Esders was suddenly surprised.

"But Shen He is just an immortal, and it doesn't take long for her to break through the immortals, although she has achieved martial arts, and has learned a lot of elemental martial arts, and condensed powerful magical powers."

Even if the Martial Immortals are indeed much stronger than ordinary immortals.

But what he faced this time was not something that this kind of immortal combat power could fight against.

As for Rosalind?

It is true that there is a good immortal combat power, but it is actually not as strong as Shen He.

Shen He is very talented and is most suitable for the Immortal Dao.

Leaps and bounds.

The Martial Immortal Divine Power has also been achieved for a long time.

Like Rosalind, she was transferred halfway, and when she broke through again, her strength would soar.

However, Estes reacted in the next second.

Lisa also had a smile in her eyes.

It has long been guessed.

"Little cutie, most likely gave her something good."


"An alchemy equipment that is very in line with her personal style can be described as a perfect fit for Shen He."

Estes was also curious.

What equipment?

Can it match Shen He's situation well?

It seems that this time, that is, to let Shen He be alone, do they not need to worry too much?


That's nice.

Now, even the Shen "four-two-three" crane has become so reliable, which is all his own credit.

Esders couldn't help but feel a little smug.

It's me!

It is also a good vision, a good life, and a good sister, and the teaching ability is also so strong.


How can there be such a perfect woman in the world.

Estes .jpg in self-absorption

Sea below.

As the group drove the alchemy vehicle [Lamp Day Dragonfish], shuttling above the sea at a very fast speed, it could be described as quite eye-catching, causing many Liyue fleets to exclaim.

Many fishermen widened their eyes and deliberately wiped them.

I almost thought I was hallucinating.

"So fast? What happened just now? "

"I just saw a white wave. That's amazing! "

"I see what seems to be a fish? Yellow-green, very delicate and wonderful? "

"Fish? It's terrible, wouldn't it be dangerous if it hit us? "

Directly shipwrecked and killed.

Although I have not tried the alchemy ship and this fish, what will happen if they collide together at high speed.

But it will definitely turn over.

Some people's faces were afraid for a while, could it be that this is some strange sea beast?

After all, with the disappearance of the dark sea now, all kinds of sea beasts have emerged one after another, and there are many of them, which everyone has never seen.

The Illustrated Book of Sea Beasts is always being updated.

It can be viewed through the Tiandao terminal.

There are new kinds at every turn, and information about them will be uploaded to the Heavenly Dao.

It was also an eye-opener for the fishermen.

Marvel at the mystery and vastness of the sea.

It is clear that he has lived for decades, and now he seems to understand nothing and re-contact with the new world.

But other fishermen refuted.

"It shouldn't be a sea beast, I saw a human figure, maybe this should be an alchemy prop?"

"And in this sea, I haven't heard of fish of this speed, maybe those adults are researching and experimenting with new alchemy creations."

Everyone else nodded.

"It's not impossible."

"Indeed, I also saw people, it seems that this is a kind of fish driven by people, it is really incredible, is it a fish modified and tamed, or is it all made of metal?"

"Alchemy is truly magical."

"Haha, since it's safe, don't care, continue fishing."

"What kind of fish, bask in the sun, with my old wine for many years, it is delicious, this day is comfortable, if only there was another big beauty."

"Come on, you stone, I'll report to your tigress later."

"Hey, brother, don't! I beg you! I just think, can't I think about it? "


For a while, there was cheerful laughter here.

These alchemy boats and the Liyue fishermen have once again returned to their previous atmosphere.

And it was Shen He and them who quickly passed through just now, and at this time, these surfing vehicles and light dragonfish were still moving forward, and gradually, they came to a new area.

Five people drove in vehicles and drove side by side.

Shin He began to speak up.

"We have crossed the conventional sea area of Liyue and come to the dark open sea, of course, now people call this the open sea, or inland sea area."

"Let's go, I'll take the lead, be careful."

With the continuous progress in one direction.

Gradually, both Xi'er and Bronia were surprised.

In the distance between them, there were many sea beasts, constantly moving towards a certain point at a very fast speed.

"Strange, why are sea beasts gathering here?"

"Could it be that something attracts them, or is it like a pilgrimage?" What more advanced sea beasts appeared at your destination? "

For example, the king of sea beasts?

Everyone speculates about this situation, after all, it doesn't look normal.

Moreover, Sister Shen He told them before that it was to investigate the disappearance of the sea beast, so she did not go to Liyue Sky Port with them.

Now it seems that there are results.

Following these sea beasts, what appeared in front of everyone was a whole sea area full of unknown fog, and it seemed that he couldn't see his fingers, and he couldn't see what was inside.

As a result, the sea beasts did not take the slightest attention and swam in.

There are sea beasts that look more than thirty meters, like mosasaurs, and there are giant whales that are larger and spew out water jets, Kiana remembers that Mond seems to have someone who said that in the depths of the open sea, there are dark giant whales?

Actually, it does.

It's just that the current giant whale is not too dark.

And she also saw a larger black shadow under the sea, which seemed to be a behemoth with many tentacles, an octopus-like sea beast?

How it feels.

It's almost 80 meters?

If you stretch, I'm afraid it's more than that.

What sea monsters that attack ships.

Well, the size of the sea beast cannot be justified by common sense.

Even 100 meters is nothing strange.

That's it when you put it in the sea.

As a result, the oversized octopus also went to that sea area and disappeared. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Many sea beasts all went inside.

I don't care about Kiana and these creatures, originally some of them are relatively aggressive sea beasts, which is really strange.

Bronia looked at the sea with vigilant eyes.

"Here, is there even a sea of mist, do you need Bronia to release the scout, you can fly in to scan and probe the situation."

"After all, it seems that the visibility inside is very low, and if you encounter an attack, it will be trouble..."

"Not yet."

Shen He directly conjured a bag in his hand, which made Kiana feel very familiar.

Wait a minute.

Isn't this one?

The bag grew bigger and bigger, and it automatically floated, and then Shen He was still casting a spell to make his mouth aim at the fog.

"Suck it!"

Instantly, a strong suction force came from this bag, sucking the mist here into it continuously.

Make the sea visible again.

The bag itself has also become very large, and it looks very strange and wonderful.

Shen He explained while manipulating.

"In order to break through the fog here, I borrowed the [Wind Bag] from Lord Gui Hui, which is an extremely powerful immortal creature that can exhale strong winds and suck enemies into it."

As a result, fog has also become a kind of sucking.

The role of windbags is quite rich.

On the previous Xianzhou, even this prototype was finally used to design the [Windbag] mechanism unit.

Works great.

The sea area ahead also began to be visible to the naked eye on a large scale, and there were no longer obstacles, but those sea beasts were gone.

It looks like it's moving on.

Bronia's little face twitched, the things of the immortal family are really wonderful, more effective than she thought.

A small bag, all so able to suck.

She also got out some metal detector balls and flew towards the sea.

Bronia wanted to find out what created this fog, and what was going on here.

As they continue to explore.

In the center of this sea area, a super large whirlpool appeared there, and many sea beasts were directly involved in it, and then disappeared like this.

Xi'er was taken aback.

"How come, such a big whirlpool, I haven't even found it before."

"It seems that it is those fogs that cover up here, causing even if the dark open sea returns to normal, it is still not detected by the fairy boat above the sky."

Rosalyn also had a grim face.

"Under that whirlpool, you can feel an amazing breath, but it seems to be far away, that is, there is no hole underwater?"

"5.3 Well, I understand, new map underwater. This is faster than Fontaine. "

At this time, Kiana said something strange inexplicably, but this vortex made her eyes twitch, if she didn't know that the Vortex Demon God was dead, she thought it was made by it.

After all, as soon as Orcel came out, the sea surface was made by a bunch of whirlpools and dragons absorbing water.

It seems that the wife of the whirlpool demon god Orcel will also make this whirlpool.

It's just that it was also killed by Su Bai and Beidou.

Never mind.

No need to struggle with it yourself.

In the sea, the big whirlpool is a classic phenomenon, but any larger giant beast may have the ability to make this.

And at this time, Bronia's eyes lit up.

"Come and see, I have made a new discovery."

She had a miniature computer on her arm, and several people also leaned over with the vehicle [Lamp Arowana], and then saw the picture displayed on the computer.

By this time, Bronia's probe had gone underwater.

Then the duck duck turned up a certain area.

There, there is a giant shellfish creature that is constantly breathing, and it will spit out a large amount of mist, and these mist are constantly floating upwards.

Be more precise.

This should be called [Clam].

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