Debt handlers and sorcerers like these are the elite combat power among the fools.

Those who are fighting today can only be said to be standard members.

To put it bluntly, it's - creeps.

When the lady walked around before, she would be followed by a few thunder warlocks, ~ This is already obvious.

The hierarchy among the fools is obvious.

And fools like these have no God-eyed people.

However, the absence of the Eye of God does not mean that they are weak.

For example, these ice warlocks in front of them who received orders and prepared to support the battlefield.

These people also do not have the eye of God.

However, they use the Mist Void Grass to control the ice fireflies, and can summon a large number of ice fireflies to fight.

Not only that, while commanding these little creatures, they themselves can also use the power of cold ice unscrupulously.

This is obviously the extent that you have to have the eye of God.

However, these masked sorceresses can freely control the power of the elements.

This shows that without the eye of God, you are not necessarily weak.

The idea that it is, a weak chicken with a godless eye, is ridiculous.

After all, the essence is an item that allows people to use elemental power.

If you can use elemental power in other ways, you can also exert power beyond mortals!

In Tivat, in addition to the Eye of God, there are indeed many other ways to use elemental power.

Not to mention that the Doctor can directly create a Demon God Residue Injector, and the powerful ones can all kill the God Eye holder.

So he looked down on those who used the Eye of God.

Call them just scum.

It's just a small amount of power.

And the one who just spoke.

Because I couldn't stand such a battle, I called the subordinates of these elite points over.

However, on the knight's side, he had already noticed that there were still big people among the fools.

After discovering that the enemy was trying to reinforce, several of them ordered their ice shooters to attack, and the surrounding ice elemental energy continued to gather, and then these ice shooters lit up with ice blue light.

As mutant plants with ice attributes, their combat effectiveness has long been greatly enhanced.

And there are big moves.

It is a powerful ice element plant life that is much stronger than the pea shooter!

It was highly sought after by knights.

Those who can gain their recognition are all knights who are very good in their own right.

I saw that they opened their mouths wide, and one by one large ice balls directly rushed towards the elite fools at extremely fast speed and in a straight line!

At this moment, with the rapid rolling of the snowball, the ground began to quickly turn into ice and snow.

The chill came in.

The temperature is dropping rapidly.

Ice and snow are constantly covered, the ice ball is still getting bigger and faster, and the power of ice will create something like an ice slide in advance on the ground.

Extremely fast!

Not to mention that there were two ice shooters who directly aimed the large ice ball in their mouths into the air and threw them.

The intention is to close the retreat of these fools.

And these ice balls on the ground also rolled bigger and bigger because of each other, turning into a huge snowball attack.

Ever seen bowling?

In such a scene, it is obvious that the fools in this range will be directly blasted like those ball bottles.

Not only these supporters, but even the fools on the side will be swept up, this time it is a group killing.

The faces of the fools who watched changed drastically.

However, with such a fast speed and such a short time, it is difficult for them to make any effective confrontation.

The elemental fire gun also did not play a role in blocking.

For a while, they all became terrified.

What is the situation of the Knights of the Zephyr, where did these weird plants come from.

How powerful it can be!

Are you kidding!

At this moment, the executive officer of the fools who gave the order directly flashed thunder and lightning and disappeared here.

Then it suddenly appeared in the front of the snowball and extended a hand.

In an instant, the thunder in the sky roared!

With the sound of thunder, the terrifying power of thunder and lightning was raging, directly shattering so many large ice balls.

The situation of fools being wiped out in waves is avoided. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Snow suddenly splashed here, and many of them were evaporated by the heat brought by lightning.

The executive's tone became even colder.

"Mond, it's quite capable."

At this time, the support of the Knights of the West Wind also came.

Three captains came at once.

Youra, Nimfu, Kaia.

They all have their own elemental plants around them, and the first two are two partners.

After all, there are ice scammers.

Especially this one of Youra, the energy fluctuation is very strong.

Then her other is even more amazing, like an ice fairy, containing extremely terrifying power.

As long as this only is willing, it can make the ice and snow world here come all at once.

Let Eura sigh at the beginning, this is even stronger than she used to.


Youra, a little friend, has more terrifying power than the captains of the Knights.

It was Ye Ruo who made it out to give her an immortal-level plant.

Not to mention that Eura also has a pair of ice guards on her arms that are not simple.

Now she is the strongest of the Knights except Lisa and Ye Ruo.

With their arrival.

For a while, it was also caught in a standoff.

The executive officer who shot just now was the skirmish sent by the harlequin this time.

It was precisely because of his attitude and ruthless command of the fools to attack the Knights of the Zephyr that this battle was triggered.

Skirmishers are such people.

He did not hide his killing intent.

Whoever upsets him will be attacked by him.

Also because of his gloomy temper and a series of behaviors, there are many people within the fools who do not like him.

Some executive officers also did not like skirmishers very much.

This person is simply a lone star, a pure orphan positioning.

But he's an executive.

It's still no problem to command these fools casually.

Among the executive officers, the wind evaluation is particularly good, and the one who is followed by the fools is the [captain].

After seeing the stronger guy appear, a trace of scarlet killing intent flashed in the skirmishers' eyes.

"There are more and more guys getting in the way."

But just as he was about to strike, another executive behind him reminded him.

"Hey, skirmishers, we're just here to collect meteorites this time. There is no need to make such a big fuss with the Knights of the Zephyr. "

"After all, the two countries are still allies, you restrain your emotions."

This made the skirmishers look back a little annoyed.

"Alecino, don't forget, I'm the sixth!"

This made the female executive known as Alecino sneer.

"Oh, if you attract that wind knight, don't crawl around when we can't eat, you will know that you regret the door."

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