And someday after that.

"Interesting, do you mean you want me to help?"

At a newly built alchemy windmill, Ye Ruo was here watching the alchemists busy.

They are busy and fish on their own.

This makes sense.

But then Ying and Paimon suddenly came over.

There is also a cute little cat elemental plant beside her, and after seeing Ye Ruo, she also said hello very warmly.

The kitten legs with water lily decoration are chubby.

That's the cat's tail.

At this time, Ying also looked very sincere.

Put your hands together and bow your head slightly.

"Yes, now the country of Inazuma is blocked, and there are amazing thunderstorms on the sea, which is rumored to be the will of that Raiden General."

"It's hard for ordinary fleets to cross there, it's a dangerous area."

"Even Mond's alchemy airship doesn't fly there."

"So I thought, if only you could get Twalin to take us there." Of course, this is just my request, if you have trouble, forget it. "

"After all, Wendy doesn't know where to go, I didn't find him."

"Sorry to keep asking you to help, I'm really useless."


Ye Ruo interrupted her with an expression of what you were talking nonsense. 480

Then said with a smile:

"We're good friends. I've been through so much. "

"Why be presumptuous and look down on yourself so much."

"As a traveler, you can activate elemental power without the Eye of God, not yet. I'm very optimistic about you. "

This made Ying's eyes show anticipation.

Paimon's eyes also lit up and he was pleasantly surprised.

"So, did you promise us?"

"Of course it is... No! "

Ye Ruo's words deliberately lengthened the tone, making Ying very happy and ecstatic at first.

As a result, when I heard it, I suddenly straddled a kitten in the face.

It's like being doused with cold water.

It became a frosted eggplant.


The heart is cold.

Sure enough, Ye Ruo was still the Ye Ruo in her impression.

It was always surprising what he would do next.

Full of all kinds of funny and teasing styles.

Ying had to look helpless.

It wasn't once or twice that Ye Ruo bullied him.

Get used to it.

And Ye Ruo just stretched a lazy waist and slowly spoke up.

"You all know that there is Raiden General, and let CJDC Varin take you with him, it's really bold."

That God is now dead in his head, clinging to eternity, removing all factors that are not conducive to eternity. The gods and dependents who faced other countries suddenly arrived, and they might be slashed over. "

"In the past, Inazuma had an earth-shattering thunderbird, and with its power, it could produce a heaven-wide purple thunder, and the residual anger shattered the island."

"There was a lot of movement in the chaos, and then he was killed by an arrow from Thor."


Paimon: .......

What the hell, is Thor so ferocious?

Other words.

If Twalin drove a few of them over, Thor suddenly jumped out and gave a knife, wouldn't everyone finish playing?

Thinking of such a result, Ying's body shivered.


She didn't want to get into trouble with Thor.

So if you do it any other way, you should be fine with a normal trip to Inazuma, right?

In this case, you still have to take a boat.

Remembering that last time because of Twalin's influence, the Thousand Rock Army sent more sergeants to surround and block, so he wiped his cold sweat.

It seems that he and the wind dragon have no fate.

Dragon or something, or Ye Ruo, Wendy, they come.

As a matter of fact.

What Ying didn't know was that she couldn't find Wendy.

It was because this wind god drank a drink, and casually found a hidden place and went to sleep.

It's strange to find it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If Ye Ruo didn't get a way here, then it would be difficult to do next.

No way, Ying turned around and left dejectedly.

When her cat's tail left, she deliberately waved with Ye Ruo.

Smile a lot.

And then I kept up.

This elemental plant has always been very polite.

It often attracts everyone's attention and laughter.

As a result, they are very popular.

But at this time, Ye Ruo stopped her.

"Wait, don't rush to leave yet."

In Ying's puzzled gaze, Ye Ruo smiled wonderfully.

"Originally, there was a large fleet of ships in Jingfu Port that went to Inazuma, but they have been going to Inazuma for a while and have not returned."

"You can't catch them unless you're willing to wait a while."

"However, you can go to Liyue Port, where there is an armed fleet called the Southern Cross, and they are also a group of very capable people who can take you through thunderstorms to Inazuma."

"I'll give you a ride."

At this moment, the cyan tornado surrounded them, shrouding Ye Ruo, Paimon, Ying, and Cattail Grass all in it.

However, when the tornado disappeared, Ying found that the surrounding environment had changed greatly!

What appeared in her eyes was the landscape of Liyue.

There is also a big inn not far away.

How can Ying, who has been here several times, not recognize it?

This is Wangshu Inn!

Really fake?

In just a moment, they came directly from Mond City to Liyue's Wangshu Inn?

Cattail was stunned.

Even Paimon was shocked, his voice trembling.

"How did we come to Liyue instantly?"

"Ye Ruo, is your current wind ability so powerful?"

"Hehe, the wind is good at drifting around the world. Well, good luck to you. "

Under the gaze of one person, one emergency food and one grass, Ye Ruo turned into the wind and disappeared here.

It looks like he's back in Mondstadt.

Ying, who watched it, swallowed his saliva, and was almost not frightened.

Everyone is wind ability, why are you playing so slippery?

Is this reasonable?

What, Ye Ruo is an immortal, or is it the kind of immortal who can fight the demon god?

That's okay.

It's really amazing.

If it weren't for Wendy, she might really think that Ye Ruo was a wind god.

Since you came directly to Liyue, let's go!

Look for the [Southern Cross] fleet in Ye Ruo's mouth.

And Ye Ruo did return to Mond City, or the position he left.

Apart from causing the adoration and exclamation of some alchemists, it was nothing.

After all, it has reached this kind of strength, and it is normal to develop wind power in depth.

Like Mona, they can teleport away with groups of people.

Ye Ruo's move is an upgraded version, and then the range is "a little" kind.

And Liyue Mond was not far apart.

Like Inazuma, who is going to, you have to continue to the south for a long distance to see the thunderstorm sea.

After crossing that sea, you can see Inazuma.

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