
The blacksmith drooled wildly and his eyes were red.

This is the key to becoming a divine craftsman, and if you can melt it and turn it into a peerless weapon, you can gain great experience.

For example, the Kunjun of the craftsman family.

His ancestors were divine craftsmen.

Although the weapons created by the Liyue Divine Craftsman are peerless weapons for mortals.

For the Demon God, that's nothing.

At most, it is a weapon that the immortals use well.

But with the skills and abilities of ordinary humans, it is already quite amazing to be able to achieve this.

As for the past Seagod dependents [Tripod].

That is, the creatures used by the [Lash Beast] to delay time before, can create mist, hide the situation on the sea surface, and prevent the immortal boat above the sky from noticing.

Su Bai let them re-contract.

There is no wisdom in this thing, just the degree of instinct.

Then he was thrown to Liyue Academy by Su Bai.

Let them go and feed and develop.

Let's see if these people can develop any interesting effects and things, if not, they should be raised and played.

It can also be regarded as a creature that was endangered in the past, and it has once again reappeared in Liyue.

Like that Sea God Palace, there are many such clams.

This is all a distant thing in the past.

"You mean, you want to ask if the Dan Ding Art has more expansion and feasibility?"

"That's right, White Su."

"Please also appreciate my latest research."

At this time.

In a tea table stone forest here on the Liyue Sky Harbor, Su Bai and several immortals are here, cutting the moon and building the Yang True Monarch, Lishui Stacking Mountain True Monarch, and Liuyun borrowing the Wind Zhenjun.

At this time, they all have dark circles under their eyes and look tired.

Only Liuyun borrowed the wind to really make a lot better.

Since coming to the airport in 24, several immortals have been rolling to death, learning and researching various new technologies, so as to keep themselves up with the new era, so as not to understand anything.


They also intend to innovate and innovate.

Therefore, Cutting Moon Zhuyang and Lishui Diesan Zhenjun have not rested for many days, and they have not even slept, and Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun to whisper on the side.


Two old guys, after tricking you guys into rolling.

Obviously my task volume is much easier.

I slept beautifully.


The reason why these two immortals are here is that they were all borrowed by Liuyun to borrow the Wind True Monarch and the Final Routine.

Immortal family is as deep as the routine.

At this time, it was the deer-shaped Cutting Moon Zhuyang True Monarch who was speaking out to Su Bai.

On the table in front of him, there were several balls of different colors, which was exactly what it took over for Su Bai to appreciate.

"Master Su Bai must also know that we immortals have three kinds of unpassed secrets, Danding, Fu Qi, and Exterior."

"The latter two have long been applied, but Danding, which has not been developed for a long time, has always been stuck here, so I and Lishui Dieshan, carefully studied and remanufactured a new batch of Jindan."

"That's what lies in front of you."

Cutting the Moon Zhuyang Zhenjun is a little complacent, and it is thanks to the current Liyue that he can make new progress.

It has a lot of new ores and metals.

That's what it did.

That's right, it's alchemy with metal.

After all, Liyue's Golden Pill was originally a metal pill refined by immortals, and an alloy pill could strengthen weapons and make them stronger!

"So you see, this silver shining is [Mithril Golden Pill], this one that looks white is [Oliha Kong Golden Pill], and the new alloy pill that I made by combining mountain copper, hard steel, and black silver steel!"

"Zhuyang Jindan!"

Well, to put it more bluntly, it should be called Zhuyang alloy, a new type of immortal alloy.

Su Bai picked up a Mithril Golden Pill, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, a white tasseled gun on the weapon rack next to him flew over, which was a classic weapon of the Thousand Rock Army in the past, and was mass-produced by the Black Rock Factory.

It has been used for thousands of years.

are still not eliminated.

What a weapon that has gone through a long time.

Like its superior weapon [Cymbal Spear], in fact, it is added with an axe blade, which is more powerful and more lethal, and is generally used by officers of the Thousand Rock Army.

It's a sign of honor.

As for the [Black Tasseled Gun]?

This thing is actually a white tasseled gun dyed black with ink, and there is no difference between it and the white tasseled gun, just a different color.

Among the Thousand Rock Army of Liyue.

[White tasseled gun] and [Cymbal spear] have always been mainstream weapons, do you see those soldiers standing guard, are they all white tasseled guns in their hands?

It's just that later, these two weapons were eliminated by the weapons made by Su Bai.

Alchemy equipment is too good to use, who uses it knows who knows.

Not to mention that today's basic equipment has changed back to [Thousand Rock Long Gun], this heavy long gun is used as a newcomer and recruit, if you can't hold it, you can't fight.

You can't join the Thousand Rock Army.

After all, there are now elemental breathing methods, and the basic ones can even be learned in the game, such as the original Xiangling.

Further in the probationary stage of the Thousand Rock Army, you can learn, strengthen your body, and thus progress.

Naturally can take a thousand rock spear.

This is the foreshadowing and foundation of the elemental martial arts, and it is precisely because of the breathing method that paves the way, among the Thousand Rock Army, it is the most suitable for learning elemental martial arts.

They are progressing layer by layer.

Therefore, there are many soldiers who are exchanging their favorite martial arts.

It was all given by Su Bai.

Now such a weapon rack is also a kind of symbolism.

And with Su Bai putting the [Mithril Golden Pill] on the white taser gun, the golden pill quickly melted, turned into a flowing white metal liquid, and wrapped the gun body completely, and the white tasseled gun directly came to a big change.

Cutting the moon and building the sun Shin-kun also explained.

"Lord Su Bai, Jin Dan can strengthen the weapon itself, so that it becomes the [Mithril White Spear]!"

"Mithril is indeed a very powerful metal, which can greatly improve the performance of weapons, and the elemental flow conduction performance is very good, which can make elemental attacks stronger."

"And now, the white tasseled gun has become an elemental weapon, with many of the advantages of Mithril silver."

The other two, Oliha Kong Jindan and Zhuyang Jindan, also have the same effect, but the intensity is different.

are capable of strengthening the weapon itself.

Let its power grow.

That is.

[Olihagang White Tasseled Gun] and [Chikuyo White Tasseled Gun].

It is equivalent to a fusion of the two.

If you change to another weapon, it will be fine.

Can be strong and strengthened.

After Su Bai asked something, he first expressed his approval, and then asked.

"Jindan strengthens the weapon, I do know, but in this way, the amount you use to refine [Mithril Jindan] can forge a Mithril gun itself, right? Of course, you'll get less and get the benefits of your original weapon. "

"This one is really outstanding."

"However, Mithril is originally to add other metals to create weapons together, so it is not necessary to do this, is Liyue's alchemy technique a little too persistent to strengthen, and in the alloy metal pill, too drilled into the horns?"

He meant, repeatedly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It's a bit redundant.

Cutting the Moon Zhuyang Zhenjun hurriedly spoke up.

"However, I can research new alloys and create stronger Jindan, so that the performance of the weapon can not be improved again, and the loss, efficiency, and use can be perfected."


Su Bai smiled slightly.

"Can be strengthened to a high level, that is also the weapon concept of the past, the alchemy weapons I promote now, all contain various special abilities, not excessive hardness and sharpness."

Even if you make the knife sharp, cut iron like mud, blow hair and break hair.

It is a peerless sword.

That's not as good as a flying sword.

The flying sword can fly with the sword, and it also comes with several abilities, giant sword art, ten thousand sword art and so on.

What about the sharp blade?

How do you compare the two?

The True Monarch of Cutting the Moon and Zhuyang was also silent, yes, the alchemy equipment of the Emperor Lord was too incredible.

It has jumped out of the category of ordinary weapons.

In its opinion, it was already an immortal magic weapon.

As a result, Su Bai said that he had not yet reached the immortal level, and the alchemy equipment of the immortal level was also available.

Dull them all.


Compared with ordinary weapons, these alchemy equipment is too dimensionality reduction strikes.

Therefore, no matter how much his own golden pill is strengthened, he will not be able to touch these alchemy equipment in the end, that is, the upper limit is fixed.

Better to use, already exists.

The Lishui Mountain Zhenjun on the side was also silent and did not make a sound.

Jindan road, if you want to innovate, it is difficult and difficult.

Because, the pressure brought by Lord Su Bai was too great, making them once feel that Danding and Ding could really develop?

Is it really necessary?

It's just that the Moon Cutting Moon Zhuyang Zhenjun is more stubborn than it in this aspect.

Immortals are very proud of their skills.

Because he was too arrogant, in the past, no one often obeyed anyone.

Then quarrel.

It's just that now, it's really embarrassing.

Even in the end, this was bloodily abused by Su Bai technology.

A monster appeared.

Break this balance.

Let the immortals be proud.

Therefore, they intend to use today's new technology and resources to create a new golden pill, but now, they still get this bleak answer from the emperor.


The art of Danding, should it really be eliminated?

Sweep into the garbage heap of history?

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun and didn't say anything, after all, it was 763 that came by the way, mainly studying organ art, and it didn't engage in Danding.

The characteristics of immortals are actually obvious.

Liuyun borrows the wind and the dust king to return: the art of organizing.

Cutting the moon and building the sun + water stacking mountain: Danding technique.

Ping: Strumming + Technique.

As for the cave sky, everyone will.

Nor is the rune limited to just one immortal.

And seeing that the two immortals were obviously lost, Su Bai chuckled.

"Don't be too unconfident, after all, the alloy is really good, you can study all kinds of new alloys, this ability is very good, very powerful." But there is no need to grasp the strengthening weapon. "

In addition to this, the use of alloys is obviously very large and extensive.

Buildings, equipment, fairy boats, alchemy props, all kinds of products in life, almost everything can be used.

And the immortals' Dan Ding technique can make immortal alloys.

Already strong.

"Moreover, even if it is an alchemy pill, you don't have to, keep your eyes firmly on the metal pill, right?"


The eyes of the two immortals lit up.

"What does the emperor mean?"

For their situation, Su Bai is very clear.

Because the Dan Ding Art of the Liyue Immortals is different from other worlds, they will be easily limited by cognition and concepts, and Jin Dan is a metal pill, if you want to develop.

Then the immortals will try to develop a stronger and better metal pill.

That is, on the basis of [Alloy Dan], continuous research and diffusion are carried out.

Take this as the backbone.

All the time trying to strengthen weapons.

Not to mention that the two immortals have lived for too long and are very stubborn, just like a little old man, too easy to be dragged down by the past, and there is no way to easily innovate and take new paths like young people.

To put it bluntly, the thinking is deeply rooted.

It's like the end of the day.

She is not like an old guy at all, although she is indeed older, but her personality is lively and cheerful.

So the brain also spins fast.

Mechanical art ushered in a new development.

This is the difference in thinking and attitude.

Because of this, the two immortals must have realized that the prospect of the Metal Pill was difficult, and the pressure was great, so they could only grit their teeth and study, and finally came to themselves, hoping to seek new advice and hope, right?

So Su Bai also gave a new idea at this time.

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