The former is dominated by grass-green clothing.

He looks cute and lively, and has two bells on his head.

There is a sachet around the waist.

There is also a medicine basket on his back.

It seems that it was used to place medicinal herbs when collecting medicines, and there are also a lot of things in it at this time.

The most conspicuous thing is a small yellow creature with two long little ears.

I didn't know, I thought I was pretending to be a roar.

Pretty cute.

Her name is Yaoyao.

It is Grandma Ping's little disciple.

That bell is also a common symbol.

Xiangling is her senior sister.

At the same time, Yaoyao can also be regarded as a group pet.

Very attractive.

Qiqi also likes Yaoyao very much, thinking that she is like a small group of finches.

And the little group sparrow is a creature that Qiqi likes.

Sometimes Yaoyao will often run to Beidou's boat, and seafood is a large proportion of the food she likes to eat.

And the more important one is.

She is the one who takes care of Gan Yu.

Although it usually seems that Yaoyao is taking care of Ganyu.

Will let the chef of Wangshu Inn deliberately put less chili, after all, Gan Yu stays up late and works overtime, which is easy to be bad for the body.

It will also make the bed softer.

Make Ganyu sleep more comfortably.

He is a very sensible and caring child.

It's all taught by Grandma Ping.

As for what she stopped.

Naturally, it is the former hall master of 127 who often comes to promote business, the very famous walnut.

At this time they were talking.

"All said, Master doesn't need any reservation service for the Hall of Life, Hall Master Hu, don't you be like this!"

"I said, you can discount half the price, buy one get one free, and give one more monument!" The third monument is half price! "

"You see if you can, hehe."

"Nope! Yes! Master, the old man's health is very good, sister Hu Tao, you better go somewhere else to expand your business, oh no! "

"Past Life Hall doesn't need to publicize it like this at all! Obviously, you are the leading monopoly of Liyue! "

"And the funeral ceremony or something, how can there be a reason for door-to-door publicity!"

"Hey, you don't understand, the more publicity the business is, the better." Not to mention that we still have white rice there, so we know that they are on credit. "

"I have to support so many employees, of course I have to work hard!"

"That's not okay, it's useless to say it anyway, just think about it!"

Under a series of strong rejections from Yaoyao, Hu Tao finally left here.

Seeing it, she sighed and wiped the sweat from her head.

How can there be such an indomitable person.

How can there be a saying of booking a funeral ceremony for Grandma Ping (Master)!

Her old man doesn't need to be good at all.

Yaoyao was speechless.

This Walnut sister is really nobody, and it gives people a headache.

No wonder Sister Qiqi is so afraid of her.

Then when Yaoyao saw Ye Ruo and them coming, she smiled and trotted over happily.

"You are the guests that Master said, my name is Yaoyao, and I am Master's second disciple."

"Welcome, Master has been waiting here for a while."

Grandma Ping also came forward.

"Ahem, what a while, you kid."

"I just came, just came. I've lived here for too long, but what I've already been familiar with can no longer be familiar. "

"Come and sit. Zhongli is also coming soon. "

Zhong Li's suspended animation this time is real for most people.

Just for these immortals.

Because of Ye Ruo's appearance, Zhong Li was exposed early.

Everyone knows that Zhong Li is an emperor.

There is no need to be as formal as before, and now it is very casual to speak.

This is no longer the original Demon God War, and Zhongli has also abdicated.

Live an ordinary life. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Like many years ago, the meaning of emperor refers to the king, and the other immortals are subordinates.

Just look at the respectful appearance of the fish.

Only Ye Ruo, Guoba, is a friend in the end.

Nowadays, it's all about approachable relationships like friends.

After all, they are the ones who have lived until now.

And Ye Ruo also gave Yaoyao a gift, it was a good herb, which had long been extinct in Liyue.

It can only be seen in ancient books.

It made Yaoyao happy, cheering (cjdj).

After all, she often goes to the mountains to collect medicines, and she also has a good knowledge reserve of herbal medicine.

As for safety, she is a person with the eyes of a grass god.

It's good for drilling into the woods.

Grandma Ping also sighed, why give this little girl a five-hundred-year-old rare herb, she can't use it well.

This is already precious.

To give Yaoyao is a waste.

The kind that storms the heavenly things.

These words made Yaoyao's mouth pout, and then she shook Grandma Ping's hand earnestly and asked her to handle this herb.

After all, Master is an immortal.

Much more than her.

Rosalyn also gave her a delicate small bottle as a meeting gift.

Then Yaoyao jumped and went to play.

She has always been such a happy personality.

I went to the port again.

Soon, Zhongli also came.

After greeting Ye Ruo, he was also surprised in his eyes and recognized who Rosalyn was.

"Worthy of being an old friend, have you been living together so soon?"

"I also let go of everything and lived a normal life." That's fine, happy and happy. "

"But in this case, if the empress of winter finds this, I am afraid that she will have some opinions, after all, this is directly pulling people away."

Ye Ruo chuckled.

"Others are not easy to recognize, and the empress has to come and find out in person."

"And now, they don't know that an executive officer is missing, enough for them to be confused for a long time."

To this.

Zhongli also nodded.

"In that case, even if the empress finds you, just talk about me when the time comes." It doesn't hurt either. "

"That ice god has been staying in the Winter Palace for a long time, and he hasn't been out of Winter for so many years."

Rosalyn also nodded and said hello solemnly.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhongli."

"Hehe, don't be so formal, after all, Ye Ruo is my friend, according to the relationship, you are a younger brother and sister."

"Of all the people, I am the one who has lived the longest."

Zhongli is completely the living history of Liyue.

It also made him feel very emotional.

How many years.

Countless years of starry frost years, countless years of vicissitudes.

Only Ye Ruo didn't care about this at all.

A look of disgust that you rarely come from,

"Hey, don't sigh, sit down."

"Originally, eating and dining was to make everyone happy, how could there be so many worries."

"If you can live until now, you should enjoy life."

"You can see that Ah Ping has wasted a lot of effort, don't let it get cold."

Zhongli smiled dumbly.

"Or old friend, you are the most free, the one with the most naked heart among the immortals."

"Drink when you should, play when you should, and never be affected by time."

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