In fact, on weekdays, Ye Ruo is also very stable.

Not in too much of a hurry.

Because according to this algorithm.

It's obvious.

In the future, the area where the gorgeous treasure chest is opened will also take a long time to open one.

On weekdays, it is still mainly to open precious treasure chests and exquisite treasure chests.

It is equivalent to a new choice, and the upper limit is raised again.

The pace of life of the subject is still the same.

However, I have also opened so many precious treasure chests.

That Onmyoji Qingmingka is in this kind of treasure chest.

Moreover, the difficulty of extracting is much lower than the character card of the Blue Dragon Immortal Monarch in the gorgeous treasure chest.

The two are not at all the same level.

It stands to reason.

He should be the kind that draws the card of the Blue Dragon Immortal Monarch and looks forward to wearing it.

Therefore, it was not easy to draw [Yin "417" Yangshi Qingming Card] first.

Behind is this immortal.

Such an order.

Makes sense, right?

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an immortal character card that was drawn casually.

Directly staged what is called the miracle operation of [One Shot into the Soul].

Now on the contrary, this Inazuma character card, I haven't drawn it for so long, it's really amazing.

Character cards are really hard to draw.

And the appearance of the Blue Dragon Immortal Jun Card made people boo.

This is the probability of opening a treasure chest.

Sometimes there really is no logic at all.

For example, in the previous life, some people just kept eating big guarantees, and some people almost didn't eat this, and they just pumped it out.

The normal logic should be that Europe, Africa, Europe, Africa and Africa are always cycling.

However, there will always be cases where the extremes occur.

With luck, it may be easily extracted.

If you are unlucky, you have to pump all the time.

So I hope that in the next few days, I can draw the character card of this Onmyoji.

Of course, Ye Ruo said that he was by no means the body of the thunder movie!

It's sorry for the suffering Inazuma.

It would be good if it could be back to normal sooner.

And then eat her body by the way.

It's perfect.

And after Lisa and them came back in the afternoon, Ye Ruo also took out the magic book that was drawn.

Handing it to Youra.

At this time, Youra, Lisa, and Rosalind were all sitting in front of Ye Ruo.

Here is a very long table.

Not far away, there are alchemy instruments, a lot of books, tools and other things.

Ye Ruo is alone here, and there are three beautiful women face to face.

Very close.

It can be said that you can enjoy the blessing of Qi people.

Even now, under the table, Lisa and Rosalind's long legs are hooking up with Ye Ruo.

All kinds of bumps.

Then they had heartfelt smiles and eyes on their faces,

Only Yura, an honest man, did not react.

This reflects the personality characteristics of several of them.

Youra is more reserved and embarrassed, and needs Ye Ruo to take the initiative.

At home, I don't deliberately open the elemental vision.

So Yura, who didn't know about this, looked at this magic book with a puzzled face.

"Ye Ruo, what is this book?"

"There is a book that records a healing magic that only one person can learn, and I thought about it for a moment and wanted you to learn this."

"Let's see if it works."

After all, among the several women today, except for Qin, who is often busy working.

These few people around Ye Ruo.

Rosalia didn't need to say more.

Protect the vampire of the demon god.

Ice plus blood.

Lisa and Rosalyn are both strong and will be a lot.

They all returned from Sumeru's advanced studies.

I have acquired a lot of knowledge and ability.

Immortal Law for the time being. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The former is thunder + female ability + gold attainment + grass reagent, and is still studying potions and secret potions.

It's getting more and more like a witch.

The latter is fire + line + female + gold.

are moving towards full development.

On the contrary, it seems that Youra's comparative ability is thin, only the ice system.

It would be nice to learn this group therapy.

However, Ye Ruo found a detail.

How their own women, there are so many people with the name Sha.

There are three.


It can only be said that the happiness of Guasha is simply unimaginable.

And Eura also pursed her mouth seriously.

"Magic, I'll try."

So she closed her eyes, and the magic book in her hand glowed directly, and all that knowledge poured into her mind.

Then Eura tries to start releasing this magic.

It just failed.

There is too much knowledge in it, and it is too obscure, and there is a clear feeling of excess and insufficient strength when trying to use it.


It's a hard time!

So that's it...........

Then Eura felt that all the knowledge in her head had disappeared.

It was as if she hadn't been approved by this magic book.

It's a really weird situation.

Smart as she is, she also understands something.

Sadly bowed his head.

"Sorry, Aye, I failed."

Ye Ruo hugged her forehead, comforted Yura carefully, and gently touched her with his forehead.

"It's okay, I'll find more abilities and knowledge in the future, this can't work, then the next one."

"And now you're already very good, aren't you also studying alchemy?"

"You have always been that excellent girl in my eyes, and I am very happy in the morning."


As soon as Ye Ruo mentioned the morning, Youra's face immediately turned bloody and she quickly stopped this topic.

Otherwise, the two sisters next to them would be curious again.

It's late though.

Yura's body froze, and Rosalind's hand directly wrapped around her waist.

Lisa was even more attached to her body.

They all teased ambiguously.

"It seems that Eura came home in the morning oh, bad oh, enjoy it alone."


Yura hurried to speak up.

"It's clear that I was fine in the bathroom alone, the result, the result."

This made the two women understand and looked at Ye Ruo with contempt.

Old bad guy.

She is bullying Sister Yura again.

So they appeased Yura.

"Don't cry don't cry, Lisa and I will help you teach this bad guy a lesson."

"That is, Sister Youra can be 1.2 is a treasure among us, how to let such a big pig's trotter bully wantonly, quickly, beat him."

"Wait, I didn't cry at all!"

In a burst of laughter, Eura explained in confusion.

I have to say that by the side of the two witches, it seems that she is like the youngest sister.

Although this is also true.

Therefore, Yura was carefully cared for and cared for by the two of them, but sometimes she was also blushed by their teasing.

In a weakly affected state.

And after this, Lisa picked up the magic book.

That knowledge was quickly understood and connected by her.


The magic array of white magic was directly released from her hand.

A dazzling white light is revealed here.

Lisa is worthy of being a well-deserved genius and has successfully learned this magic.

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