And Kiana was still looking at the food.

"Most of them are bread and various snacks suitable for preservation, well, there is also Shanzhen hot noodles, you can eat them with a soak in water, is this about to develop instant noodles and other foods?"

"It's a little bit of an expectation."

It seems that if you want to taste more delicious, you still have to go to various shops.

Especially hot dishes.

Stir-fried is even more delicious.

Vending machines, more is a convenient, fast, emergency role.

Su Bai has a lot of ghost ideas, and Liyue is getting more and more interesting.

And this alchemy vending machine also made Kiana think, and it seemed to use special magic arrays and runes for refrigeration and heat preservation functions.

It won't be the Rune Rune.

Now it was disassembled into an Immortal Dao rune.

Skaha is miserable.


In fact, this time the item, Skaha really knows, after all, actually participated in the development, there is also her sake.


Such a small thing, there is also her.

Since Skaha hated being hidden, Su Bai invited her to join him.

Isn't that all right?

At that time, her face was dark, and she hugged her chest coldly and despised.

"My Lune rune is about to be used by you as an auxiliary rune in all aspects."

"Forget it, I already said that I can't move you shameless, and I will change our Celtic things at every turn and turn them into Liyue's things."

Su Bai smiled.

"Don't, everyone has such a good relationship, what's wrong with using it?"

"Is there a possibility, the Celtic thing, to Liyue, that is the Liyue thing, do you see the symbol on Mora?"

"Huh? What do you mean? "

At that time, Skaha took out one.

After seeing that symbol, she fell into a long silence.

Then Su Bai smiled with satisfaction.

"Yes, Tivat is a hodgepodge, there are all kinds of things, now you are dumbfounded, right?"

Because the three-leaf knot pattern on Mora is the Celtic knot in Celtic culture, also known as the Celtic triangle.

This is the most well-known cultural symbol of Celtic culture.

"So, it seems that it is fate, we are already a family, we need to be so separated, you see, you are also in the fairy world, and the fairy country and Liyue are neighbors."


Skaha looked at this cheeky best friend faintly, and really wanted to shoot him.

I could only sigh.

"Bastard Su Bai, come here, practice guns with me."

The sea of Liyue.

At this time, everyone was standing on an alchemy ship, looking at the scenery in the distance.

Bud Yi saw that there were several alchemy ships in front of him on the left, surrounding a snake-like creature, which seemed to be still very large and very lively.

She also sighed.

"Hunting sea beasts is really a different world, even the creatures in the sea are completely different from our world."

The woman on the side answered her with a smile.

"Of course, the world is different, the species that exist are also different, even in the ocean of the Divine Secret Realm, there are a series of dangerous species active, and with different strengths and levels, they become more and more dragon-shaped."

"It's similar to the sea behemoth of Tivat."

"At that time, I often dealt with those dragon-shaped dangerous species, they were very large, and it was easy to cause a huge noise in the sea, and there was a dragon dangerous species before, because of the wind and waves attacking the sergeant, it was killed by the army."

"Then Su Bai processed the materials and created a batch of alchemy equipment [Water Dragon Rings], which was placed in the exchange treasury, which can be described as setting off a frenzy of everyone's brush contributions."

After all.

It's a very good piece of equipment that can control the currents, especially in the sea.

You can play with a lot of tricks and tricks.

And the size of a ring, does not affect the use of other alchemy props itself, which is equivalent to an additional equipment position, not to mention how easy it is.

So the sergeants of the Thousand Rock Army, that's called an eye heat.

I was afraid that I would be replaced by someone else.

"Well, the other day I also drove this alchemy ship and sailed in the sea over there in the secret realm of Shenzhou, and now I am here to entertain you."

Kiana looked strange.

Because the woman standing here at this time is wearing work clothes that fit herself, standing in pavilions, like Shen He who is a gentle woman.

Her own temperament and speech have changed a lot.

As a guide to play with everyone, it was sent by Esders.

I heard that Shen He was taught by Estes, as her assistant, she has been studying for a long time, and now she is a very good and wise person.

No longer a cold fairy.

At this time, it is like a charming big sister who is gentle as jade.

Shen He Secretary Edition.

I feel that the charm has risen a lot again.

In this way, she is very beautiful.

And Shen He's words also aroused Xi'er's curious voice.

"Sister Shen He, was this alchemy ship of yours still in the ocean of another secret realm before, how did it move here, directly teleported?"

"Or the kind of oversized alchemy space ring?"

"When Sister Kiana showed off before, don't mention how surprised we were."

Well, Hill's of them, of course, includes Heishi in the body.

Even Teresa nodded and exclaimed.

"That's right, space rings and whatnot, it's really incredible that they are all mass-produced."

"Abominable Kiana, she still dangles in front of me all the time, it's really skinny, let her help me get none."

"And when transporting goods, compared to the ship's logistics warehouse, it also needs so much transportation and space, and a single alchemy ring will completely explode the former."

This also made Teresa feel that this country is too amazing.

We should deepen our cooperation with them in many ways.

People like Shen He should also have a lot of space for alchemy equipment, so this alchemy ship can be equivalent to carrying it with you, and it's great to think about!

Well, Teresa had the same thinking as Finn.

As a result, Shen He shook his head and whispered.

"I do have space items, but it's just an alchemy ship, I can raise it with one hand, pick it up directly to the portal, and then appear on the beach of the Divine Secret Realm, can't I?"

Teresa: ...

Ciel: ...

Others also fell silent directly.

Why does the young lady who looks so beautiful and elegant and soft say it will be so impactful?

The alchemy ship under their feet is obviously several times larger than the models of other fishermen!

How heavy this is!

As a result, you only need one hand?


Just kidding.

This is a big ship made of alloy.

Hei Xi in Xi'er's body was startled.

"What's the matter, are the people in this Liyue all monsters, what kind of giant force is this?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Is this still human?"

"Or maybe he's an immortal too? The immortals of Liyue, are there everywhere, there are too many! "

Shen He looked at their expressions and smiled with a wink.

"Well, I'm just a little bit stronger than ordinary people, although after becoming an immortal, I have also been enhanced, and even those giant spirit immortals are shocked to see me."

"~ But Su Bai said that this is also an advantage, and he likes it very much. And when I face him, I am also very gentle. The same is true on weekdays. "

That's right.

Today's Shen He has already changed his life with the help of Su Bai.

She was originally the life of Lonely Chen + the life of robbery.

There are many disasters, a lifetime of loneliness, relatives and friends are scattered, like the lone star, very dangerous.

Liyue people have this kind of life, which is already miserable.

She, there are two.

But later, Su Bai often helped her check her body, and at first Shen He was still very uncomfortable, and then they all relied on him.

So that situation has changed.

Shen He's feelings were no longer indifferent, and he began to be vivid and lively, and he couldn't put it down for Su Bai, often pestering him.

Then from time to time he was dragged away by Estes and taken to work.

And her kind of superb immortal seedling, in Su Bai's hands, did not take long to become an immortal, and she inherited the [Ice God Fury] in the Seven Gods Fury Martial Arts, as well as a series of elemental martial arts.

Ice God Fury is a demon god-level martial art.

As a matter of fact.

Shen He is the first martial immortal of Liyue, and his combat power is amazing.

It's just that she may belong to the image of a cold and gentle beautiful secretary next to Estes in the eyes of everyone.

It's like a piece of beautiful jade.

There are not many people who can see her shooting.

So the generals in the army are still fighting, see who breaks through first, Shen He smiled and did not say anything.

Hidden merit and fame.

Her character.

Even if it is back to normal now, the life of the immortal family for many years has become indifferent and elegant (Li Hao) a lot.

It's like a crane standing there.

Regarding this, Kiana also nodded very approvingly, Shen He really has the temperament of a fairy crane, and he is worthy of being a disciple taught by that woman.

Although it will remind her of fun things in her past life.

When Shen He came out, many people guessed that she was actually the woman, what she looked like after her transformation.

After all, Liuyun borrowed the Wind True Monarch body to be the head immortal crane.

And what about Shen He, there is also a correspondence in the name.

Much like.

It turned out that it wasn't.

And in the previous life, the bird still did not enter the pool at all, and an image appeared?


But Kiana thought it was nothing.

Like in the previous life, the seven stars of Liyue, obviously seven people, the result is that several years have passed, and most of them are still a question mark and blank.

Instead, it's in "Honkai: Star Dome Railway".

On those immortal boats, there was the name of the seven-day general of the Immortal Boat Tongjian Emperor Bow, but they all burst out at once.

What Heavenly Strike General Feixiao, Candle Yuan General Huai Yan, Shenze General Jing Yuan, Fubo General Xuanquan, Rong Tao General Guang, Dust General and so on.

What about Liyue.

Tianquan Star Condensation, Yuheng Star Keqing, Tianshu Star Tianuncle, the latter four, the script is not yet, the personnel is not available, it is still unknown.

Liyue Seven Stars: ?? Fire?

Treat differently, huh?

Die laughing.

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