On the opposite side of her, Su Bai, who came from Liyue, couldn’t help it.

“Of course, who doesn’t like Esders, it’s great.”

“And it’s still such a big beauty, taking the initiative to pursue it, it is even more surprising and happy, and the male satisfaction is full at once.”

After all.

Su Bai once said that he was resolute not to be a pervert.


Unless the members of the group pursue themselves, that’s another matter.

Never mind.

Maka is over!

Everyone is a real weird.

“So to put it bluntly, I do covet you.”

Hearing this, Estes couldn’t help but laugh, especially charming and full of charm.

She had a smile in her eyes.

“It’s still comfortable to talk to another self, anyway, we all know each other’s intentions, just say it bluntly.”

“If you like it, you like it, you can open the skylight and say bright words.”

“If I were you, then I would be hungry for myself.”

“Come, let’s sit on that big rock and say.”

She took the initiative to take Su Bai’s hand and sat down on a large rock next to her.

When he touched hands, Estes’s face showed a slight red, and he still looked a little shy.

Su Bai also saw “eight zero three”.


Even such an active Estes is still a female Su Bai who has never been in love.

It’s also natural to be shy.

However, compared to Tendo Mu, he is so ashamed that he will take the initiative to turn his face over.

Estes still took the initiative to look at him, with a smile and shame in his beautiful big eyes, looking at Su Bai generously, as if to remember him in his heart.

“If you want to, sit directly on my lap.”

“My long legs have been exercised for a long time, but they don’t lose their soft feel, they are both powerful and straight, and they are amazing.”

Su Bai held her hand and smiled.

“Take your time, you haven’t been in love at all, then it’s better to let you taste the complete process, otherwise, it’s not fair to you.”

“We can get to know each other again and get closer.”

“I’m also curious about what you’ve been through in the past.”


Watching one of his hands being grabbed by him, Estes just blushed a little, and then looked at him amusedly.

Don’t think I can’t guess.

You are afraid that I will tempt me too much, so just put me on the spot.

Do you want me to get more happiness first, and then the two of them will gradually taste it in the relationship?

It’s good to associate with yourself.

The other self will also think about himself wholeheartedly.

Very considerate.

It won’t be frizzy.

Feeling that Su Bai’s hand was constantly stroking and touching his own, Estes also smiled, starting with his hand.

This strange feeling in my heart.

That’s nice.

She also looked up at the sky.

“As Subai, I am also Esders, you also know, I grew up in the Barutes tribe in the northern border region, and this race in the original book will be destroyed by the northern alien race.”

The weak perish, the strong survive.

Men will be killed, women will be brought back to eat, and food and treasures will be plundered.

This is exactly the border of barbarism.

And Esders, as the daughter of the patriarch of this group, has been gifted since childhood, and will soon be able to kill dangerous species alone and bring back prey, and she continues to hone herself.

It gives itself amazing speed and explosive power.

“So I let the ethnic group move away in advance and change places.”

Su Bai nodded silently.

This is where everyone is Su Bai’s advantage, and they will try to avoid danger in advance.

It’s just that Esders’s eyes darkened for a moment.

“However, the good times did not last long, one day, a powerful dangerous species suddenly appeared to destroy my ethnic group, and everyone was not its opponent at all.”

“It was under the cover of my father that I hid in the gap between the cliffs and rocks, and I escaped.”

“Everyone else died except me.”

“At that time, I felt trembling for such a terrible creature, felt my weakness, even if I was not as extreme as the original Esders, but I still understood that after all, I still had to have stronger strength to decide my destiny.”

“So, I started to get stronger like crazy.”

At this time, Estes let his tone relax a little.

“Su Bai, look, we were all orphans in our previous lives, why am I an orphan in this life, it’s really an orphanage.”

“Obviously, my father in this life is not so extreme under my influence.”

“But in the end, he looked at me reluctantly and told me to live, even if it was only me.”

Held her in his arms.

She was overwhelmed with her hands, but she still reached out.

“It’s okay, it’s enough to make them happy that you’re alive.”

Estes gently rested her chin under his shoulder and blew into his ear playfully.

“I have long honed my experience, and my spirit and will are extremely strong, do you think I am still a little girl?”

It’s just a little bit about the past, after all, I still miss it a little.

As for now.


She is an iron-blooded and cruel cold female general who has killed countless lives.

As a result, because of her blowing action, Su Bai took the initiative to hold her tighter, causing Estes to exclaim, looking at the man in front of him, and the feeling coming from his body.

She also blushed.

But his mouth was still hard.

“Hmph, don’t I just tease you.”

“Who made you always so provocative.”

“I’m curious why you’re so proactive.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Hearing Su Bai’s doubt, Estes was happy to solve the puzzle, and a charming smile appeared on his face.

“That’s because the people of my clan are fleeting, and I realize that when I really want to have something, I should grasp it.”

“Enjoy it.”

“So when I noticed your special Su Bai, I immediately realized that you are the man I want, and I must not let you go!”

“My life is not destined to be a twisted little girl, bold courtship, this is my character.”

Like what Tazmi, she Estes was not interested at all.

Not to mention the requirements of the original.

What in order to become a figure of the rank of a general, constantly exercise yourself for this.

A person with a pure smile.

People from the border.

People younger than her 0…

None of that.

In the end, she is an individual of Subai + Esders, not the previous individual.

But both are equally arrogant, and that hasn’t changed.

Can’t look at any man.

Only this time.

After she noticed Liyue Su Bai, she was immediately moved fiercely.

Have to admit.

This man, she’s going to decide!

It’s better than living here.

After all, both sides are ancient words.

Fools know to choose Liyue.

A more exciting life, rich people and things, a smooth country, new stories and travelers.

Well, but she also loves hunting and fighting dangerous species here, and it would be even better if the two sides were at will.

And this Liyue Subai is also very strong.

It intrigued her.

The strong?

I really want to try his depths.

Under the premise of not being interested in other people, she actually bears a lot of resemblance to the original Estes.

He likes to fight, he likes to hunt, he challenges the strong, and he treats the enemy mercilessly.

None of those who should be tortured and killed.

A veritable Queen of Ice.

Of course, after meeting Su Bai, she will also have this very feminine side.

It made her laugh herself.

Hmph, it’s true that he is Esders.

Same style.

“So, please talk to me about a never-ending love, Su Bai of Liyue.”

“They don’t value you, I cherish you.”

“I won’t let you be wronged.”

“In front of you, I can be either the queen of shaking S or your little woman. Domineering, gentle, sexy, gentle, considerate, all of which I can convert at will. ”

“And I understand you perfectly.”

Su Bai smiled.

“The great beauties have been sent to the front like this, of course I will not refuse.”

“Then welcome to my love, Esders.”

“Of course, in more familiar terms, you will be 1.8 my wife in the future.” Esders wife. ”

“So, husband Su Bai?”

“It’s really weird to call you like this, it feels like I’m calling myself.”


In each other’s eyes, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Those who are connected to each other took the initiative to kiss it.

At this moment, they snuggled together and began a passionate kiss of deep love.

Estes also felt his shame and sweetness, and couldn’t help but have a smile in his eyes.

Is this love, it’s unexpectedly great.

Well, made a super correct behavior myself.

Those people in the group, I’m afraid they still think she is a pervert at the moment, right?

As a matter of fact.

This is the best match.

She was perfect with him.

The partner has arrived.


At this time, she is full of femininity.

If this were to be seen by the original subordinates, their eyes would have to pop out, and the cold and arrogant general would have such a side?

How can it be!

Is this still her?

However, Esders is sure that nonsense, of course, is himself!


Haven’t you seen me fall in love?

Ben General Esders, finally found the man he wanted!.

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