“Heart of God? Why do you want that chicken rib thing, it’s not the same thing as my system. ”

Blowing snow just stays.

However, others were inspired by Su Bai’s words.

Xiao Bury also came back to his senses.

Scales fall from one’s eyes.

“Yes, the Heart of God is a completely unwanted product.”

It sounds like it’s the same thing as the Eye of God, the Heart of God, the Eye of God, like a promotion path.

However, everyone present was a person who had played Genshin.

These two things are not a progressive relationship at all.

The Eye of God was given by Sky Island.

And then the man is like that, and the upper limit is like that.

Directly stuck.

It has never been said that if the eye of God continues to work hard, it can evolve into the heart of God, such a superior-subordinate relationship.


Countless people throughout the ages, and no one has evolved their God’s Eye into God’s Heart.

Slightly exceptional.

That was still Wanye, he used the resonance of the Wind Elemental God Eye + Elemental Eye.

That has nothing to do with the heart of God.

In the final analysis, the heart of the gods is just an energy device handed over to the seven gods by Sky Island, and the ghosts know that they still want to be blackmailed to monitor them.

And the strong on the continent of Tivat, such as the demon god.

Even the rulers of Sky Island.

Their power also comes from the throne, not from the heart of some chicken feather.

[God’s Heart] is more like an acquired product created by the empty island of “833”.

Tiantong Mu also nodded in agreement.

“Yes, in fact, Teyvat’s God’s Eye system is very pitted, saying that it says that there is a God’s Eye.”

“In the end, with so many plots, none of them have changed from the holder of God’s Eye to God.”

“The only one is Winessa.”

“I don’t know if it’s dead or alive, but it should probably be sent.”

“God’s Eye, there is no upward channel at all. That skirmisher is also his own creation + heart as Thor, and he barely cobbled together a demon god combat power. ”

As a result, he was hung and beaten, which was extremely humiliating.

So Su Bai smiled.

“That’s why I created a new God Eye, an elemental seed, not some external magic organ.”

“Being able to constantly grow and cultivate is also a bit like the kind of immortals, I borrowed a little.”

“It’s much better than the old road.”

Everyone also took a deep look at Su Bai.

This guy is outrageous.

Didn’t hang less, right?

With such an achievement, it is no wonder that a veritable genius can also research so many alchemy items with strange functions.

It is true that the research capacity is full.

Generally everyone calls this kind of person – hanging the wall!


They are also in the chat group now, and they can be regarded as able to continue to hang up.

So Tiantong Mu nodded even more fiercely.

“Next, set yourself a small goal and become a half-step demon god!”

“That is, the half-step rock god.”

“Fortunately, Su Bai, you didn’t make any half-step top consummation, half-step peak consummation, or you will be killed.”

Others laughed too.

Their eyes also showed fighting spirit, and they were also Su Bai.

You can’t be too far behind!

So, after Your Bean gained new powers, this time the matter was also over.

Everyone returned to their respective worlds one after another.

And on Your bean’s side.

The ghost killing team was dumbfounded, and all the members were stunned.

Completely overwhelmed.

Originally, there was a mysterious force hunting ghosts, and the movement was very large.

Suddenly, the ghosts were silent, as if they were all hidden.

It’s true that there is a feeling that the storm is coming.

A calm before the storm, very eerie and depressing.

Maybe at some point, the ghost will start a big move.

As a result, even that force disappeared, and no more reports of the other party’s activity were received from other regions.

And then what.

It didn’t take long for the ghost killing team to discover that the ghosts raised in the vine attack mountain had all died wailing and disappearing.

Not one.

but all, and at the same moment.

This made everyone’s pupils shrink and they were a little confused, but Yaoya Shiki was stunned after receiving this information.

“Can it affect all ghosts, is it not miserable?”

“No misery, something happened?”

Inexplicably, he felt relieved.

It was as if the curse that had wrapped around the Isayashiki family had also disappeared, making him feel much better.

After all.

Mu Mi is actually an ancient person from the Isayashiki family, who became a ghost thousands of years ago.

This also led to a miserable comparison between their families.

Generations are weak and sick, and soon they will die in infancy.

It’s slightly better to marry a girl from the clan of priests, but you don’t live to be 30 years old.

However, today’s Isayashiki Yaoya has a strange feeling that his descendants can have the same life expectancy as normal people.

In order to further determine this matter, the Ghost Killer Team asked the other team members to provide information.

Look at other ghosts in the wild, is it the same.

Many teammates were stunned.

Both the Ghost King and the Ghosts are dead?

Ah this.

Then what was their previous hard training for, it was a hellish ordeal.


As a result, it was now completely done for nothing?!!

It’s poisonous!

But then they also breathed a sigh of relief, joy and happiness welled up in their hearts, if the ghosts disappeared, it would undoubtedly be a great thing.

The pillars are also you look at me, I look at you.

Wide eyes and small eyes.

As if to say.

Why such an amazing battle, without them?

Why are we all reduced to passers-by?

Who are those mysterious people who fight ghosts?

So outrageous.

They also thought that the other party was likely to be annihilated without tragedy, and they were worried about death.

Now look at it this way. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

People directly pushed horizontally, and in a short time they killed Wu Miserable.


This is something that the Ghost Killer Team has not done for countless years.

It’s not okay to give them all.

Wrong judgment.

Who beats soy sauce, who is embarrassed.


Chat groups.

[Ding, group member Tiantong Mugen (Su Bai) successfully signed in, and obtained 80 points and the move God of Fire Kagura Burning Bone Yanyang]

Tiantong Mugen (Su Bai): “I finally shipped, wait, why is this?!! ”

Looking at the ability he had acquired, Mu was even more deeply entangled.

Tiantong Mugen (Su Bai): “Well, if I had practiced the breath of the sun uploaded in the group first, it stands to reason that I wouldn’t have smoked this again, right?” ”

“Is it another ability?”

Tsuchima (Su Bai): “Yes, what you have will not be smoked again.” ”

“In other words, if you have studied in advance before, then this time you are likely to obtain other powerful abilities.”

For example, it’s not Kagura, the god of fire.

Is it the skill of the group leader?

The gap between the two is very large.

Tiantong Mugen (Su Bai): “Aaaaa I already knew that I would first train the enhanced version of the Breath of the Sun, and then I would lose a powerful skill! ”

Mu even said that he was going to cry.

Finally, my luck turned good, but I was punished by the breath of the sun!

If she really wanted the Breath of the Sun, Su Bai had uploaded a stronger set of Breath of the Day 2.0, so why not cultivate which!

It seems that those who should learn still have to learn.

Otherwise, it would not be good to be occupied in a position.

It’s really numb.

Blowing Snow (Su Bai): “… Such a miserable Mu Geng, I have to admit that you are the most unlucky Su Bai in the group. ”

You Bean (Su Bai): “The skills that can be practiced should be practiced quickly, if you draw it, it will be embarrassing, which is equivalent to missing other powerful abilities.” ”

“And the breath of the sun uploaded by Su Bai is very strong, it can actually trigger the energy of heaven and earth, and every move is a flame roar, the momentum is extremely large, and it is placed in the fire shadow, it can be regarded as an immortal law 0…”

Much more powerful than the previous version of the breathing method.

Although this breathing method, as the breathing method is called, will always give You Bean a kind of jojo’s wonderful adventure, that ripple too.

What ripple breathing.

However, the back is all stand-ins.

Old fellow, your stand-in is the most useless! .jpg

Tsuchima Buried (Su Bai): “Yes, the new set of Day Breath is very good, it is recommended to practice, it is a complete Type 13. ”

You Bean (Su Bai): “It’s still Liyue Su Baiqiang, he cleaned up all of a sudden, I thought I needed my Sun Breath Type 13 to clean him up.” ”

It didn’t work.

After all, this trick was originally seen by the ghost of Wu Wu in the world many years ago, and there were seven hearts and five brains in the body!

So the thirteenth type was instantly formed in his mind.

It is a trick specially designed to deal with misery.

Ji Guoyuan Yi is still very showy.

To put it simply, people are equivalent to the positioning of Wuqu Xingxia and killing demons.

Just convert to the past.

God sent down all things.

Now, however, times have changed.

Never mind.

Then in the future, it is up to you to develop new tricks behind the breath of the sun.

Tiantong Mugen (Su Bai): “Speaking of Su Bai, why didn’t I see him speak today. ”

I didn’t see him make a sound, and Mu was a little uncomfortable.

Tsuchima (Su Bai): “It’s not a pot for blowing snow, maybe I think that too much chat in the group will be suspected.” ”

Blowing Snow (Su Bai): “??? Why did it come to my head again, I am not, I don’t, obviously it was a long time ago. ”

“That’s just a misunderstanding.”

This is true, which makes Blowing Snow aggrieved.

Dog small burial.

Everyone is Su Bai, you actually blackened me.

Climb for the old lady!

It is clear that Liyue Su Bai also talked a lot before, obviously it has nothing to do with this.

The next moment, Su Bai appeared.

Liyue (Su Bai): “That’s because I’m doing something else, and if I solve your affairs, then I can continue to condense my power.” ”

“The second one I chose was the wind, so I was active in the Maunde area.”

This also made everyone sigh and recall everything about Mond.

Tsuchima Buried (Su Bai): “Mond, it’s great, it reminds me of the operation that was set up in Mond every day in the past, and it was very fast! ”

“Brush brush, it’s done all at once.”

You Bean (Su Bai) 5.2: “Yes, but I think the second goods who lost the key are very annoying, and they have to run a lap every time.” ”

Tiantong Mugen (Su Bai): “Hahaha, laughing to death. ”

This is true and makes everyone strained.

Then You Bean also focused on criticizing Mond for having a businessman with a very bad attitude, helping him deal with monsters, and having a very bad tone and a look of disgust.

Just give only a little Mora, send it to Hanako.

A comparison of slamming the door.

Blowing Snow (Su Bai): “Ah this, isn’t that person from the winter? Hello, pay attention to people’s clothes. ”

Thou Bean (Su Bai): “Al? ”

This made You Bean stunned for a moment, and recalled it a little weakly.


That seems to be the case.

The merchant wore quite a lot, and it was indeed not in the Mond style.

All right.

She remembered wrong.

Liyue Subai (group leader): “But there was another task that was very annoying at that time, that is, the transporter, to find him a plank, but also to find a rope. ”

“Running back and forth.”

You Bean (Su Bai): “Yes, yes, this is also a melon skin. ”

“Everything else is generally good, at least the sense of ease is real.”

Everyone chatted happily, anyway, it was all themselves.

Being able to move and cause laughter.


Running Wolf Collar.

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