Elven race, how is it all like this!


Make your own yellow rhymes every day!

All said nothing, you still ~ what do you want!

Just don't believe it!

You have to force me, right?

These elven clansmen are also too suspicious, suspicious at every turn, Su Bai and I are really together, do we need to hide-?

It was as if the elves could stop it.

She was also speechless.

After all, this kind of thing often happens in the dependents, and the elves can't move like this.

Riveria is depressed +99.

And after that.

While Riveria was still worrying about her becoming a god, she saw new news from Spider in the chat group.

Spider: "Well, after a series of tribulations, I have successfully evolved into a girl spider!" Fortunately, I should think about becoming a god next. "

Riveria: "??? "

What the heck.

So fast?

Give me enough!

Have you ever considered me, obviously I added the group first, and I also upgraded and fought hard first, how come all of a sudden, you become a god, and you are faster than me?


She was dumbfounded.

It feels like the whole person is going to petrify.

What is this later.

She was still entangled in God's favor and Su Bai's affairs, and she was stuck here, not knowing what to do.

Influenced her upgrade path.

As a result, the spider was advancing by leaps and bounds, and Rivery was linen.

Don't be so pro-like.

I'm embarrassed that you look like this.

Why are you so fast?

Is this what a bunch of skill points give you?

I want to become a god too!

However, remembering what she wanted to show to Su Bai, Riveria's cheeks turned crimson again, and she directly plunged her head into the pillow.

Shame is dead!

What the hell am I going to do!

Thou Bean: "Girl spider? That is, the upper body is human, the lower body spider posture? Strange, how do I remember that it is not possible to be like this after the undead spider? "

Spider: "??? No, the undead spider queen is still a pure spider. "

It was this gesture that allowed her to obtain the [Immortal] skill.

In the original work, it is precisely because of this immortality that the spider can survive after being killed by the demon king in seconds.

Wasn't the spider at that time still a spider?

And [Girl Spider] is a special posture, belonging to a special evolution, [Undead Spider Queen] is already at the same level as the super large spider in the maze, that is, [Queen Spider Monster].

This gesture has already stood at the apex.

It's just that Spider is moving forward again, and she won't be satisfied with it.

You have to go on anyway.

So, you misremembered.

Tsuchima: "Your beans are like this, your memory is average, even if it is like this now, you are still better at fighting." "

Thou Bean: "Hey! Are you trying to say that I can't do it in my head?! "

I'm going to be angry ha!

Beat you!

Buried in the soil: "... No, I can't beat you, and why say this, I just stated a fact. "

Small buried grievances.

Almost got it, you know to bully yourself, right?

Kiana: "In other words, what conditions do spiders need to meet to become gods, just a girl spider, isn't it?"

Remember that several factors are needed.

For example, a certain skill.

It needs to be practiced very high.

And like those seven deadly sins, what arrogance, gluttony, write about what power is the road to becoming a god.

But with this is far from possible.

Because there are quite a few of them with this skill, and in the end, only spiders become gods.

You can imagine the difficulty.

Blowing Snow: "This skill should be [Divine Realm Expansion], which is the ultimate root of all life, and it is also the deep area of the soul, because the kind of god of spiders is the evolution of life and soul."

A little more precisely, the soul is more important.

And then keep expanding!

Skaha: "Right. You need to practice this skill to 1v.9, and then the spider gets that energy again, and you can break through this level to 1v.10. "

A condition is met.

In itself, spiders also have other excellent conditions.

Taken together, the evolution of life will begin by mistake, so that the process of becoming a god is called [deification].

Anyway, she was the only one who succeeded.

The villain was blindfolded at that time, and then his angry eyes were red, and he directly turned on the incompetent fury mode.



The godhood that he has been searching for has never been realized.

So did such a guy become?

By what?

Esders: "But be careful, your way of evolution is too shortcut, and it is not a normal path to becoming a god at all, so if you do, it will be faster than Riveria." "

Overtake in direct corners.

Because, she spider is to open the hang + take the shortcut, and took the trail!

Hard work can't beat the hanging.

This is simply the truth.

Who made her this environment special.

From the testing ground of the terrifying evil gods in the universe, all the high-grade energy is used casually, as well as a series of unreasonable skills and magic.

This region itself involves a very high level of power.

Standing on the shoulders of giants is fast.

"But precisely because of this, after you become a god, you will be separated from the system, there will be a period of weakness, just like ordinary people, it is easy to get into trouble, so you have to plan ahead."

Spider: "Uh-huh, I know, I'll practice again first, and then go to the demon king, and after getting acquainted with her, I can let her be my umbrella, after all, that's my grandmother!" "

Then it will be up to her.

Not to mention that this is only a superficial layer, you can actually get the ability from the chat group, and secretly quickly have the power of self-preservation.

And there is a final layer!

That is to run the world of other group members, anyway, by that time they have become gods.

It's just that you still need to master the power.

In the group, that's safer.

It's just that you can't go back after that, the evil god is likely to explode, which is equivalent to the last few episodes of a wonderful TV series, the protagonist is missing, and it is directly off the air.

She jumped her feet angrily!

And his own words, the account has not yet been paid.

If you have more fun from her, how can you run away in ashes.

When the spider became a god, the system also gave a basic lecture about God at the end, the source is given by the evil god D.

It's a message to celebrate this level.

Not to mention that since you have accepted your grandmother's love at that time, can't you justifiably play with the system, turn the world upside down, and it's fun to think about.

World, evil gods, dragon gods, planet energy, monsters and so on.

It will be a very good feeling and experience after being a god.

It's hard to find this experience.

Be able to improve yourself and turn it into food for growth.

After all.

After she became a god, she didn't stop moving still, she had to continue to grow.

Such a good map.

A world that is meant to break.

Don't do it for nothing, don't do it.

The blanks, accumulation and experience after becoming a god can be continuously replenished from here.

The follow-up route is also here.

In this world.

The universe is huge.

Play and you're done!

He is the protagonist spider, according to the normal story development, he should become a god, and then stir up the wind and rain in the universe and walk to the peak of God, right?

The ending of the original book, I don't agree with it!

How is it possible that the minimap of this planet will fall.

If it doesn't work, just run.

Anyway, what I believe in is that before running, you must search fiercely!

The group fell silent.

Xiao Buri: "How do you feel, you have developed in the direction of pleasure and evil gods, you are not afraid of death, this optimistic attitude, always feels, is the next Luo Hao." "

Luo Hao: "??? I'm a good person. "

This almost didn't make several group members spray rice. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Are you here to be funny?

Luo Hao pro.

Tiantong Mugen: "I'm afraid no one will believe this!" Anyone who has heard of the god killer knows that the god killer is not a good person, and everyone is a saboteur and a troublemaker, and he destroys wherever he goes. "

"How else would you call the Demon King?"

Nothing can be done.

Especially Luo Hao, this is a heavyweight of the super enhanced version.

Spider: "Hey (confused), have you ever made a big deal?" "

Luo Hao: "Ahem, the little things are all gone, you don't need to care, but you, I am very gratified, I hope you have a good time in a series of wits and battles with dragon gods, evil gods, goddesses, and so on." "

This is a senior's optimism for the junior.


After all, this world view of spiders will be complicated for ordinary people.

It's actually quite simple.

Let's put it this way.

A long time ago, the planet walked with a scientific and technological civilization, the level of human beings was quite good, and there were many countries.

It's just different from the regular tech world.

It's just that humans go through technology.

On this planet, there is also an extraterrestrial race, the dragon race, and a fallen angel.

Every dragon can grow into a god.

They want to dominate the planet and make it their home.

Humans are too weak to stop at all.

But the dragons didn't act because there was one biggest obstacle, the angel.

It can also be called [Goddess Shariel].

The angelic race in the universe is specialized in killing God, and they can't find trouble with God at every turn,

It's just that after the angels' mission is completed, they will leave, but some will go wrong, as is the case with the goddess Shariel, who gradually shifted from protecting everything on the planet to protecting humans.

Even doting to a very serious degree.

There is such an angel here, she can fight this group of dragons with a single god.

So the dragons froze.

However, the dragon race did not give up, and the hard ones came soft, slowly and subtly changing human beliefs, turning them into races that believe in dragons and incorporating them into their own sphere of domination.

In this way, didn't the [Goddess Sariel], who guarded mankind, also become her own person?

Not only the planet has it, but the advanced combat power is increased by one.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Oh yes!

Even if it can't be too direct, it needs to be done slowly and consume a lot of time, but the dragon clan is waiting!

At that time, the dragon clan was very proud of their plan.

Or are they smart! Hahaha!

But something else happened.

The villain who runs through the main line of this story, [Bodimas], as a human being, began various studies in order to obtain eternal life and not want to die.

It is also this kind of crazy scientific researcher who pursues immortality.

It can only be said that there are too many of this classic templates, and many works have them.

Along the way, he hit the idea of the life force of this planet.

I want to use this to gain eternal life.

And in order to protect himself, he also spread the method of developing [MA source] to the world.

[MA energy], nature is the vitality of the planet.

What do countries all over the world think, in their eyes, this is simply a kind of out of nothing, a steady stream, inexhaustible dream energy, unlimited energy.

Well, out of nothing, what is actually extracted is the life of its own living planet.

Too filial piety.

The dragon clan is stupid, how can they be idiots like this?!

So the dragon clan and the goddess Sariel told the countries the truth, and as a result, there were not many people willing to listen, obviously as long as this energy is used, the country can quickly become rich at once, how can it give up?

Everyone thinks this statement is nonsense!

Impossible, what planetary energy, absolutely impossible.

You just don't want us to live a good life and deliberately deceive us!

Silly dog stuff, fooling people, huh?

A large number of people have abused this theory.

Because the benefits are real.

There are also some sober ones.

But very little.

And as other countries use [MA source] more and more strongly, you don't have to be beaten, you don't have to, people are running to those countries, and the people below don't support you.

Can only be used by force.

This is an endless cycle, and the number of countries using [MA source] will only increase.

The Dragon Clan couldn't stand it.

If this continues, the planet will be finished, and they will want to destroy humanity.

It turned out to be blocked by the goddess Sariel!

That's how she loves humans.

So much so that mankind intends to sacrifice her and save the world, she does not resist at all, so she acquiesces.

The key is that this method is useless, and it is still the conspiracy of the villain [Bodimas].

I want to extract the energy of the goddess and study my own eternal life.

So the dragon clan could not persuade and persuade, and could not fight and fight.

Just don't do one thing or two, pump to death, maximize the vitality of the planet, pack and take away, and leave the planet.

Let humans die directly on this planet.

And then the development was that there was a young dragon in the dragon family [Qiu Lie, Qiu Lie], well, let's call it that.

He liked this goddess and didn't want her to die.

So he found the evil god D.

This terrifying terrifying existence, on weekdays, the dragon clan does not dare to provoke at all, and even when they hear this name, they are scared and run away, and they don't want to get involved with it at all.

As a result, this young dragon looked for it as soon as his mind was hot.

Probably, this is love.

So the result turned out to be that the evil god D created a super program that shrouded the planet, big magic, systems, celestial engineering, whatever you want.

Let the people of this planet keep fighting, increase the energy.

Fix the world with this.

This young dragon god became the manager of the system.

The villain [Bodimas] is still hidden in the depths.

The goddess Sariel was made into the energy center of the system.

The other dragons didn't care, they all ran away, and they were actually slaughtered by the evil god D.

The Demon King is an orphanage girl raised by the goddess Sariel in the past.

Such is the relationship between these people.

Until, the arrival of this wave of reincarnated people of the spider sub-six.

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