Alf-chan your sister.

She wouldn’t do such an embarrassing and humiliating thing.

Don’t you want the majesty of the royal family?


You piles of melon peels.

Especially this little burial, I really want to give her a Funbull winter.

Fist hard!

Now if her appearance was seen by other elven clansmen, she would be shocked and cover her mouth incredulously.

On weekdays, she is calm, elegant and noble, and she even has an angry expression.

Too rare.

A hundred years old, she can still show this girl-like expression.

It’s like a flower is blooming again.

Or maybe meeting these Su Bai made her recall the past and past buried deep in her heart.

Oh, yes.

She is Riveria and Su Bai.

But she also felt relaxed and smiled, is it all Su Bai’s chat group?

It’s great.

More suitable for yourself than a normal chat group.

Esdes (Su Bai): “So that’s the case, I can see it, I just killed a dangerous species, and now I have changed my name.” ”

Everyone’s eyes showed surprise.

Coming from the world of “Crimson Pupil”, he is the youngest and most powerful imperial envoy of the empire, and has the ice emperor tool “Demon God manifests the essence of demons.” ”

Good 6 ah.

While watching the chat group, she is still hunting dangerous species?

Worthy of her.

And “Crimson Eyes” is a very healing world, if you haven’t seen it, straight.

It is recommended not to miss it.

In addition to this, there are unheard of, April is your lie, five centimeters per second and so on.

Esdes (Su Bai): “Actually, at the beginning, I thought that the strongest Magi of Eurali might also be the elven race’s Hedin. ”

“After all, I remember that Hedin, as the [White 463 Demon Wand], can be called the first in Eulari magic in terms of range.”

If you sing in a very short text, you can create a large number of thunder bombs.

It’s the size of a skull.

It can easily launch artillery battles and easily sweep tens of thousands of legions with one person.

Even Esders knew.

The strongest Magus that has been mentioned many times generally refers to Riveria.

However, if there is an error, it is not impossible.

After all, she is different from the original Esders.

Riveria (Su Bai): “Okay, I changed my name too. But Esders, what you said is also oh, if you compete in long-range magic range, and if you are close, I will lose. ”

After all, her positioning is [defender].

That is, the rear battery-type role.

Overwhelming firepower to completely crush and annihilate enemies, defensive magic to protect one’s teammates, and a supportive ability to restore teammates and maintain battle lines.

It is a veritable pillar.

Very classic Fa Ye, the kind that is not good at close combat.

Hedin, on the other hand, is a magic swordsman. Or called a magic cannon swordsman, it is also normal.

However, others in the group rejected this claim.

You Bean (Su Bai): “It can’t be Hedin, he’s a man, one hundred percent Riveria.” ”

“Su Bai of countless parallel universes are all women.”

Estes (Su Bai): “That’s true, I didn’t expect to meet Su Bai living in other parallel universes, it’s really amazing.” ”

“But I remember Riveria was pretty flat.”

Riveria (Su Bai): “??? ”


You tease me too?

It’s excessive.

Obviously, everyone joined the group together, and it was the same batch of Su Bai.


Where am I flat, is it a little good!

Although it is true that this guy is not as big as Esders, bah!


The Elven Queen despised it.

Tsuchima (Su Bai): “Indeed, there is only one male in Su Bai, and that is the group leader. ”

Estes (Su Bai): “Ha??? ”

Riveria (Su Bai): “Could it be that she was a woman in her previous life, but she was unlucky in this life and became a man?” ”

Tiantong Mugen (Su Bai): “No, people have always been men. ”

“But please don’t get me wrong, we had similar doubts before, and some things happened, anyway, there are no conspiracy theories, just get along well.”

Estes and Riveria were flabbergasted.

Always a man?

Purely male?

Ma Yay.

There is a male Su Bai in this group, and he is the only one in countless universes?

Is there anything else so bizarre?

In other words.

That is to say, normal Su Bai should be a female royal sister, all the worlds are like this, but there is an outlier?

This is a bug in the world, right?

Riveria’s face was complicated, and the corners of her mouth twitched, and there was even such a thing.

Male Su Bai.


The other was the corners of his mouth curled, as if he had thought of something.

Esders (Su Bai): “It’s very interesting, hahaha, please tell me everything that happened before, I’m very interested.” ”

Chuixue (Su Bai): “In this case, let me come.” ”

After all, in this group, blowing snow is the most qualified to say what happened. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

So after a while.

The two new entrants also understood what happened before.

Riveria thought, that’s okay, and in the future, she should be more of a male self.

It’s a bit weird, but it’s not unacceptable.

Her personality is the gentle and mature, relatively calm and reliable type.

Elder temperament!


If you look closely, she should be the oldest in the group, right?

If you put it in humans, you can be a grandmother, or a grandmother.

Estes listened and laughed.

Esders (Su Bai): “No, it’s too engaging, hahaha, you guys are trying to laugh at me to death, how do I think the male Su Bai is so miserable, and I have to be suspected by all kinds of you, obviously he doesn’t have to do this (agfj).” ”

“Finally, there is a man in a group of female Su Bai, isn’t this a giant panda, you should take good care of it.”

“I’m super rare, if you don’t cherish it, then I’ll love him.”

“Is Liyue Subai (group leader) here, do you still lack a wife, let’s get involved with me!”

“Or meet me now, can you talk face to face?”

As soon as these words came out, the whole group shook, and suddenly exploded from the normal atmosphere.

Everyone is stupid.

Each one was stunned, and the brain lost the ability to think.

It was as if a huge thunder had exploded in your ears.

Directly blinded.

What are you doing, doing, doing.

How is it so proactive?

And, it’s not right.

It’s not right to think about it.

In this group, all of them are Su Bai, even the group leader, don’t you realize this?

Riveria’s face twitched.

“No, do you know what you’re talking about?”

“How can you fall in love with yourself, even if he is a man, but he is also another yourself.”

As a noble elven royal family, she also had a deep concept of elves over a long period of time.

For this behavior of Esders.

She felt strange, and directly hit her simple world view.

It made Riveria’s eyes darken.

It’s outrageous!

Can it still be like this?

And even Tuma Buried and You Bean gasped for air, they never expected ah, after the two new group members came, Su Bai, as Esders, was so straightforward and active.

Directly courtship generously?

Not at all disguised and dragged mud and water.

At this point, it is indeed very similar to the impression of Estes, who will bravely pursue love.

Go for what you want.

But the most shocked are the blowing snow and the Tendo wood.

The two of them were like a layton hit.

Is Estes so straight, why doesn’t she think about loving herself, is it super embarrassing?


Why was she able to accept it so quickly and not be impressed?

After saying this question.

Estes laughed.

“Because I can see it and realize what a perfect thing it is.”

“Didn’t you find it, as a male Su Bai, he is similar to us, and has a similar past, which means that everyone has a deep understanding of themselves from the beginning and is 100% trustworthy.”

You can give him the back directly without worrying about being stabbed.

It’s just that I can have that particularly strong sense of security.

It’s very comfortable to think about.

In the communication of things, they can understand a little, and the two can understand at once, there is no need to waste too much tongue, and there will be no bloody explanations and misunderstood plots at all.


This would not have happened in the first place.

There will be no betrayal, no misunderstanding, no derailment, everyone is heart-to-heart, perfectly considerate of both sides, able to look at each other and smile.

Give your best to the other person.

Hobbies and play can be perfectly fitted, because it is similar, you don’t need to adapt, you can play together directly, and everyone is happy.

It’s as if even if you want to play the game of the past, someone else may dislike it.


Only oneself will never dislike oneself.

There will be no quarrels and contradictions and a series of other things.

For example, because boys love to play games, girls’ desire for control comes up, they will get angry and quarrel.

However, she and him, it will not be like this at all.

Both play the same.

If there is really any fighting, it is probably also playing ambiguous fun, the kind of laughter between the two sides.

More than a confidant, more than a best friend.

You can always be loving.

Estes (Su Bai): “This is the perfect object! It doesn’t get much more perfect than this! It is a female Su Bai like me, the dream partner. ”

“Anyway, I can’t look at other people’s words, except to be single all the time, I have this better choice.”

“Then why don’t I choose?”

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