And Jean's own changes also made her embarrassed face reddened.

After all, as soon as I woke up, I felt slippery on my legs.

Ling Qin couldn't help but cover her face.

Could it be that this is the girl's trouble?

It turns out that she actually hopes that her seniors can be with her?


It's true that she's too reserved.

Calculate the time, the Wind Flower Festival is not far away.

At that time, as the head of the group, he will attend the wind flower ceremony with his seniors.

I'm really looking forward to it.

And today, there are still more things.

After all, meteors fell yesterday night.

Meteorites are descending everywhere, and there are already reports that many people are in a coma.

It seems that touching a meteorite will make people unconscious.

Then Qin also received a letter from Ye Ruo to her.

The above explains what happened this time, and a workaround is provided.

Just use elemental force attacks to clear the meteorite.

Those who accidentally fall unconscious are able to wake up.

So the Knights also began a large-scale sortie to go to the wild to clear the impact of meteorites.

The means of elemental power, the riding group is not lacking.

After all, if you have an elemental plant, you can crush meteorites at will.

Not to mention that Ye Ruo had discussed with the members of the alchemy department before, and promoted the alchemy element potion, which could be enchanted on weapons and urge elemental forces to fight.

The Zephyr Sword itself can easily derive elemental power, but it is not too strong.

Just say yes.

Now it can be said that the tiger has added wings, and the elemental power has been greatly enhanced.

So this time the meteorite cleanup will not take long.

Ying is also active here at the Adventurers Guild.

The Windflower Festival is coming, and she has also received an invitation to come back to Mond.

Because of Inazuma's side, it's not good to go for the time being.

So she plans to stay here in Mond and Liyue for a while first, after all, she also met the Inazuma who escaped from Inazuma, which is really heart-wrenching.

What happened in that country to be so isolated and make its own people like this?

It's really cloudy.

Or Mond and Liyue are good.

It feels like Inazuma might be a bit of a netherworld.

After all, everyone said that the result of the journey is not important, what needs to be cared about is the scenery on the road.

And there is another reason for Ying to stay here with Mond.

She meets a mysterious man named Dain, who seems to have traces of her brother.

Yingben set out on the road to find her brother, and since Mond found here, she naturally wouldn't be in a hurry to go to Inazuma.

Then came the meteor thing.

This may be Ye Ruo's appearance, flapping the butterfly's wings.

It stands to reason that after the meteorite falls, time is pushed back, and Ying will encounter this Dain.

Now, however, it's the other way around.

Here she meets an imperial daughter who is convicted.

He formed a five-person team with Bennett, Winnie, and Irene, who were released.

As for Lei Ze, as soon as he came out, he went to the running wolf to lead.

After all, it's been so long since the wolves think of him.

It's just that Lei Ze probably didn't expect that he would also be expelled by the Wolf King this time.

It's time to be a bum.

So now this brand new team is also heading outside.

Bennett and Fischer originally knew each other, and the other people also had good personalities and got along very well.

It's just that Ying didn't think about why the previous smooth adventure.

Why did it suddenly become dangerous this time?

It was clear that the sky was clear, but when they passed, suddenly a meteorite smashed towards their location.

There are still meteorites that have not yet fallen.

Paimon turned green with fright.

Fortunately, everyone is not an ordinary person, otherwise this wave will be destroyed.

Not to mention walking down the road, the hillside suddenly collapsed.

Everyone fell.

When they finally climbed out, several monsters came from the wind farm and attacked them directly.


What's going on here?

Why is this?

Was she unlucky today, or whatever.

It's really such a point, a wave of twists and turns. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Then Ying learned that it turned out that Bennett often had bad luck, and this kind of life was his daily routine.

This can make the screen dumbfounded.

But if this kind of bad luck ability is stronger, then Bennett is not a living group killing engine?

It's so cool that I have no friends.

And everyone else feels that with Bennett's crisis, there are more opportunities to exercise.

It made Paimon's face twitch.

What is this workout?


What kind of bad guy would make such a suggestion?

But they are also people who have seen comatose.

It was still inside the remote mountains, like the plains outside, all of which had been rescued by the Knights.

Look at the not small meteorite in front of you, and an adventure team that is unconscious here.

Both men and women.

Everyone is also emotional.

"This meteorite is very dangerous, it seems that it cannot be easily touched~."

"And it's strange, once close to the meteorite, Fischer and Bennett's divine eyes actually glow, is this induction between the elements?"

Winnie was also serious about dragging these people to safety.

"It's too dangerous to be in a coma in the wild. Once you encounter the beasts and bad guys, it's troublesome. "

Erin was also deeply embarrassed.

"Indeed, beasts eat men."

"And even if you encounter a treasure thief or other people with bad intentions, it is very terrifying." Especially the kind of girl who looks very beautiful, if the stolen treasure group sees it, it will be a disaster. "

"After all, this weird coma, how to make them not wake up."

The treasure robber group must not be ecstatic, directly picked up the unconscious beautiful woman, and took turns to lie on the spot?

It's not good to meet the chuchu people.

Who knows what will happen.

That's the Chuchu Man vs. the Comatose Woman.

This left everyone speechless, calling out what bad books Erin had read lately.

This made Erin react, her face slightly red.

Quickly waved his hand.

"No, no, I don't want this."

"I just think it's possible."

After all, what she Erin longed for most was to do things with Captain Qin.

She only wants to stick with the piano, so she won't think about this kind of thing for men and women.

So they also began to investigate the meteorite event.

And on the way, they also meet a mysterious astrologer, a maiden named Mona.

Through Mona, it was quickly found out that this time it was related to an adventurer named Leonard.

This familiar name surprised Ying and Paimon.

Have you heard it somewhere?

It's familiar.

It seems that Ye Ruo said that the ancients who left the idea of wind wing construction?

When hearing Ye Ruo's name.

Mona was also shocked.

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