Before when I was in Liyue.

Ye Ruo also built a huge towering tree house, which accompanied the house.

As a large library, it has three floors.

Full of green leaves and sunlight, the branches and leaves are prosperous, which is a mortal tree after the degradation and reproduction of a fairy tree.

So it looks very fairy.

It became a very conspicuous sight of that place.

As one of the many Liyue Bookhouse branches, that store has the best business and the most people.

Everyone was curious.

Not sure how it was done.

What a spectacle.

Therefore, there is a rumor that Ye Ruo will immortal art, and this is indeed made by him at will.

There are so many things that immortals can do.

Ye Ruo once made the kind of building on a tree, which could go up to the top platform through the tree elevator.

That's where the canopy is.

As the most open site on the upper floor, a very interesting noodle shop square was built there.

A lot of tables and cutlery were set up there.

People can sit there and eat noodles while watching the leaves and shoots growing on the edges, as well as the scenery in the distance.

Last time, Condensing Light had complained about him.

How can an instant noodle restaurant be so luxurious.

I don't know, I thought you built some peerless restaurant here, but it turned out to be a noodle seller!

You guy really is.

Never mind.

It is worthy of being the man she stared at, and it is indeed very similar in the style of luxury and exaggeration.

This is still because Liyue is currently governed by people and is managed by Liyue Seven Stars.

Immortals like Ye Ruo are in a state of retreat.

Otherwise, Ye Ruo would be able to make more changes.

What floating stone to build a restaurant, night can face the bright moon, toast to celebrate. It can also superimpose the art of Cave Heaven on top of the floating stone to establish an aerial wonderland, which is a feature of Liyue.

Inside can be used as a series of functions for tourism, viewing, and so on.

In the memory of distant time and space, isn't there a legend that immortals use paper as the moon.

You can also fly to the moon to watch and drink under the laurel tree.

This kind of one can also be made.

In his own small world, Ye Ruo built large floating courtyards, which were even more luxurious.

Making a beggar's version in Liyue is a great miracle for mortals.

Not to mention the future blueprint conception such as the sea immortal island, the sea city agglomeration, etc., or the art of alchemy airship combined with the art of immortals to create a super-large Liyue-style immortal passenger ship.

It is very large and can fly to various countries to conduct commerce and trade, or fairy auctions, and a whole range of other things.

Ye Ruodu had chosen his name in advance.

【Mountain and Sea Boat】.

This is a dedicated air car for Condensation, which is very suitable for her status as a businessman.

After all, having technology is convenience.

But these are all future ideas, none of the above.

Ye Ruo wanted Liyue to have the ethereal aura of immortals everywhere, usher in a new future, and become a vast country of people and immortals.

The development of each country has its own characteristics.

There is no need to repeat the same.

A hundred flowers blooming, which is what Ye Ruo wants to see the most.

That kind of future must be interesting, right?

So Inazuma's side.

Of course, it is the style of the samurai, the onmyoji, and the witch.

So Ye Ruo taught these new batch of Yin-Yang Masters.

All the lost yin-yang techniques were made up, and many classics and books were able to reappear in the world.

Yin Yang Liao is becoming more and more perfect.

Coupled with these witches with the fox clan, Ye Ruo also had peace of mind.

The Yin-Yang Technique of the Tugomon family has also been completed.

Several of them made rapid progress, and suddenly broke through several layers.

Then it's up and running.

The castle tower is here.

When Ye Ruo returned, Lei Ying was already sitting here waiting for him.

It's still very simple to distinguish between Shadow and General.

The general's face is even more cold, and there will be that feeling of high fighting spirit.

Because the general sensed Ye Ruo's strength, he knew that this was a strong person no less than himself. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

She naturally saw that Hunter Xinxi wanted to fight with Ye Ruo for a long time.

It's just that every time Ye Ruo didn't say anything, she was kicked off the line by Ying.

The general can only itch his teeth angrily.

Shadow's expression of this is to hit a hammer, and there are so many things.

Just know the crumbs of the battle general.

The general is also white-eyed.

The reactions and conversations between the two of them sometimes can be fun.

At this time.

Ray's eyes lit up when he saw him return.

Solemnly took out an object from his body and handed it to Ye Ruo.

"Qingming, after I found the place where you sacrificed, only this was left."

"I've kept it until now."

This thing is naturally the original wooden flute.

After five hundred years, the brand-new flute has now left many traces of time, becoming old and ordinary.

But the shadow has always been treasured.

Because this is one of the most valuable treasures for her.

Being able to compare with the dream left by my sister.

And Ye Ruo also put it back on Ying's hand.

"Thank you, Shadow. But you should keep this thing. "

"After all, this wooden reed flute was originally given to you and represents my marriage proposal."

Shadow's face suddenly turned feverish, but she also nodded.

Answered softly.

It's clear.

She must have agreed.

It stands to reason that this thing was originally delivered to her by Ye Ruo five hundred years ago.

So the atmosphere here is also ambiguous.

So the general was originally sitting cross-legged, but she was stunned when she opened her eyes.

These two guys.

How are you kissing again.

I can see that her hair is full of black lines.


Dog men and women!

Have you ever considered that there is actually a third person here between the two of you?

(Wang Dezhao) This feels really weird.

As a result, the next moment, General Raiden was surprised.

Because she saw Ye Ruo and Ying disappear in the Heavenly Tower, as she was in the shadow body, she naturally saw the scene after that, and actually appeared in another space.

This made the general look up.

Oh? It looks like a perfect little world.

The area is large and there are a lot of interesting things.

It's also much more beautiful than Inazuma.

Does Qingming still have such skills?

Or maybe it's time.

What kind of reincarnation is this, his ability as an immortal?

However, General Raiden was just a little surprised, after all, this world is indeed very suitable for living and living, and there are a variety of vegetation and landscapes.

Treasures are also everywhere.

But for a martial idiot like her, it won't matter much.

The general army was still dumbfounded.

She saw that Ye Ruo's hand was dishonest, and Ying did not resist.

You guys!.

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