This time.

It was Ye Ruo who came here with Lei Movie.

It also surprised these soldiers, is this Lord Qingming?

Looks so young.

It is indeed as handsome as the legend.

Enough to captivate thousands of women.

It is no wonder that in the past records, it has always emphasized a series of places such as Qingming's amazing appearance and personability.

The body also has the momentum and majesty of the invisible big man, just like the kind of style that will be cultivated after a long time in the upper position.

Everyone was in awe.

This one is the big man who has ushered in a new change in Inazuma.

Originally, the decision of Lord Shogun to carry out the Eye Hunting Order and close the country caused Inazuma to become blocked, and people who followed and surveyed the Heavenly Lords ran rampant.

At that time, Inazuma had a very bad atmosphere.

A gloomy piece.

Even those who resisted the Eye Hunting Order fled and fled to the Umijima side to join the other party's forces and fight the shogunate army.

It's just a mess everywhere.

There is no way for everyone either.

As a result, since Lord Qingming's return, it seemed to have brought a miracle, which directly made Lord General change his mind.

And thoroughly investigated those practices, and opened Inazuma again.

Let this country also welcome the breeze on the sea again.

It's amazing how quickly it changes!

Today's Inazuma knows how many people are grateful to Ye Ruo in their hearts.

Worthy of legends!

A great Onmyoji who has survived the history of Inazuma!

It can be described as an admirable five-body throw.

Even these soldiers were very respectful of Ye Ruo.

I can see the real face today.

I just don't know why Lord General and Lord Qingming suddenly came here.

Do you want to inspect the sea transportation here?

And after Ye Ruo came to the port.

In everyone's eyes, it was a wave of his hand against the sea, and a considerable number of strange creatures appeared in the sea in an instant.

It was a large, long-necked-dragon-like creature.

Put it in the concept of Inazuma.

Because I don't know what a long-necked dragon is, I think it should be some kind of dragon beast.

They have blue and cream bodies, long necks, and short horns on their foreheads.

The two small ears are curled.

On the back is a heavy gray carapace, many of which are massive.

However, although the body is very large, they give people the feeling of being very gentle and full of kind creatures,

It's like a spirit in the sea.

This is also the Pokémon Dragon that Ye Ruo drew before.

There are 30 of them.

With their size, they can be regarded as a large group.

To people, it looks spectacular.

After coming to the sea, these dragons blinked their eyes, and made lovely calls of joy and joy, and converged.

Then swim towards Ye Ruo.

Affectionately and obediently stretched out his head, letting Ye Ruo touch his head.

This also made him smile.

These little guys are very spiritual, and they have a high level of wisdom.

Yingdu came over curiously.

"Qingming, this is'?"

"It looks docile and cute, and there is also a strong water element on his body, is it your dependent?"

After all, the shadow is clear.

With the current Qingming, he is enough to become a powerful demon god who dominates the sea.

It is a god related to the sea.

It is normal for demon gods to have dependents.

Tengu Peluo also showed surprise in her eyes, she had never seen such a creature. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But the first time I saw her, she was a little full of good feelings.

I really want to touch it.

However, now, only Lord Qingming and Lord General are touching these dragon beasts, and it seems that they are very happy.

Face the shadow's words.

Ye Ruo smiled.

"Dependents? The same can be said. "

"After all, I made them and listened to me. I want them to be a race that lives here in Inazuma. "

"This creature is called Dragon Rider, has a gentle personality, and likes to help people."

"So you can also take people to other islands as a boat."

"For their sake of their well-behaved appearance, let me give them a little strength."

So at this moment, Ye Ruo stretched out his right hand.

A large number of cyan points of light floated out, shrouding these dragons.

This is the power of the Demon God Blue Dragon.

When the dragons absorb it, they do essentially become their dependents.

Dependents of water.

Amazing changes also appeared, and after these points of light merged into the bodies of the dragons, they all shouted happily, as if they had ushered in a carnival.

A high voice sounded here.

Along with this, the body continues to grow, and the carapace has become able to accommodate more people.

Just it looks even bigger and more amazing.

The power of the water element on his body has also become more incredible, and the power itself has become much stronger.

The original short horn also looks longer.

It's like an evolution.

And among so many dragons, there is one with the most outstanding potential and the most absorbed power!

And so it grew rapidly.

All of a sudden, they surpassed all their people and threw them far away.

It grew directly into the size of a super jumbo.

It's quite big.

It is like a giant ship, or it is a sea beast with an amazing size in the legend of Liyue.

At first glance, the carapace alone looks like it can hold thousands of people.

This also made Ye Ruo approve.

Not bad.

If it continues to grow like this, it will become like an island.

The dragon family has ushered in new changes.

The green dragon is a dragon rider.

You must know that riding the back of the dragon is very comfortable and stable, and it is very convenient as a means of transportation at sea.

Not to mention today.

The largest dragon also swam over.

Such a huge size really made the shogunate soldiers full of shock and incredulity, so they were also taken aback.

Tengu Qiluo opened his mouth wide.

Such a random move created such an amazing scene.

It is worthy of the Onmyoji in Inazuma's legend!

And Ye Ruo stepped on the void and walked directly to the back of the largest dragon, comforting it.

"Yes, you, in the future, you will be the leader of the dragon clan here."

"Take them with you and work with the shogunate soldiers to maintain the work on the sea."

Chenglong also shouted a few times happily.

And Ye Ruo also sent an invitation to the shadow on the port.

"Shadow, come up, I'll let it take us around a few times."

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