And Rosalind, who stayed in the small world, also looked at the scene in front of her with beautiful eyes curiously.

Walk slowly here.

Those white legs loomed between the robes.

Even though Ye Ruo had told her a lot of information before.

But when she came in person, she was still very surprised.

Avoiding the small world of the world?

It is completely self-sufficient.

There is not only light and sun, but also endless plains, overgrown with pleasant vegetation, bringing that freshness and natural feeling of life.

Those green waters, clear mountains, rivers and streams can be seen everywhere.

Rosalyn also saw the conspicuous hanging garden, floating in the air like that, but very beautiful and spectacular, all planted with flowers and vegetation, and it was very good to be able to see the scenery.

It can be described as extremely rich and luxurious, full of that royal temperament and elegance.

In the sunlight, some appear golden.

It made her face strange.

"Is he so extravagant that he deliberately made a building like this, how many resources and manpower does it cost?"

"It looks like a relaxing garden created for a vacation with women, and this guy really has a lot of love now."

"Those sisters are truly blessed."

"It's just a little inconsistent with the name of the noble knight I heard, Mond has no information about this, could it be that he made it alone?"

"My Rustan, it seems that I have learned a lot of things and have a lot of opportunities."

However, Rosalyn herself has changed a lot over the centuries.

So she was able to understand.

He also knew that Ye Ruo did have a lot of secrets on him.

In this regard, Rosalyn is very relieved.

Because even so, Ye Ruo shared a lot with her and gave a lot of good things.

I kept whispering to her.


It's still the knight who loved him.

The thought of being able to be with him forever in the future.

Even Rosalind, who had frozen her heart for so long, was once again excited and expectant.

After realizing this, she couldn't hold back her laughter.

My face was filled with happiness.


It is clear that he is hundreds of years old, how can he still be like a little girl.

Perhaps, it was only in front of Ye Ruo.

She is the carefree girl she was.

After all, a day here in Ye Ruo is more than the number of times she laughed in the hundreds of years of solstice winter.

After all, that's what she wants.

Ye Ruo.

It's her whole world.

For this reason, everything in the Winter Kingdom can be discarded.

Then she walked around and found that it was really magical.

There are plants and water, mountains and big trees.

There are many floating islands.

What volcanoes, what ore islands, hot spring islands and ocean islands, like that kind of whole island is water, have seen several.

Some are huge lakes.

Azure and flat, like a sapphire.

So beautiful.

Rosalyn was thinking, if you swim in it, it must be great, right?

And the floating island with vegetation she had never seen before, a thousand strange magical plants.

Not to mention that there was a huge house right next to her.

She walked in and looked.

I found that it was very prosperous, with everything you need, as well as potted plants, illustrations, and all kinds of old objects were placed here.

It seems that Ye Ruo got it.

Not to mention that there are several rooms, two of which are full of feminine style.

However, as a vicious eye, Rosalyn could see at once that the two sisters should only come to their rooms occasionally.

Basically, they all sleep in a large room with Ye Ruo. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Small rooms are more for things.

Not to mention that she is alone at present, it should be that Mond itself also has a warm house.

Stay wherever you want.

Very free.

Then outside the house, there is clear water and a well-constructed hot spring, and there is more than one mouthful.

There is a hot spring that is even more strange, where ice blue and heat are mixed together, exuding rich energy.

Ice and fire.

If you soak in it, it feels like it can be very beneficial.

It also made Rosalyn admire, where did you get such a superb fairy spring?

There is even such a thing.

Worthy of him.

Then the cultivation land was reclaimed, one after another.

It is full of a variety of food crops, and almost all the plants common to the seven countries of Tivat can be seen here.

Those apple trees in the distance, sunset fruit trees and so on.

In the field, all kinds of raspberries, falling berries, small lamp grass, peppercorns, pansies, dundun peaches, spices, bald beans, etc., there are many to die for, dazzling.

Whoever sees this scene will widen their eyes.

To be able to collect food plants from seven countries is really powerful.

After all, some have requirements for the local growing environment.

And then there are basically all of them here.

For example, Rosalyn also saw several plants by the river, there were also Qingxin and others on the mountain, and on the other side was a bamboo forest.

This is simply a miniature version of the Botanical Garden of the Seven Kingdoms.

Rosalyn was very impressed and liked, this small world is too suitable for seclusion, almost everything.

If there is Ye Ruo, let her stay here for a lifetime.

Just thinking that he picked the fruit with himself and then fed it with laughter was already a dream act.

So she was also very happy.

In the future, this will be my new home.

And for Ye Ruo.

The small world is in his ring, which can be regarded as an upgraded version of Kanaya Zangjiao.

It's much better than the dust song pot.

After all, the technology he (Li Dezhao) used is more superb, this time naturally took Rosalyn to treat, and his own family can be regarded as welcoming new members.

Now they are two witches.

Rosalyn and Lisa's words will definitely be very topical.

So Ye Ruo also returned to the family Yu.

Started a course of treatment to help Rosalyn.

This time, she must be restored to her original and become that lively and cute girl again.

Lived for hundreds of years, of course.

She can't say cute, she should say that she is a proud, noble and mature woman.

Both up and down are already ripe for falling.

But in Ye Ruo's eyes, she is still so cute and charming.

So when Rosalyn was studying that Mithril vein in the small world, Ye Ruo also appeared beside her.

This made Rosalyn smile and moan, and it was an intimate hug.

"Honey, I miss you so much~~."

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