It was about asking her if she would like to be the author of the Steambird.

At this time, Mona was hungry and dizzy.

Definitely agreed!

You still need to think about it?!!

As for Mona's previous evaluation of the Steam Bird newspaper.

I feel that their news is not frustrated.

After all, every turn is all kinds of gimmicks.

Just a matter of smoking.

"Steam Bird News" can give you a "brother-in-law don't suck, my sister is coming back soon!" The story Fontaine had to tell! 》

I don't know why.

At first glance, it is only advocated to smoke less.

Title like this, as for?

Mona's eyes turned black directly.

Not to mention the ones I've seen before.

The news is really played by them, and it's no wonder no other newspaper can do it for them.

The Steam Bird newspaper knows the news.

So what Mona said at that time, even if she starved to death and jumped from here, she would not be their author!

The result now?


After all, the sky and the earth are big, and the meal is the biggest!

Staying alive is all that matters.

As for shame, Mona felt that it was still a full stomach that she should consider.

So after receiving this letter.

Mona quickly wrote her first work, "Introduction to Astrology", which was sent to Fontaine's "Steam Bird".

If the editor-in-chief sees it, it will be published on it.

In the future, I will be able to have 29 new income.

And here in Mond.

Mona finally waited for the day when Kelly was released.

For the heir to be only so big, Mona was also surprised.

But in the end, then she is also the successor of the great university knowledge!

However, Mona told Kelly about the fifty-year covenant and the box, which made Kelly suddenly realize and remember her mother's instructions.

So Kelly took Mona to the Windy Land.

She buried her things in the wild.

This is Xiao Keli's habit, otherwise a series of explosive materials have been looted by Captain Qin, how can she make a bomb?

There was no way, Mona could only keep up.

He also picked up a book that Kelly had dropped.

Read it slowly, just to pass the time.

Although this content is quite silly.

All kinds of humble behavior.

Let Mona sigh in her heart, the person who wrote this book must be a fool.

Completely inferior to the genius astrologer himself.

And the two friends who followed Kelly also made Mona curious for a while, what is this?

Never seen it.

A fiery red nut who looks cheerful and jumpy.

Another black mushroom.

On the contrary, it gives Mona a feeling of old age?

It's like an old man?

However, it seems that the people of the Knights have a similar plant around them.

She also saw the last battle.

It's wonderful, it's awesome!

These elemental plants play a very large role, with all kinds of wonderful abilities, which is equivalent to adding a powerful assistant out of thin air.

The fools who were still fighting at that time were defeated one after another.

It was stunning.

And how does Little Kelly have two?

It's really extraordinary.

And Mona looked warily at the exploding nuts and doomsday mushrooms.

It feels like either one can blow her up to the sky.

Especially the latter one!

The energy contained in it made Mona feel creepy, this thing feels that even a mountain can easily collapse, right?

Why would the Knights give Kelly such a dangerous thing?!!

Go crazy!

Kelly is still just a child.

What if I don't grasp it for a while?

Whether the Knights of the West Wind are bold or do not know the importance!

It really made Mona incomprehensible.

After all, Mond has changed a lot, and their various new achievements have been mentioned many times in Fontaine's newspapers.

It once surprised the Fontaine.

Especially some Fontaine inventors who were already studying airships, after seeing such an advanced alchemy airship as Mond, they almost vomited blood.

Directly shouted in anger.

No way! No way!

Why is it that Mond's backward place is researched faster than them?!!

It's good now.

Even if Fontaine was equipped with an airship after that, the first impression that came to everyone's mind was Mond.

And not Fontaine.

The second is so embarrassed.

And Mond's airship is even more advanced.

It can only be said that Mond has changed a lot, and even Mona is quite curious.

After some journey, the two of them finally arrived at the place where the treasure was buried.

As a result, the problem came out.

Kelly discovers that her belongings have been stolen, so Mona starts using water divination to help her find things, and discovers that they have been stolen by the Abyss Mage.

Then chased all the way to the secret realm.

As a result, what Mona didn't expect was that Kelly directly blew up half of the secret realm with a bomb at the beginning.

It scared her face to the point of change.

The exploding nut jumped out of a doppelganger and killed the two abyss mages inside on the spot.

And what controlled monsters came to attack. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The result is another nut doppelganger, blowing them all to pieces.

I saw Kelly dying happily and running around.

Still shouting there.

"Fried, it can be blown up!"

"Hahahaha, it's fun, Kelly is very happy today!"

Then the entire secret realm began to falter.


After watching this scene, she quickly took Kelly and the items she found and teleported out of this secret realm.

It's poisonous!

It obviously looks like a conspiracy of the Abyss Mage.

As a result, under the activity of exploding nuts, it became a joke.

I saw that the nut had been frying.

If one bomb doppelganger doesn't work, get another one!

This elemental plant is what gives Mona this feeling.

It's outrageous!

It didn't take long for a secret realm to turn directly into ruins, leaving Mona silent.

This destructive power, no wonder it is immobilized and confined.

But this plant is really strong, and the elemental plants of the Knights of the West Wind are interesting, if only she had one.


You have to join the Knights.

She just wants to complete the task and return to Fontaine.

Can't really find your hit here, as the old woman said, and then settle here, right?

At the thought of Ye Ruo's attraction, Mona blushed.

The long legs clinging awkwardly.

When did she become such an undetermined woman?

It's all that person, the feeling of seducing witches is too heavy, and it seems to be especially effective for adolescent witches like themselves!

A veritable natural enemy of witches.

Therefore, Mona was afraid of meeting Ye Ruo and chose to avoid it, if she stayed for a long time, she might really not be able to hold it.

But then, she suddenly found herself reading the old woman's girl's diary.

This made Mona thunder.

The eyes lost their light.

It's over, Fontaine can't go back.

The old woman solemnly told her that she should not look at the contents inside.

Thinking of the old woman's furious look, Mona said that she should still live in Mond!

Or she will be torn by hand!

I can only stay up until the old woman's life is counted.

Life is not easy, Mona sighed.

As a result, when she returned to Mondstadt, she was worried about where she lived again.

There is no money.

Fortunately, she met Ying and Paimon, and at her suggestion, Mona found Catherine from the Adventurers Guild.

Catherine pondered for a moment.

"Cheap, long-term place to stay."

"There is a perennially empty magic laboratory in the city, because I don't know who added a seal, so no one can enter it."

"There are a few experts who can figure it out, but they are not interested. You can go and see, if you untie it, the owner of the house, 807, should be able to let you live, right? "

"Oh yes, that house seems to have changed owners half a year ago."

However, Mona did not hear the latter sentence, so she ran over with interest.

When she arrives at her destination, she discovers that there is indeed a seal here.

But if you untie it, it's very simple!

After seeing this scene, Ying and Paimon both cheered, and even the cattail meowed twice.

Celebrate her.

"Great, untie. In this case, you only need to go to the owner of the house. "

"Get him to agree to you staying."

As a result, a very familiar voice came at this time.

"Are you renting a house? Okay, I agree. "

Ying was stunned.

Even Paimon exclaimed.

"Ye Ruo? How are you? Is this house yours? "

It was Ye Ruo who appeared here.

He nodded.

"It's mine, because this house has a seal, so it's very cheap to buy. In addition, I have a good relationship with Mr. Goethe, so I sold it to me half a year ago for a fifth price. "

"Wait, this seal, can't you untie it?"

"It's just that I have too many houses, it's not necessary." Anyway, it is also put away. "

"After all, I have built several magic laboratories."


All evil rich people!

I feel that Ye Ruo's houses are many, everywhere.

Not like yourself.

If there were no dust song pot, I would still be a houseless family.


How can the gap between people be so large.

However, Mona's reaction made Ying feel very strange, because as soon as Ye Ruo appeared, she exclaimed.

Then hid behind his back.

I could feel her body trembling.

Ying's face is full of question marks.

What's wrong with this?

Could it be that Ye Ruo had done something to her?

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