Not only that.

In the sight of several people who were surprised and hurriedly looked over.

Rosalind had a brilliant wing shining with golden light appearing out of thin air, and her wings spread out, like wings of the sky, covering the sky!

Golden magma flowed, and then the wings suddenly appeared, as if ~ reborn from the ashes!


In the flames, the fiery red and golden feathers are so beautiful, accompanied by a rich aroma of vanilla and divine atmosphere.

Lifted Rosalyn's whole body up.

Under her.

A sacred and beautiful giant phoenix began to appear here gradually.

It has brilliant feathers on its forehead and delicate eyes like rubies.

The body is mainly fiery red.

Next to the wings on the edge, there is also a gradient of golden light flowing.

Like a flame in itself, the lines are gentle, looking slender and beautiful.

Especially this moment.

It fluttered its wings and flew across the sea with Rosalind on its body, obviously it was phoenix red, a mythical bird of the flame immortal, but it could not be affected in the slightest.

Soar here.

Shuttling through this sea.

The long few phoenix lings of this phoenix tail are like dreamy colors, constantly scattering brilliant points of light.

Everywhere you go, you make a difference.

Holy and powerful!

It's steaming for days. Its quality is reduced to the ground!

Such a picture, how beautiful, like a pure white woman with a gentle big sister, is at this time driving the majestic and beautiful golden fire phoenix, constantly flying freely.

The phoenix manifested and was officially promoted to the rank of great god.

This is [Too Void Phoenix True]!

After a long time, constantly condensing the white giant chicken, finally at this moment, Rosalyn was rewarded, and the phoenix nirvana was reborn, making her breath soar.

He became a veritable immortal.


What is the phoenix that is reborn in nirvana?

Naturally, this also includes her Rosalyn herself.

After 500 long nights, I finally ushered in a new self.

She once felt ashamed to die before, and all kinds of shame and anger towards Su Bai have now been transformed into gratitude and emotion for Su Bai, especially after Su Bai's chuckle suddenly came from her ears.

Rosalind's cheeks were even redder, and her beautiful eyes were shy.

But she still said softly.

"Thank you, Su Bai."

"Your phoenix, I like it very much."

Such a scene stunned Hill and them.

The tall and beautiful woman in white stood on the back of the golden fire phoenix like this, standing with her hands in her hands, dead and independent, putting one hand behind her back, directing the phoenix to fly freely.

"It's so beautiful, sister Rosalind, is this a breakthrough?"

"Xi'er looked stupid, this time it was not a white giant chicken, but a phoenix reborn from the ashes, like an illusory and beautiful life, and the difference from before was really too big."

"The phoenix is really good-looking, with the beauty of Shenzhou."

"Yes, Bronia was surprised too."

"Is this the kind of immortal art and ancient cultivator style that belongs to the East, which is completely different from us."

That's right.

Like they are all technological.

Bronia herself is a heavy rabbit, riding a small motorcycle directly, and then creating a bunch of floating cannons, and the sense of technology has exploded.

But Rosalyn is like that.

On the contrary, it is a completely different style, which really makes people feel the kind of impact from the country of immortals.

Master temperament, immortal temperament!

Before saying this, Kiana told herself that the squad leader was actually very immortal in the past.

But thinking back to the squad leader Fu Hua's glasses and looking more serious, Bronia couldn't think of it, how is this very fairy, is it possible to say that the squad leader Fu Hua is too well disguised?

Itachi .jpg puzzled

And Kiana watched silently.

Well, this action of standing with a negative hand is inexplicably familiar, Rosalind, you learned Su Bai, right?

He liked it.

Because it is a habit brought by the martial arts grandmaster in the past.

So Kiana has seen it several times.

But Rosalyn doesn't have to die anymore, Su Bai, this cunning guy, deliberately let everyone's eyes give Rosalyn a strong sense of shame and pressure, but it seems to work well.

This phoenix not only has the power of flames.

Those golden rays are the power of rock.

If this is the sea, it will not have a slight effect on this phoenix, but it flies here, as if it is burning the sea, unrestrained.

Be able to be in the sky, on the earth, in the sea!

Travel all over the world!

Very strong gods.

Her death was also worth it, although Kiana felt that Su Bai might want to see Rosalind's shameful expression more, and it was evil fun.


Maybe this time there is a breakthrough, and next time Su Bai throws a new move to Rosalind.

Continue to shame her and make her coquettish?

As another female Su Bai, Kiana felt that the probability was very high.

It's something he's going to do.

Who makes Rosalyn like this, it is indeed very cute.

People can't help but bully.

Hey, Su Bai's guy is too black-bellied, sure enough, only he is a normal person.

Kiana praised herself smugly.

And in the eyes of everyone.

Rosalind and Phoenix, just soaring here, caused a vortex of flames to be generated everywhere.

Inhale those unexpected sea beasts into it.

And she also controlled the phoenix, released thousands of golden wings, turned into a fairy sword with a handle that was not affected in the sea, and countless streamers were raging here, carrying out one-sided slaughter!

There is both the sharpness of rock and the fury of fire.


A succession of explosions rang out here.

Even the sea beasts in the rear roared, summoning the water element, and launching a series of attacks.

The strong water rush makes the place roar.

It looks very powerful.

But it will also be directly blocked by the protective cover of the phoenix.

The golden fire shield flowed with immortal brilliance, and it looked very defensive.

And when the phoenix's wings interlaced and flapped violently, it directly triggered a wild current in the ocean, disrupting all these attacks and sea beasts.

Water, rock, fire.

Three series of sea rolls!

Originally in the land and sky, that is, the two elements themselves, but now in the ocean, you can borrow water and use the environment here for your own use.

Then the Phoenix Immortal Fire was released.

overwhelming. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Let the sea beasts turn into a big ball of fire.

To Rosalind's own surprise, the phoenix is so strong, and the ability is so good!

Land, sea and air.

Be able to use it according to your own ideas, attack, defend and defend, both offensive and defensive.

You can also fly at high speed with yourself.

And the phoenix fire itself has the power of destruction and healing.

Use whichever you want to use.

What an all-powerful god!

If you're not mistaken, you can still merge into armor and engage in melee combat?

However, she is still essentially a remote immortal.

So Rosalyn didn't plan to use it.

That's it.

And on Shen He's side.

"Ice God Fury!"

Under her cold gaze, the terrifying ice elemental power quickly condensed here, and the ice flowers and wind and snow set off caused changes in the place centered on her.

And a tall and majestic shadow of the ice god appeared behind her.

Its body is tens of meters tall.

Then under the release of Shen He, it was pressed over!

It set off a wave and impact that shook the ocean, colliding directly with the powerful attack released by the lash, and the two forces clashed here, but any sea beast that was close, no, even a sea beast that was a little farther away.

Just touching that aftermath, it directly exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

The sea water in this area is frantically frozen and crushed.

The impact caused by it, even the cockroach couldn't help but retreat, and with the help of swimming, it flashed to the side.

Its eyes widened in disbelief.

Just now.

It unleashed a powerful move, intending to kill the immortal opposite it.

Unexpectedly, the other party also released a strange move, the power is huge, after two consecutive outbreaks, he blocked his own attack, even if the other party had more times, but he could see it.

It is because the other party, as an immortal, has less energy than himself.

Magnitude is here.

So continuous release is required.

But that move is essentially very strong, and if this immortal is stronger, it can burst out with stronger power.

Its face twitched.

This doesn't look like an immortal's move at all!

An idea popped into his mind.

Demon God!

An immortal who uses the moves of the demon god to confront himself, the demon god.

This year, what the hell.

What is the situation in Liyue, and how long has he been sleeping?

Why can even an immortal be so strong?

Isn't it a little too outrageous.

And the other party is still so arrogant and arrogant, and provokes herself, thinking that she can take herself down with an immortal?

Mess with stuff!

Don't look down on yourself.

Even if he is among the demon gods, he has not yet reached the power of his father's generation, but he is also a demon god!

How can there be a reason to be killed by a small immortal!

So there is a cold light in the eyes.

"If that's right, how many times can you unleash that move just by relying on your power?"

"In terms of strength, I am stronger than you, this is a qualitative difference."

"When you consume too much, it is your death period, and I will tear you apart in one bite!"

Shen He was still as indifferent as a crane, and she shook her head and smiled.

"This year, obviously the strong against the weak, can you still be proud?"

"Shouldn't you be ashamed, little worm."

"It seems that you are still far behind your parents."

At this time, she also saw the flying phoenix in the distance, and a smile appeared in her eyes.

"Is the divine power done, since this is the case, let you take a look, just fighting strength is not enough, look at it, my exclusive weapon, it's time for it to show its divine power!"

"This is what Su Bai personally refined for me."

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