That’s a real ghost gesture.

It’s completely different from when you play as a variety of humans!

Now he has directly turned into white hair, his limbs and body are directly covered with blood, and there is strange oozing hair on it, and a huge mouth with sharp teeth has appeared all over his body.

It looks like a humanoid monster!

Ghost King No Misery, show up!

After turning into this gesture in an instant, he unleashed his exaggerated speed and turned into a shadow and rushed towards Naruto.

Even if Naruto might actually have a trap there.

Must also go.

Only through her can he have a glimmer of life.

Escape this place!

It’s ridiculous.

It was clear that Infinite City was an extremely hidden and perfect place, and it was impossible for those ghost killing teams to know about it.

The result is now.

Unexpectedly, he accidentally became his own prisoner.

Locked him up here.

And he has a deep connection with other ghosts, and he feels that his ghosts are being eliminated one by one.

That’s the winding ghost.

I spent so many years to cultivate my subordinates.

Those waste pillars of the Ghost Killer Team are going to die when they encounter them.

For so many years, they didn’t know how many columns they killed.

Could it be no match for those women?

What a hell!


They are the ghosts!

These guys, where exactly did they come from, seem to be not the same as the Ghost Killing Team.

And once they converge, there will be the woman who breathes the sun, plus this man.


I dare not think about it!

At this time, he only had one thought.


It’s coming soon.

Seeing that Naruto was already close at hand, Wu Miserable could feel that Naruto was actually okay and fine.

I just can’t move.

As the Ghost King, he can be 100% sure.

Then as long as you find a way to destroy that talisman, you can let Naruto run away with herself.

It works!

However, when his hand was about to touch Naruto, Mu let out a terrifying scream.

It hurts, it hurts so much!

There were wails and sharp pain from every part of the body, making a miserable sound that Wu Wu couldn’t control, and felt that his body was not his own.

Pineapple pineapple da.

After a while.

He barely slowed down.

And then to the horror to find that you are trapped in a ball of light?

What, what?

As soon as Wu Mian wanted to reach out and touch it, his hand directly dissolved.

The terrible pain came crazy again.

Ling Wuxian screamed again.

And Su Bai also quietly appeared here, and his pupils shrank in fright.

Looking at the ghost king who was automatically arrested by the immortal cage, Su Bai stood with his hands in his hands and shook his head for a while.

“Stupid, I told you everything, as long as you get close to Naruto, you will be attacked.”

“Just don’t listen.”

No misery to believe.

How so.

Caught yourself all at once?

What exactly is this capability?

At the beginning, he only waved a long knife, why can’t this person understand it now?

Breathing, vampire?



It’s an unknown force that is much more terrifying than those.


Such a ball of light.

Even his own ghost king can’t escape?

No, he doesn’t believe it!

Wu Miserable instantly split himself apart, turning into 1,800 fragments, trying to rely on the huge energy generated by this self-explosion to explode this ball of light!


A terrifying explosion of energy is generated here!

And then a moment later.

The ball of light does not move.

No misery: ……

1,800 pieces of debris were also in this collision, and most of them evaporated in an instant.

He was stupid.

His strongest escape technique was perfectly restrained like this!

He returned himself to his human form again, and looked at the man outside with fear in his eyes.

“What exactly do you want to do, or who are you?”

“The Ghost Killing Team definitely does not have such power!”

“I shouldn’t have any enmity with you, and do you want a long, long life, a flawless body and a recovery beyond common sense?”

“It’s all for you, just let me go!”

“This is a gesture of life that is infinitely close to eternity, and if you are human, you must not be able to do it.”


The other party just didn’t interest in the flat voice.

“Long life, I have long had it. And I’m only 19 years old, and it’s still a long way off. ”

“You don’t need to think that far at all.”

No misery: ???

Are you kidding me?

Are you 19?

You call this 19 years old?

Directly kill me, a thousand-year-old ghost king?

That’s impossible!

You’re fooling the ghost!

Can’t I say that I have lived to be a dog for thousands of years, right?

Just when Wu Mian still wanted to beg for mercy, Su Bai took out a strange stone, and in an instant, Wu Mian felt that his energy was all drained, which made him scream again again.

I haven’t screamed as much in my life.

Even he can change his name.

There is no miserable change, there is misery.

Su Bai, who urged the Blood God Stone, made a funny sound.

“Why don’t you think I killed you directly? No misery, play your last role. ”

“No, don’t!”

“Please, don’t do this.”

“Stop it!”

In the violent convulsions, all the misery began to cry loudly, crying bitterly, all kinds of pleas, all kinds of cries.

The eyes were full of pleading.

Gradually, he became more and more desperate, and even the mournful howl began to become quieter and quieter.

It’s unimaginable.

The ghost king could be so unbearable!

Qingming reading ceremony! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 5th to April 5th)

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