After all, with Ye Ruo, this color embryo, if he really lives together every day in the future.

I don't know how many tricks are waiting for me.

Before he took out a lot of black silk for himself to wear, all kinds of dishonesty in the process.

In the end, it was even more unacted.

Not to mention that for a period of time later, Ye Ruo let her not wear black silk again.

Say that I like to see myself bare long legs.

It's more beautiful that way.

All kinds of gluttony for their own bodies.

Plus Sister Sharlene is also together, but let him can.

Of course.

Ning Guang himself is also very happy, just enjoy it.

After all, the more Ye Ruo cared about herself, the happier she naturally was.

At this time, Rosalind, who wiped her sleepy eyes, also got up and looked at Ning Guang curiously.

And then they talked about all sorts of topics.

Rosalind would also ask her with a snicker.

"Ah Ning, you worked hard to make money before, was it so that you could live a better life with Ye Ruo."

These words made Ning Guang glance at Ye Ruo, and then confessed directly without anger.

"Of course. As a result, this guy disappeared as if he had disappeared. "

"I originally wanted to wait for the time to meet him, come and say, you don't have to work hard in the future, I will take care of you!" You only need to be responsible for me in the future! "


Hearing this, Rosalind's eyes lit up and she clapped her palms in encouragement.

"It is very Ah Ning's personal style 790 behavior, and the temperament of a rich woman is at a glance. Bold and brave. "

"It seems that your relationship was very close before, it won't be this colorful guy who will tease you at every turn, thus taking away your heart."

"Okay, okay."

Ning Guang suddenly hesitated.

"He also helped me a lot and always cared about me. It's really good for me. "

"Yo, you said good things to Ye Ruo like this, and said that there was no emotion at that time?"

Rosalyn was about to burst out laughing.

Isn't this what comes out of the lover's eyes.

All kinds of beautification.

In fact, I have long liked Ye Ruo in my heart, and I have a good impression.

Ning Guang did not deny it, but just grabbed Ye Ruo's hand a little tighter.

The same goes for legs.

"Then Sister Charlene, you know, this bad guy mixed up so well by himself, but it seems that my money offensive is useless."

"It made me a little out of breath before."

"I want to see if I can bully him a few times, of course, it's just a joke, I won't do anything to him."

"Even if it turned out to be so, it didn't work out. It makes my teeth itch with anger. "

"On the contrary, the previous time against the Vortex (CJCA) Demon God, Ye Ruo helped me transform the Qunyu Pavilion and successfully repelled and sealed the other party. Originally, I wanted to smash the Jade Pavilion directly. "

"Smash directly? Are you so rich? And so willing? "

Rosalyn was shocked.

What is this behavior?

Big money!

The amount of money and manpower spent to build such a jade pavilion is unimaginable.

Say smash it, it's really full of pride!

It's very bold.

But if you think about it, it's possible.

In line with her style as a celestial power star.

Then Ning Guang couldn't help but laugh.

"On that evening, I said it would be good to have Ye Ruo to help, but he said that if I fall, he could put his arm around me and save me with a heroic rescue."

"I almost didn't die laughing. Really, if you want to hug me, just say it. "

"I won't refuse him, who makes me like him too."

"Then I walked directly to him, raised my legs for him to pick him up, and took me over the mountains and rivers in the night, and saw a lot of beautiful scenery."

Looking at Ning Guang's expression of such happiness, Rosalind had a playful expression.

"It's so romantic, so that night? Uh-huh. "

"It can be regarded as a formal cultivation."

Ye Ruo also smiled.

"Yes. Since then, I have confirmed the relationship with Ning Guang, until now. "

"Well, since we woke up, let's go to the hot springs of the small world to take a bath together, it can also be regarded as sober up, so that the body can remove fatigue and refresh."

After saying this, Ye Ruo disappeared here with the two of them.

Only to hear Ning Guang exclaim. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Say she's still dressed outside.

This just woke up.

As a result, Ye Ruo said that the small world is them anyway.

Do not worry.

Ning Guang grabbed Ye Ruo fiercely in embarrassment.

Bite you!

This person really is!


Just know to bully yourself.

It was so before, and it is so now.

Then there was Rosalind's gloating laughter.

It's a lot of fun.

Then one day, Ye Ruo and Rosalyn met Ying and Paimon again.

Right near the Adventurers Guild.

Ying feels that he is still too weak and needs better exercise.

This made Ye Ruo very strange.

Since she is an honorary knight, why not go back to the Knights and get an elemental plant?

After all, people in other countries now know that the knights of the Munder Zephyr Order have strange and mysterious elemental plant companions.

Just like the standard.

It's the same concept as the Zephyr Sword.

I don't know how many people envy it.

As a result, you, the honorary knight, did not, and I didn't know that I thought that the Knights were engaged in targeting and discrimination.

Not to foreigners.

In reality, however, Maunde is the least exclusive country.

People from all countries have them, and they can still hold high positions.

It stands to reason that there should be aristocratic forces entrenched or something, resulting in foreign people being faintly excluded, unable to rise to the top and the top.

However, this is all thanks to the magical operation of the Lawrence family.

Completely ruined the hidden danger of the nobility.

So that the current Mond will not pay too much attention to the nobility, nor will he despise outsiders.

As long as you are kind-hearted and willing to do practical things for everyone, then you can get everyone's respect and love.

Just like Jean's father, he is also a famous adventurer on the mainland.

In the end, he settled in Mond and married someone from the Gunhilde family.

So Jean's full name is Jean Gunnhilde.

Barbara followed Simon because their parents separated.

So the full name is Barbara Page.

It sounds a little weird, but it's true.

Because his father's name was Simon Page.

This can be seen that Mond does have an aristocratic family that has survived.

It's just that they all have the advantages of nobility today.

The negatives and shortcomings are gone.

In the process, Lawrence played a very standard negative teaching material.

As a result, the concept of aristocracy was greatly weakened.

The nobles could not stand up.

People don't eat your set.

So today there are many locals living in Mond, but there are also many foreigners.

They also settled in Mond and became part of Mond.

Quite a few, also became Monds.

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