"Desert, desert, you are so yellow."

"Eh, Sister Mugeng, I don't think you have the talent for poetry, so let's not say it again."

"Damn, look down on me, huh?"

At this time, Tiantong Mu pouted even more angrily, which made the stared Paimon so frightened that he quickly waved his hand, and his body trembled.

The face is pale.

"Woo hoo, I, I didn't mean that."

"Ying, you quickly save me, Mu Geng has a murderous expression, wow, it's so scary."

With a chut, Paimon immediately flew behind Ying.

It's flexible.

Ying is also helpless.

Look scares the child.

Then she looked into the distance, left and right.

"Mu Geng, where is Su Bai?"

"He, ah, went to pick date palms, No, the sand head over there, now see it, let's go, it seems that he has already picked a few."

"Don't you understand very well, isn't Su Bai all gods? And he has such a strong spatial ability. "

"Standing here should open up space and connect to the range of the coconut on the tree."

"Hmph, although the ability is good, but usually, it still has a sense of life and ritual, Ying." It's true that it's plain, so that there will be a lot of fun. "

"Well, you said so, too, taught."

After coming under the coconut tree, everyone took the jujube palm in Su Bai's hand, and the test tube had been inserted on it.

Just drink it directly.

Paimon is happy, it's so good, there is coconut water as soon as it comes.

At this time, they are all standing here, 24 with several tall coconut trees, the rich emerald green palm leaves are particularly lush, very fat, like a large umbrella, can cover a lot of sunlight.

There are also patches of shrubs under the trees, which look sandy and yellow.

It is not the green of the plain, but it has been blown by the wind and sand, and the adaptability has become what it is today.

There are also a few thorny green cacti, this color is much more comfortable, like a touch of green in the desert, bringing a little life, and there are some red fruits on it.

【Chi Nian Fruit】.

This red fruit looks particularly attractive.

It was also once food for desert people to quench their thirst.

When there is no coconut, you can also use this to barely eat and replenish a little energy and water.

In the distance.

A scorpion also drilled out of the sand, but it did not dare to come this way, but went to the other side.

And when Ying looked at this coconut tree, she suddenly remembered something.

"Ah by the way, remember that Qiqi likes to drink coconut milk, or when we go back, bring a few."

However, Ying soon became distressed again.

"In other words, since Yaolu Bu Lu opened to the Guiyuan City, I don't seem to have seen seven or seven people recently, where has she gone."

"Su Bai, do you know this?"

"You know, she recently learned about this coconut tree of Meru, and found a caravan to dig up a lot of them and planted them, after all, they are from the elixir department, and they are good at this."

So Qiqi also became a student of the elixir department by the way.

After Su Bai gave her the immortal method of cultivation, her memory gradually improved, her body would not become stiffer, and she began to continue to grow.

So she was obviously a lot livelier.

Then he took the initiative to follow the Liyue caravan, ran to Meru to dig coconut trees, and established a large coconut plantation.

Coconut fruit processing and a range of products are carried out.

Not only that.

Qiqi also has a new wish, she wants to plant coconut trees everywhere, so that pedestrians can also taste the deliciousness of coconut water when they are thirsty.


Kindness, as she felt, was about to be shared.

So sometimes, a coconut tree will inexplicably grow on the side of the road in Liyue Academy.

Even other people's herb gardens will grow this thing.

A teacher woke up the next day to find a seedling growing in his hat.


In order to popularize coconut trees, Qiqi developed a growth technique, which also led to Liyue Academy and Guicheng Flying Dog Jump, and there were fast-growing coconut trees everywhere.

And because of cultivation, Qiqi needs to absorb the first breath of sunlight every day.

So she planted coconut trees at the peak.

In order to find a way to make it grow successfully, Qiqi deliberately dug up soil and watered it with elixirs, so there was a very amazing spectacle, and in the stones of the mountain peaks, there were straight and tall coconut trees rooted.

Qiqi, on the other hand, usually appears on top of coconut trees on the mountain.

Engage in the practice of sitting on the plate.


What kind of natural is this, has Qiqi turned into a coconut tree maniac?

No wonder you can't see her.

It seems that you have to run to the mountains.

Su Bai looked at the coconut fruit in his hand and smiled inexplicably.

"This kind of fruit picking reminds me of my life in the desert in the past, when I used to use light skills, and I went up three times and five divided by two."

"Or the elemental force will be beaten, and the coconut fruit will be dropped."

"I miss it."

It's also an interesting thing to travel and explore in the desert in the past.

Instead, he turned to look at Ying.

"Ying, haven't those two guides of yours arrived yet?"

"Ah, soon, soon."

This made Ying scratch her head in embarrassment, she didn't expect that the two would be late today, which was really unexpected.

Originally, during this time, Ying came to Meru, and often wandered here in the desert, occasionally returning to Liyue and Mond, after all, Meru also built several [Kunlun Mirror Portals] here.

As a symbol of friendship between the two countries.

It is possible to spend money and teleport directly from here to Liyue.

Very convenient.

The transportation is really very convenient.

So the three countries are running around, as for Inazuma, who is it, I don't know.

It was really shadowed by Raiden General. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And today, Su Bai said that he planned to take Tiantong Mugen and go to Meru to find a golden dreamland to enhance her strength, which made Ying a little confused.


How to enhance?

But when it comes to golden dreamland, Ying's eyes light up.

This word.

She has a friend who knows her well.

It just so happened that if Su Bai didn't know the location of Golden Dreamland, or would she find those two friends to lead the team?

At that time, Su Bai said, okay, the road is more interesting, such a trip is not boring.

It didn't take long.

Two desert people also came here, they are a man and a woman, it seems that the age difference is quite large, it should be the relationship between father and daughter.

Ying also waved happily.

"Jebelele, Jede. It's not easy for you to finally come. "

"I'm sorry, there was a delay on the road, mainly on the new rainforest side, there is something."

The cheerful desert girl also came over apologetically, she was dressed as a gilded brigade, coupled with a lively personality, like an old girl singing in the gravel.

Tiantong Mu's eyes were even more strange.


In the original work, the ruthless people who killed the Tanit tribe can refer to the [Gold-plated Brigade Regiment Pure Water in the Sand].

Dress up pretty much the same.

As for the appearance, anyway, they would wear the red silk woven from golden silk, which looked as if they were blindfolded.

The reason why desert people like this.

Not because it looks astringent.

It's because it's a custom in the past.

In the distant past, when the king of the desert was still there, those people did not dare to look directly at the sun's brilliance, so they chose to cover their eyes.

The light of the sun, who it refers to.

This is already obvious, right?

The king of the desert, the red king of the past, the foolish king of yellow sand, the king of the sand sea, has long said that the prototype of the red king is the Egyptian sun god.

Therefore, the red king is also often associated with the symbol of the eye.

His power is more inclined towards the sun and yellow sand.

So it can be tied to the rock.

And in the golden dreamland, there is still the power of the red king, then, this is why Su Bai will bring Tiantong Mu to come.

It's not Esders, it's Tendo Mugen.

It is precisely because the power attribute is not the same.

One ice, one rock.

840 There are no dead ice gods and the power left behind here.

You can't curse the ice god to death.

Ice God: ???


It is to give Tiantong Mu more this rock god, enhance some strength, and travel by the way.

And the people here, in addition to Jede, the other is her father Jebelele.

It's a new friend I've met.

As mercenaries of the Gilded Brigade, they often take on some commissions and help tasks, and are active in these areas.

And [Jebelele] was also moved by the respect of it.

"You are that Lord Su Bai of Liyue, I have seen your portrait before, but I didn't expect that the distinguished guest mentioned by Ying would be you, I was really terrified."

"Nothing, don't care. Just treat us as normal clients. "

"Su, Lord Su Bai? Me, did I hear you right? "

At this time.

Jede's shocked voice stuttered, looking stunned.

"It's such an amazing big man, wow, Ying, why didn't you say it earlier, my dad and I are going to be frightened."

"This one is actually the same existence as the little auspicious grass king."

"No, it's much more powerful than the little auspicious grass king, both in terms of fame and ability, she is far away ten streets. No, a hundred streets. My God, this is the first time I've seen a person of this level, after all, you are a god. "

"Well, although it seems that he did not take over. Is that still human? "


Did you talk like that.


This also made her father cough quickly, indicating that you have a little respect for Lord Grass King.

Jede also reacted.

Quickly scratched his head.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing, mainly to show that you are indeed a rather amazing and amazing super-big person, someone we will never be able to contact in our lifetimes."

"And my dad and I are quite thankful, I heard that the desert rainforest plan was proposed by you, and the desert transformation machine is also your great effort."

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