
You scold and forget it.

Where does she look like Ying's pet?

It's the guide and buddy, okay!

And obviously he is very smart!

How can you not be called a fool!!

How can it be so reasonable, it is simply unreasonable.

Paimon said that he had never been wronged like this!

Obviously cattail is a pet, okay.

However, the little girl did not hang her, but quickly rushed in a certain direction.

The angry Paimon stomped his foot in the air, or the kind that was several times.

But it her off.

Ying was comforting her.

"Okay, okay, Paimon is my best buddy."

"It's the smartest little emergency in the world, eh, little cute!"

Although he almost missed his mouth on the way, he reacted quickly.

Paimon didn't notice it, but regained his happiness.

On the contrary, it was the behavior of the little girl that made Ying very curious.

Where is this in a hurry?

It's fiery.

So she also chased after and asked about the relevant matters.

From the mouth of the little girl, this is the reason.

It turned out to be because of the novel from Mond, about the Yin-Yang 000 Division and Raiden General.

Several secret swords are mentioned.

One of the more famous is the genre created by Michi Michiki, oh no, Iwazo Michiki.

Its secret sword is [Tengu Copy].

In the story, everyone sees that the Tengu girl calls this move Tengu Katsu.

It means a sword that even Tengu can overcome.

The power of this move can be said to destroy all the houses.

And the other is the genre taught by the fog cut high ridge.

Has the secret sword [Mist Cut].

Being able to kill evil and destroy demonic beasts can be described as amazingly powerful.

As a result, kendo became hot again.

People rush to learn, compete and want to learn the secret sword.

After all, many things in the book are true, making everyone sigh that this book is too real.

The power of the secret sword also made everyone's eyes hot.

And this girl is in a hurry to participate in the admissions assessment of the Wu Che genre.

If you miss it, you will have to wait a long time for the next recruitment.

Then she said as she ran.

"It's a pity that the Iwazo genre has gradually withered, and I don't know where to go."

"As a result, the secret sword [Tengu Copy] is also gone."

"It stands to reason that the Tengu clan might have one, but they didn't say that."

"Now there is only the genre handed down by the original fog cut high ridge, the opportunity cannot be lost, I have to hurry."

"Hmph, most of the guys are just following the trend, the practice of swordsmanship is so simple."

"It's just a momentary heat."

"The so-called kendo is to go through the practice of water drops and stones, hard work, and countless days and nights."

"I can endure hardship, it must be me!"

"I'm going to be a woman of a generation of Kendo Grandmasters!"

"By the way, big sister, your little cat is very cute."

"Hahaha, go too!"

After coming to the fog cut genre, the little girl also jumped in and could see that there were many people inside.

This made Ying stop.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Forget it, there are too many of these people, so she won't go in.

Only cattail also waved goodbye.

After all, it's cute to boast of it.

Ying didn't expect that there would be such a person who came to learn more swordsmanship.

It's too hot.

But think about it, since the path of the Onmyoji is blocked, then naturally swordsmanship and samurai are more popular.

Is this Inazuma?

Onmyoji with samurai, Onmyojutsu and kendo.

She can also be regarded as having first seen the Inazuma style.

Just thinking of that story, Ying doesn't think much of these people.

That Iwazo Dao Kai Du had been cultivating for thirteen years, and with the sparring partner of that Tengu girl, he had cultivated the secret sword. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And what about these people?

How many people will be able to hold on?

Not to mention thirteen years, even six years, or even three years of penance.

But when I saw the story (CJEG), my first reaction was that this man was too straight.

A girl was willing to accompany him to practice swordsmanship for thirteen years, what was the concept, and in the end he beheaded the girl and almost cut the other party.

After that, he wanted to continue to contact the tengu girl.

The other party said that he had cut off contact and would not see him again.

Let him go and pursue his own path.

If it were normal teaching, why take so long.

And after the completion of the study, there is no problem with the normal contact behind, thirteen years have passed, is there still a lack of the next few years?

This is not the case.

Directly broken.

When Ying saw this paragraph, he also found that it was the most interesting.

Ye Ruo, this guy actually added a sentence at the back, there is no woman in his heart, and he practices sword nature.

It directly made her roll her eyes.


It's also a heavyweight!

Crumbs are rubbs.

It's starting your girly color again, isn't it!

And then this guy, what is said in the book and what is done are always two different things.

In fact, he is very red-faced.


However, did it affect his swordsmanship?

This guy is still Mond's swordsmanship legend.

Hey, this novel can't be believed, if anyone believes this guy's swordsmanship, they can't fall into the pit?

It's so bad.

Forget it, let's do the request of that white heron princess.

If you want her to introduce Raiden General, you have to make three careful wishes.

Those were three people who had lost the Eye of God.

You have to help them.

Let's go.

On the way, Ying also regretted that she could not know the name of the little girl.

After all, the villains helped themselves.

Although the girl was a little sparrow spotted, she still looked very cultured, not like some ordinary person.

At this time, Ye Ruo had already come to Inazuma.

Compared to Ying, who had to work hard to come by boat, he was able to float directly into the wind with the wind blowing towards Inazuma.

This is the power of the wind.

When he came here, his first sight was the sacred cherry tree on the mountain.

This made Ye Ruo's face strange.

Because in his memory, Inazuma did not have this sacred cherry tree at all, and some were just ordinary cherry blossom trees.

At that time, the few of them would play card games under the trees.

That is, the one who won the dessert.

Therefore, Ye Ruo and Lei Movie have the same reaction, and they can detect the problem of this tree, which appeared suddenly.

Not like other residents living here.

It is believed that this tree has existed since ancient times.

However, Ye Ruo also knows that being able to interfere in the past in the future is the power of Time Ruo Ishtaru.

It was this ruling government that helped Zhen.

Compared with other ruling powers, this one is a little more humane.

Even in the end, the ruling party will still choose to help people.

But now that I look at it this way, after the Canrea catastrophe, Tianli is like sending it, and there is no movement.

The other rulings are probably no better.

Let those people toss slowly.

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