And, the loud dragon roar that resounded here!

The King of the Rock Dragon, who has been sealed for thousands of years, has seen the light of day again!

Not only that.

The Ruoda Dragon King let out a high roar.

"My name is the Dragon King, the destroyer of the Mandate of Heaven, the terminator of all things, unstoppable, irrebelliable, I am a cataclysm!"

This caused a black line to suddenly appear on Ye Ruo's forehead.

You're normal!

Just know to talk about it.

What a crime.

What did I keep such a book for?

Obviously, this guy is just funny.

After he came out, he quickly shrunk his figure, ready to transform into a human form.

However, such movements are very large, and the impact area is much more than that.

It's like mountains trembling.

And this is indeed the case, the movement brought by Ruoda directly caused the other peaks to shake violently, directly affecting the South "One Five Three" Heavenly Gate, Amber Mountain, and having the momentum of Yue Tian and Qinghupu!

The raging torrent spreads wildly.

This is the surge of the earth's veins, this is the power that belongs to the lord of this land!

The mountains shake for it, and the peaks shake for it!

This continuous movement naturally affected Qingyunding, as well as the distant clouds.

Even those immortals who had originally stayed in their cave mansions, studying their talismans, calculations, organs, etc., were greatly changed by this shock.

Hurriedly ran out.

Then look at this movement and the direction it is coming from.

They were all exclaimed.

"What is the situation, why is there such a big movement."

"Only one person can create such a scene as the earth, could it be that the seal has failed, and the Dragon King has escaped from trouble?"

"Not good!"

"Jodha has long been badly worn out and has lost his memory related to us."

"I will only feel that the emperor suppressed it and resented the emperor and us, and if it came out, it would only attack Liyue now!"

"It's okay over there in the strata abyss, there aren't many people haunted now."

"But if you go to Liyue Port, just a random wave of blows will cause countless deaths and injuries to those mortals."

"On the earth, the King of the Rock Dragon has an absolute advantage, and can continuously extract the earth veins for battle."

Several immortals became anxious.

Even the Shift Xiao Guide Innocence Monarch who was resurrected before was shocked.

"How is it possible, if the emperor is still there, under normal circumstances, the seal cannot be invalidated."

"Could it be that some thief managed to unlock the seal?"

"Like the winter fools from last time?"

"Winter people, dare to be so arrogant and arrogant, really don't put me Liyue in your eyes?"

Because the resurrection time is not long, this immortal is not very impressed by the name of Dadalia.

He remembered that it was a bold winter man who tried to unseal the emperor.

What a wolf ambition.

His heart is damned!

This kind of mess, don't be seen by him.

Or kill him in minutes!

Dadalia: ???

Dardalia, who was far away in winter, suddenly sneezed violently, making him look left and right very unsurely.

Little did he know that he was carrying a cauldron.

And here in the Liyue Peerless Clouds, the Heavenly True Monarch of the Shifting Sky Sect directly stepped into the air and ran in that direction.

It's all about running in the sky.

This is the ability of immortals.

Its voice also sounds here.

"I'll go over there and take a look, what is the situation, I have to find out."

"Such a movement, the emperor will not be unaware."

The other immortals also hurried to catch up, flapping their wings or moving their legs towards Ruotu.

And such an impact.

It's not just immortals noticing.

It is easier to notice that the Liyue people living in these places are looking for treasures in the mountains, and some are transporting caravans and preparing to bring goods to Liyue Port.

There are quite a few that are mining.

For so many years in Liyue, people have been constantly prospecting the mine branch, and many places have been hollowed out.

They are constantly looking for new resource points.

There are also some who go into the mountains to collect medicine, hunt wild meat, and hunt. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Everybody has it.

After all, you have to live.

Some restaurants and inns will be built on the side of some commercial roads.

There will also be a lot of pedestrians.

After a long walk, sit down and drink a few glasses of wine and eat a few bites of meat.

Relieve that tired spirit.

The result is this moment.

No matter what they were doing, they all saw such earth-shattering movements.

Frightened, his face turned pale.

Some of them fell to the ground, which can be described as creepy.

Everyone who is scared to pee their pants.

Those who are a little smarter are to quickly take their belongings and run away decisively!

Many Liyue people trembled in their bodies, and then shouted in shock.

"Oh my God, earthquake, it's an earthquake!"

"The mountains in the distance are shaking wildly, I even saw boulders rolling down, and the trees were all crushed.........."

"What's wrong, why is this?"

"I have lived so big, I have never seen such a terrible natural disaster!"

"It's impossible, why is there such a violent vibration here, it's just like what is recorded in the ancient books, the earth dragon turned over!"

"It can be described as a great earthquake, the world turned upside down!"

"I'll drop an emperor, your old man will show his spirit quickly, save us!!

"Don't say it, run quickly, the emperor and his old man have passed away, alas!"

"What died, nonsense, the emperor must be reincarnated! I think a yellow-haired traveler with a small flying object could be an emperor! "

For a time, a large number of people fled,

After all, who is not afraid of such an earthquake.

If it continues, there is even a danger of being buried alive.

Such a catastrophe is very dangerous.

Unfortunately, what they don't know is that Jotha only came out with such a fluctuation and then it converged.

Quickly changed back to human form.

So this movement will stop soon, and they will be simply scared.

But for mortals, such a big movement is really amazing.

After seeing such a scene, the Thousand Yan Army quickly rode to Liyue Port after seeing such a scene, and they were going to report the situation here.

And in the place where Radha finally got out, now only a huge deep pit remains.

Look at 2.8 to go to the black and not slippery, the depth is bottomless.

It makes people feel hairy at a glance.

Then in such smoke, a figure slowly came out of it.

Ying looked at this figure in amazement, how it was a little short and familiar.

As a result, when the smoke cleared, the man approached.

Her face twitched.

Sure enough, it was the same appearance as the blue-haired little loli I saw before.

You are a dragon king, why do you always become a child?

Isn't it okay to become the same as Kunjun before?

And here came the smug laughter of the Dragon King.

"Hahaha, I'm back again!"

"Whoever is the peak at the end of the earth, there is heaven with me Ruotra! Ah no, it should be land! "

"It doesn't feel right, weird."

"Oh, what to say, I'll think again."


It's an idiot!

It must be!.

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