incident, she was a little speechless.

The black dragon pad is so high?

Even these two of Zeus and Hera's family showed this miserable situation?

I don't know, I thought I was hit by the fear buff.

What that fear memory inside Kamen Rider W.

After all, they were able to grow to that level, and along the way, they had experienced countless long and difficult battles, and before that, they had already conquered the land king [Behimos].

Overlord of the sea [Leviathan].


They should all have a strong will and high consciousness, all of them are brave warriors, and they are wailing and screaming?


It just feels weird.

That's a miserable one.

Since this is the case, team battles are not good, so let yourself take its faucet.

Then directly become a god.


The guild is also dumbfounded, and then it will not be able to trouble itself.

Although the black dragon was originally the biggest commission, Riveria felt that this thing originally ran out of the dungeon, and there was a kind of dungeon that the dungeon was the final boss.

The battle will continue.

It's just that at that time, she was already a member of the gods in the audience seat.

When I didn't become a god, I was so liver and struggled.

If he had become a god, he would still struggle like this.

Am I not a god in vain?

Riveria smiled, she also wanted to be like Su Bai, most of the things were handed over to other people, how happy it would be to shake the palm cabinet.


Keep thinking about what you're going to do next.

Liyue Sky Port Stone Forest Recreation.

"Lord Su Bai, you see, this is me and Lishui Dieshan, after changing our thinking, practicing hard day and night, and failing many times, we finally succeeded in [Dining Cloud Morning Dew Dan]."

"Oh? Let me see. "

At this time.

Su Bai took the elixir that the Moon Cutting Moon Zhuyang True Monarch used his power to float over.

It was a verdant-looking pill of plants and trees with wonderful patterns.

There is also a slight herbal smell.

"Well, using ginseng, white art, poria, astragalus, and some other elixirs, there are many herbs that are rich in nutrients, full and hunger-resistant, presumably eat one, can top for several days."

"And according to the addition and mixing of several elixirs, I am afraid that this elixir can also make the body lighter, strengthen the body a little, especially for the elderly, the effect is good."


The eyes of the Shimmering Moon Zhuyang Zhenjun and the Rishui Stacking Mountain Zhenjun widened.

It is worthy of Lord Su Bai.

I haven't said it yet.

Just by looking at it like this, you don't need to take it, and you can see the effect of the pill.

It's really scary!

Lord Su Bai is really powerful, and his eyes are vicious.

As for the [white art] mentioned in this, cough, it is indeed an herb, a perennial herb of the Asteraceae family.

Not another white art.

"Although it is very rough, it can be seen that it is still very rusty and there are many traces of waste, but as far as the beginning is concerned, it is quite successful, and then it only needs to be continuously improved and improved, it is a pill."

It's hard to get started.

But the Dan Ding technique possessed by these two immortals was originally the one who refined the Golden Pill.

Has a certain refining experience.

After changing his train of thought again, he went to refine a new elixir.

Although it will continue to fail, it is at least supported by a foundation, which is much better than the real start from scratch, plus Su Bai said a series of ideas.

They can even go directly to herbs with similar effects.

And then refine.

Therefore, coupled with the great development of spiritual medicine now, the two immortals can be regarded as having achieved results, and new paths have begun to emerge.

This [Meal Cloud Morning Dew Dan] can continue to be improved in the future.

What a class of 2.0,

Until it becomes the perfect [Meal Cloud Morning Dewdan].

The formula of the elixir can be polished all the time, reducing losses, reducing costs, replacing medicinal materials, and it is also possible to differentiate the second elixir according to that strong body.

That's what they need to do.

As for this kind of meal Yunchen Dewdan, you don't have to eat after eating?

However, most people will choose good food and not be hungry? As soon as the fragrance is smelled, the gluttonous insects are hooked out.

No way.

Who makes Liyue's ingredients and food so delicious.

If you don't eat for a few days, you will drool.

Even if it is these immortals, do you think they will not eat?


In fact, the immortals are strangely demanding.

More than anyone will enjoy.

The ingredients that are not used at every turn are of high quality or rare.

The average one is not eye-catching.

Even if it is a man surnamed Zhong.

The degree of food and clothing, that is all fine, the selection is excellent.

Even cook a delicacy.

I have to look for the tillers of bamboo shoots.

Like this.

It is a fresh and tender bamboo shoot exposed in the bamboo forest after the rain, and it is necessary to go to Qingcezhuang to pick it, which is not available in ordinary places.

This bamboo shoot has a fragrant, refreshing and delicious taste, once taken to cook the soup, plus lean meat, with the strong meat aroma, plus a series of seasonings.

With the aroma that comes out with a slow stew.

Just thinking about it, you know how delicious.


This group of people will actually enjoy life one by one.

That's an advantage of living longer.

Naturally, these immortals, some of them eat, will not often take this [Meal Cloud Morning Dew Dan].

But that's it.

The pill continues to develop like this, and the prospects are very good.

Su Bai expressed his appreciation and encouragement, let them continue, and give contributions according to the degree of merit, and when the time comes, several more panaceas will be researched and gradually enriched.

You can create [Dandingsi] and let them be responsible.

...... (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Not long after the two immortals left, Kiana and Bronia, Bud Yi also came here.

Kiana directly gave a lively smile + waved.

"Hey! Su Bai, here we are. "

"Are you happy? Is there joy in your heart? Cheers, cheers, hehe, come and play with you. "

"Kiana, like an idiot."

"Stupid Bronia, you know what, our relationship is so good, obviously restored emotionally, but still a cold face of crumb duck, in a sense this is also a kind of board duck."

"You nicknamed me again!"

Soon, the three of them also sat down, and this noise was stopped by Bud Yi.


These two guys are always like this.

You don't have to fight here for most of the day, do you?

Served you.

As soon as she sat down, Bronia handed Su Bai a Liyue card.

"Give, thank you for these experimental Liyue cards, with the Heavenly Dao terminal and computing power resources, as well as Kiana and your ideas, about the game "Honkai III" made a beginning."

"Let's try it together."

For Bronia and Su Bai, Su Bai said in the past.

It can make the duck duck continue to grow, and when her ability is strong in the future, she can help Liyue a lot.

Or as your own assistant.

Anyway, as a duck with great potential, Su Bai certainly won't let it go.

It is definitely not because when she grows up, she will become a tall and slender mature sexy royal sister duck.

Definitely not!

Although the charming slender waist, the big and white one, and the straight and round white legs, with the calm charm and expression, is already a rare beauty.

But that's for later, it's still early.

So today's words.

She is indeed very capable, and she is still Kiana's little friend.

So Su Bai is also optimistic about her.

And in order to save Xi'er before, Bronia asked Su Bai for help, and after successfully saving Xi'er, she was very touched and grateful, and her good impression of Su Bai continued to rise.

Not to mention that Su Bai also treated her.

is his own great benefactor.

So gradually, the relationship between Bronia and Su Bai is getting better and better.

And Bronia loves games.

In normal development, in the late stage, after the biggest crisis has passed, the world ushered in new development.

She will step down from her position of destiny.

Run to join a game company and work as a producer-like position.

A video game "Alahato" was also made.

You can imagine her love for games.

On Liyue's side, after coming into contact with the virtual game, she was pleasantly surprised, and directly loved (promised to be good) and let go, calling this too powerful, has the game developed like this?

Each one is pretty well done.

Vibrant backstory, exquisite main story and various plots, realistic virtual scenes and otherworldly scenery from distant times, magnificent battlefields and epic scenes.

It's also immersive.

That's an exaggeration!

Completely hang up the game on the other side of your world and play it.

This kind of game made her addicted all at once, so shuddering, it was amazing!

To be able to make such an epoch-making Liyue game group is simply a genius!

I really don't know what kind of characters they are.

She would love to see it.

As soon as the result was understood, Bronia was stunned, it turned out to be Su Bai, the real ruler of Liyue, it was too outrageous, the changes and new things he brought to Liyue.

It's really too much!

Even this one.

What Heavenly Dao terminal, virtual god, Liyue card, virtual game, it turned out to be completely by his own strength, driving the development of this, which really made Bronia look up to and shock.

So fierce.

Kiana, look at people!

A paramecium: ???

So when she heard that Su Bai was willing to teach herself to make games, she jumped up happily on the spot, duck duck ecstasy!

And such a good thing?

That's great!.

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