Ye Ruo also picked her up unceremoniously.

At this time, Ning Guang also adjusted the comfort level of lying down a few times.

Then after looking at Ye Ruo's expression, she laughed smugly and proudly.


"Why do you look at your sister like this, can your current sister satisfy you."

"Hmph, said that he wanted to take me to the sky, how do you feel like taking my sister to the room now."

Ye Ruo was not wrapped around by her.

Instead, he directly spread his wings and flew directly into the sky with condensing light.

Then Ye Ruo's voice sounded in Ning Guang's ears.

"It's really not good for me to make you wait so long."

"I used to be too weak after all, but in the future, it will be no problem."

Ning Guang's heart also rose a lot of emotions and waves.

He wrapped his hand around Ye Ruo's neck hard, and then the scenery was not at all.

Just looked at Ye Ruo at close range.


It's been so long.

This bad guy who used to bully himself at the beginning has now grown into such a handsome, reliable and charming man.

But at this time, Ye Ruo's voice changed.

"Of course, Sister Ning Guang, if you are so arrogant and like to tease people, don't cry and beg me to let me go."


The words of Condensation Guang Qiu came up.

"You brother, just let the horse come."

"Oh? At this time, why don't you say that I am an immortal. "

"Is there an immortal who likes to bully people so much, who has teased his sister since he was a child, and now he won't let me bully back."

"Why, it's amazing if you're an immortal."

"In Liyue Port, in terms of many means, the immortals are not as good as me. Even you, didn't you ask me to buy those materials. "

"Good, good, my gaze is the strongest."

"Oh, I know to coax girls, I don't lie to other girls."

In the night, Ning Guang and Ye Ruo laughed, and then sometimes pointed to Liyue below, saying what it was like here.

What does it look like now.

Ye Ruo even took her to the sky above the places where they had been active in the past.

This is also a very good memory for them.

It wasn't until late at night that Ye Ruo and Ning Guang returned to the Jade Pavilion.

Then at this time, Ye Ruo did not put the condensing light down, but walked directly to the room of the condensing light.

For this behavior.

Ning Guang didn't say anything, but raised his head high and looked at Ye Ruo with a smile.

When her secretaries saw it, they automatically retreated.

After all, about the relationship between these two, everyone is not stupid.

You can see it at a glance.

As a secretary, the first basic ability is eyesight.

Without that eyesight, what kind of secretary?

So they knew very well that they didn't need to be here tonight.

I'm afraid I won't have to use it tomorrow morning.

Of course, they are also a little worried.

There are still many things to deal with tomorrow, I hope Lord Ning Guang can get up."

Sure enough, Ning Guang couldn't get up in the morning.

made several secretaries look embarrassed,

They even came early only to hear a red-faced sound coming from inside.

Frightened, several female secretaries hurried away.

In fact, both Ning Guang and Ye Ruo knew that a few of them were coming.

Ning Guang also wanted to get up early and handle business.

It was only rejected by Ye Ruo.

He said with a smile at the time.

"Since your little secretary knows everything, what are you doing in the morning, doesn't this make people think that I can't do it?"

"Let a beautiful woman deal with work in the morning?"

"What do you think?"

In fact, Condensing Light was still instilled by Ye Ruo with immortal power.

For the words of his beloved, the condensation is also by him.

After all, this is indeed the truth.

It's just that I was going to deal with the fools in the morning.

Never mind.

Let them shut up again.

Anyway, starvation does not die.

Even the food will not be much better.

Then Ning Guang looked at Ye Ruo seriously. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"You made my sister so old, and she was still single."

"So many years of vacancies, give me back double next."

Ye Ruo also responded with a smile.


"Don't worry, you will become more and more delicate and moving in the future, and live forever with me."

"We will always be young."

Ye Ruo and Ning Guang were happy.

For those fools who are locked up, it is miserable.

I thought that I would be able to go out soon, but since the Thousand Rock Army threw them in, they ignored them.

This is also outrageous!

Shouldn't they be interrogated?

What the hell does this mean?

Among them, Dadalia is the most miserable, his body is sealed with special metal shackles, which are specially used to deal with masters like him.

Want to turn into water and run away?

Dream it.

This thing is water-absorbing.

After all, when he rescued Ying before, Dadalia was in the limelight.

With a few random moves, you can cut down groups of Thousand Rock Army.

Very arrogant.

Do not put these weak people in the eyes at all.

For him, no amount of small trash fish is waste, pure waste of his energy.

Qianyan Army is really too weak.

But it was that time that made Qianyanjun remember him.

He deliberately studied the methods aimed at him as an executive.

This special ore and the torture tools created by top craftsmen are one of them, but don't look down on them Liyue.

Just give time, there are ways to engage him!

Executive officer, absolutely does not equal invincible.

Not to mention that Dadalia was crippled by Ye Ruo, the kind that takes a long time to slowly get better.

As a result, there is simply no environment for recovery.

Qian Yanjun threw him directly onto the cold cell floor like he lost something.

The resulting pain made him white-eyed.

But terrible things are yet to come.

Looking at the expressions of those Thousand Rock Army, Dadalia's heart sank, finished.

After all, he himself knows very well.

It's too big to come up with yourself.

It's okay to say anything if you haven't been caught.

But if you are caught, I am afraid that torture is commonplace. 4.8

So Dadalia could only pray for another colleague.

That is, ladies.

I hope to get him out sooner!

It's a good colleague, plus everyone is an executive.

Even if the relationship is very general, for the sake of the empress, he will definitely be rescued.


Wait and it's over!

Ye Ruo didn't care what would happen to Dadalia.

After all.

He ate fine, worried about what a man was doing.

Not yet his own friend.

At this time, Ye Ruo and Ning Guang came to a tight place.

Whoever appeared there was the lady, and Zhongli.

Of course.

There is also Ying who was called over by Zhongli.

After all, looking at her expression that she didn't understand anything, and she had been running around for so long, it was time for her to know the truth.

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