Not far behind these lower strings, the space there was strangely broken, and the sound of shattering like glass sounded here.

One female figure after another appeared here.

And finally.

There was also an extremely beautiful young man who slowly and calmly walked out.

His costume is like that of an immortal.

The ancient gold robe has a flowing cloud pattern like white clouds, and a strange gold gemstone pendant around the waist, and the slender body is particularly straight, combining modern and Liyue style design.

It looks particularly handsome and full of fairy.

After coming here, Su Bai looked around.

“Well, this place has been completely locked, thanks to the ghost who ran away before.”

“Infinite City, I found it.”

Wu Miao’s pupils suddenly shrank, and his eyes became even more gloomy.

“Damn, how did you get in?”

As a result, when he saw the man on the other side, he just stretched out a hand, and a ghost in front of him instantly exploded, and a glowing talisman floated out of it.

The energy turned back into the hands of the other party.

Wu Miserable’s face was as black as the bottom of a pot.


Is it you who brought the enemy in?

Unexpectedly, he was able to make a mark in the body of his subordinates, and he could directly crack into Infinity City.

What kind of weird trick is this?

Haven’t seen it at all!

It just so happened that the other winders appeared here, and the miserable figure disappeared in an instant and hid.

There is a Naruto, it is convenient.

This moment.

From all directions, there was a voice of no misery and rage.

“Kill them all for me! Especially the man. ”

“One does not remain!”

The first to bear the brunt were those ghosts who roared and rushed away!

As a result, Your Beans instantly swung out a few knives, and under the flames of the sky, they were directly split into several halves, screaming and turning into ashes.

As a nightmare of the next string, the head flew out directly.

His eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

“Impossible! Why didn’t they fall asleep? ”

His ability to force him to fall asleep turned out to be completely useless!

How so?

Could it be that he is too weak?

However, in the next second, it also died directly here.

At this time, the knives you are holding are not Nikkami knives, and they will be crushed by the power of the elements alone.

Ghost, not so invincible!

However, the other upper strings looked indifferent, as if they died these lower strings, it didn’t matter at all.


There are even windings, cold with disdain.

If you pay attention, you will find that unlike the lower string, they have words in both eyes!

This is the most obvious difference between the upper and lower strings.


The second winding – Tong Mo.

The third of the windings – the Nest Seat.

Winding up – half-day dog.

Winding up – jade pot.

As well as the black death mou of the winding one, his face is full of six eyes, he looks strange and bizarre, standing here in the style of a samurai, it can be described as terrifying.

Wind up the ghost, all the members are together.

As for the last Lu?

Fallen Hime and the prostitute Taro have been eliminated by Tendo Mu.

That’s why they came so quickly.

There was no misery that there was a meeting.

After seeing Your Bean’s action, Black Death Mou’s eyes froze.

“It turned out to be the breath of the sun, and a swordsman who can use the initial breath has appeared?”

The other ghosts also saw the picture in their memory, it was a strange man.

But it seems very scary.

This startled them.

Immediately reacted.

That should be, the memory of Lord Wu Miserable, right?

When encountering similar scenes, it will resonate.

I see.

If you have that kind of breathing method, it’s no wonder that you have to gather everyone over.

So some of these winders laughed viciously, some of them had a wild fighting spirit, and some of them laughed and did not smile, rushing towards these four women and a man!

“Interesting humans, let’s have fun.”

“Let’s see how many moves you can get in our hands.”

“Don’t think that killing the brothers and sisters of the land of the winding will be rampant.”

“They’re just at the bottom.”

“Good-looking girl, awesome, I like your delicate meat, let me eat it.”

Su Bai was the first to speak.

“Leave that black death mou to me, and you will share the rest.”

So everyone also greeted them.

Thou bean to the slot.

The earth is buried in a jade pot.

Tiantong wood is more to Tong Mo.

Blowing snow on the half-day dog.

Amazingly, the number of people is just right.

After seeing that everyone was determined, Su Bai also nodded in satisfaction, and then snapped his fingers.

The space here has changed.

Separate each group of opponents and send them to an open field.

This allows them to fight better.

It’s also a great workout.

Even Black Death Mou was shocked, and quickly looked at Naruto on the platform behind, only to see that a talisman had been attached to her forehead.


It seems that it has been completely controlled by the other party.

“What, when?”

Even the incomprehensible peeping secretly was terrified.

Although the man did not exude any breath, he could still feel that the subconscious was not good.

Obviously, he couldn’t see Su Bai’s strength.

But no misery, still hairy inside.

Total feeling.

When the other party really moves, it is the moment when the stone breaks the sky!

Qingming reading ceremony! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 5th to April 5th)

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