
Under Liyue's huge action power, the Strata Rock Abyss could be described as completely new, and Su Bai also began to arrange formations at the lowest level, arranging several in succession.

Such a huge formation surprised Yingdu.

The scale is so big.

At the very least, this is all a Demon God level array, right?

The several formations of the Thousand Rock Army are not a thing at all!

And the Thousand Rock Army is also evacuating here one after another, returning to the ground, even the Rock Dragon Lizard family.

After Su Bai activated these formations.

Ying and Paimon left here on the elevator with Su Bai, and Ying also saw a very amazing scene.

In that bottommost area.

The elemental force condensed very quickly, causing a stream of mist to rise below.

It gets thicker and thicker.

It's like a fairyland, and it's much more exaggerated than a fairyland.

In such an area with dense elemental power, not many lives can withstand it, right?

Even if it has the eye of God.

And that's just the beginning.

Then after the large array has been running for a while, Ying can't think about what the bottom will be like at that time.

And that's not the end of it.

Cleaning up the strata abyss and arranging the elemental array, these two steps are just the beginning.


The Thousand Rock Army was ready to go, and left here directly, laying out a large array in the distant range, isolating a large area around the Strata Rock Abyss, and not allowing any living beings to pass through.

The golden rock element array that rushed into the sky turned into a barrier.

It's the equivalent of encircling this place.

The Rock Dragon Lizard family all turned into balls and rolled up first, far away.

Ruoda sat on a running ancient rock dragon lizard and commanded these little brothers.

She issued the order smugly and proudly.

"Little ones, stay away first, don't be affected, and then something will fall from the sky."

It's a really weird picture.

The blue-haired little girl commanded such a large creature, and a series of rock dragon lizards listened to her.

Because, this little loli has a heavy dragon king power on her!

It is the absolute superior.

The king of the Rock Dragon Lizard clan!

So the picture of the Rock Dragon Lizard and the Thousand Rock Army together appeared so miraciously, which is all the credit of the Rock Dragon King.

But when the grass dragon saw it, he fainted with anger.

What do you mean that some dragons are too close to you.jpg?"

Grass! (An element.) )

This will expel you from the dragon class!

So in the next.

Ying saw an extremely exaggerated scene.

After clearing the field, a large number of fairy boats flew above the stratum abyss, opened the hatch, and began to dump the ore continuously, the quantity, the momentum, overwhelming.

It's unimaginable.

Massive ore, large and large.

Constantly heading towards the abyss of strata.

is filled.

One after another, the fairy boats came and flew away one after another in order, carrying out this project.

Paimon exclaimed.

"Good, a lot of Xianzhou! The actions involved this time are too big! "

"It's worthy of Su Bai, and there is a big movement from time to time."

"Moreover, Liyue is also too rich, so many mines, say take it out, and then pour them all into this big pit, I drop a Ying, how many ores are there, have you counted it?"

Ying rolled her eyes on the spot.

You're poisonous.

With so much ore, a fool will count.

Humble Paimon.

But she was also stunned, and she had long heard from various places and many people that Liyue was a matter of the country of rock.

I am already familiar with it.

But now seeing so many ores, such reserves and ore volumes, still deeply shocked her.

It's all rock!

Countless mines!

It's spectacular.

It seems that you can still hear the vibration and echo of a large number of stones rolling down below, because there is so much ore,

There was a puff of dust and a rumbling sound of rolling stones.

Such a big move, the sky has always been the situation of immortal boats flying around, of course, even the others in Liyue can see it, and they all let out a series of exclamations and shock.

"I'm an emperor, what kind of big project is going on over there, and I have mobilized so many immortal boats."

"Seeing this scene, I found out, it turns out that the number of fairy boats in your Liyue is so large, is this production capacity too exaggerated, just like dumplings."

"You're too ahead of the curve, aren't you?"

One of the Meru people showed an incredulous expression.

After all, when a bunch of immortal boats gathered together, the scene was really very spectacular and gorgeous.

Especially flying head-on.

It can give you an amazing unprecedented shock!

And it brought a strong shock.

Let you feel how prosperous this country is.

That sense of strength comes to the face.

The Liyue people next to them smiled proudly.

"That is, after all, the role of the fairy boat is quite a lot, patrolling and visiting the sea, noticing sea beasts in advance, carrying out support and combat, going to various countries for trading, commercial transportation, establishing air routes, and opening up the roads of the seven countries."

Wait, it's just too much.

"Not to mention that the Xianzhou was built in the Sky Port, which is our most advanced place in Liyue, and all new research results can be enjoyed there."

"Alas, I know, it's a pity that your empty harbor there can't go to people from other countries now, and it's you locals who can live there."

"You have to have someone from another country with great ability to apply to settle in that Sky Port City." Envy. "

After all.

It is a city cluster that specializes in Liyue people and research talents, and it has no plans to open up a large number of foreigners for the time being. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

So only a few people from other countries can actually go there.

Everyone else could only look up from the ground.

At that time, many Fontaine engineers beat their chests, crying and shouting, originally wanted to see how the city flew and what exquisite technology was used.

Even if you can't go to the core area, you can see a little shadow in the urban agglomeration, right?

As a result, the hair is not visible.


"In other words, it seems that you can see that those immortal boats are carrying ore and pouring down into the abyss of strata, is this not only not digging, but also filling?"

"Bizarre move."

"Hey, you don't understand, this is the profound meaning of Lord Su Bai."

At this time, a gentleman storyteller also proudly unfolded his fan.

Speak out what you understand.

"Just as the so-called resources will eventually be exhausted one day, just like Mingyun Town, there are no minerals, the veins are exhausted, and the stratum abyss will eventually be the same as it."

"We, Liyue, still rely on the endless amount of minerals in the Shenzhou Secret Realm, which has an inexhaustible feeling."

"So Lord Su Bai sealed the Strata Abyss, which is to protect our local resource reserves, and can also continuously obtain ore from other places to nourish our Liyue itself."

"A sustainable cycle of development has been formed, and our Liyue is naturally becoming more and more prosperous!"

"Hahaha, that's right! The reward. "

For a while, everyone laughed happily.

All agree with this statement.

One is Liyue, which is full of holes and digs big holes.

One is that local resources are also abundant, and there are various resources pouring into Liyue.

Naturally, it is the latter, which makes everyone proud and happy.

But they only thought of the first layer.

I don't know at all that about the project of Su Bai's stratum giant abyss immortal path deposit, it will become the core area of the origin of the immortal road, providing a steady stream of immortal stone beautiful jade for the future Liyue!

And on many immortal boats, the high-level people of Liyue are distributed everywhere, watching the movements of the stratum abyss.

Even the end and a series of immortals are on a certain immortal boat.

Everyone had complicated faces and full of emotion.

"~ The new road of the stratum abyss, so much ore, makes me think of the past, I don't know how long has passed, when people opened mountains and mined jade, chiseled rocks, and opened roads."

Because in the beginning of Liyue, there were rocks everywhere.

Well, roads have to be built.

And gathered stones to think that the so-called "Bang", in fact, refers to "Zhai"!

There is also the meaning of fence, camp stronghold.

Gradually, this form of crowd gathering in villages and villages slowly formed.

At that time, most of the people near Tianheng Mountain were engaged in mining, and they were very wealthy, and mining was indeed a very useful main business, which was the source of the people of Liyue to live on.

Later, Kuwata, which was hard to establish, was destroyed in the Demon God War.

So the people of Liyue began to focus on merchants and smart industries, and those top leaders united together, which is [Seven Stars], which was the prototype of the original Liyue Port.

And in the beginning of Liyue Port, wasn't this by the sea?

When the wind blows in the evening, it's called a cold.

So what.

At that time, people used rocks to pile up into stoves, and used the sparks generated between the stones to make fires, and it was under the stoves piled up of these hard rocks that the flames would not be easily extinguished. (Channo's)

At this point, you can use fire for heating, cooking food, and so on.

So actually.

Liyue has always been inseparable from the rock.

The existence of rock runs through the main line of this country for thousands of years, and everyone spends time with rock and develops jade, just like that, it has long been integrated into all aspects of life and integrated.

This is exactly what [Iwa no Do!

And now.

This scene in front of him means that the abyss of strata will open a new chapter of rock, usher in the era of fairy rock, the story and development of rock will go to a higher level, and let Liyue usher in greater changes.

How can this not make everyone sigh.

Even at this time, he was very convinced, holding his hands together.

"I have to admit that this guy Su Bai is indeed amazingly talented, has a lot of ideas, and has strong hands-on ability, and this project alone is terrifying."

"And those few wonderful large formations that gather immortal qi."

"It won't also involve alchemy, hmph, this time, his technique is indeed stronger than mine, but next time, I will surpass him."

As a result, at this time, Ping with a cold face glanced at her.

"I see you, you haven't actually won once, have you?"

"Aaaaa This kind of thing, you just put it in your heart, why do you want to say it, can't you support me as a soulmate? "

"Give me a cheer and encouragement."

"Just not."

"You!! Worthy! "。

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