
Ying was still walking around with Zhongli.

This one was introduced to her by Dadalia!

From the guest secretary of the past life hall.

Even if he knew that Gongzi had some plans.

However, spending Dadalia's money still made Ying sigh, if only this kind of injustice would be more and more in the future.

Northland Bank is really rich.

And Zhong Li also surprised Ying, this person is worthy of being a guest secretary, and he understands a little too much.

Not only proficient in the daily clothes, but also jewelry, porcelain, wine and snacks, tea spices, flowers, insects and birds.

He knows it all.

Even if it rises to the trade of Liyue Port, the relationship between the seven countries can be said to be the first to go.

What a strange man.

Of course, Zhongli prefers to say small things, most of which are useless daily things.

Sometimes he would lament the current development of Liyue, saying that Qinglong Zhenhai Zhenjun played a huge role in this process,

Liyue's shipping was single-handedly promoted by him.

Once the Liyue landscape was damaged, plantations were severely destroyed, and mining was interrupted.

So how do people make a living?

It was Qinglong Zhenjun who let people move to the vicinity of this sea area, relying on a large number of sea 08 raw products to quickly gain a foothold.

Thus survived here.

Then, supplemented by mining, commerce and shipping, a new Liyue was constructed.

This took Paimon by surprise.

"Zhongli, do you even understand the Blue Dragon Immortal Monarch? Obviously, most of the people in Liyue thought that this immortal did not exist. "

"I didn't expect you to know a lot."

"It's you."

Ying was also curious.

"Mr. Zhongli, do you know that there is a very popular novel recently, written in the era of the co-rule of the three gods before Liyue Port."

"And the contribution made by the Blue Dragon Immortal Monarch behind is no less than the three gods in front."

"But if they really existed. Why don't people remember it now, not even stone sculptures and the like? "

Not only the Green Dragon Immortal Monarch, but also the Stove Demon God.

However, in the historical records of Liyue Port, almost all of them believe that the stove was a priesthood of the rock god.

I've read the books.

That's the Rock God Legend, the God of the Stove.

It is generally believed that when Liyue Port was founded, the first group of ancestors used rocks to build stoves, and then used stones and stones to rub sparks to make fires.

This stove is made of rocks to protect against the wind.

So that the fire will not be so easy to extinguish.

Therefore, in the process of starting a fire, whether it is stacked with rocks or rubbed by rocks to start a fire, it is believed that this is undoubtedly a gift from the Rock King Emperor.

Even taverns and restaurants think so.

Everyone proclaimed the rock god as the god of the stove.

Praying for the grace of the Rock King Emperor, the business in the store will always be prosperous and prosperous.

However, in that novel, it is mentioned that the stove priesthood actually came from another demon god, Marcus, who was close to mankind and spread the stove to thousands of households.

This statement has aroused a lot of opposition.

Few people think this is true.

Because there are not many records about the demon god of Marceus.

It's pretty unfamiliar to everyone.

So there is not even a chance to cause any argument, because the people of Liyue think that this is just fiction.

It's like the God of Thunder who said Inazuma, there are actually two.

How is that possible?

That's all scribbled by the author.

At best, novels are novels, and they will be adapted and modified appropriately.

For example, the legend of the Rock King Emperor, even if it is only spread on the streets, there are more than a hundred, and everyone is accustomed to it.

But no matter which story, it is very well written.

The characters in it are lifelike, the story is poignant and full of vastness and bizarre, and the great battle in it once made the reader deeply obsessed with it.

Cheers to the wonders of it.

Tears for the casualties among them.

Even in many restaurants in Liyue, many storytellers are telling stories about the Demon God War.

Because the most popular thing right now is this.

Of course, many storytellers make up their own stories or combine new stories based on the explanations of others.

Most of them are made up.

It's like the story of the Rock King Emperor in their mouths, even Zhong Li listened to it, and he had to say a word.

It's like listening to a new story. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Very novelty.

So when talking about the Blue Dragon Immortal Monarch, the Stove Demon God, and the Thunder God.

Zhong Li also showed a thoughtful expression.

"In terms of universal rationality, Thor has two statements, which is not impossible."

"As for the era of the rule of the three gods, according to history, there are also traces of existence."

"The reason why their legends and records dissipated may be because Liyue is a country ruled by people."


This statement surprised Ying and Paimon.

Zhongli continued.

"I think even those immortals and demon gods hope that people can always be happy." For the rest, they don't care. "

"Even if there is no one in the future, even if people have forgotten them." You see, even the Rock King Emperor has passed away, maybe he will become an ethereal legend in the future. "

"Just like the previous ones."

"After all, people's life expectancy is here, and no matter how profound the war was hundreds of years ago, for the generation that is just born now, it is only a layer of impressions and rumors that cannot be seen and touched."

"Not to mention the deeds of thousands of years, even the old people of Liyue, the age is there, it is not known at all."

"The vicissitudes of the sea, the sun and the moon change. The people are the protagonists of Liyue, which is the so-called people-oriented. "

Both Ying and Paimon were shocked and shocked.

"The Rock King Emperor is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, shouldn't it."

Zhong Li just smiled softly.

Who knows?

After all, judging from the time in his eyes, it was thousands of years, a few years.

Liyue is people's Liyue.

It is the work of countless people to create a prosperous country.

This is also why there are rock god statues on the land of Liyue.

But in the city, there are no sculptures of rock gods in the countryside.

Instead, all of them are statues of the Nonyan Army.

Because compared to the Rock King Emperor, it is the Thousand Rock Army that has always stayed by people's side and made great contributions and countless sacrifices.

There are many, and even the bones can only be buried in the field and on the battlefield.

Can't go back to home.

There is no way to return to the land that gave birth to them.

Even the leaf fall back to the root 153 can't do it.

The Thousand Rock Army has done too much for Liyue, cleaning up monsters, guarding people, patrolling various areas, watching the lonely old people and children in Qingcezhuang, and maintaining order in Liyue Port.

He went out with the Rock King Emperor to fight against monsters and monsters, as well as terrifying giant beasts.

Even hundreds of years ago, in order to cover the evacuation of people, those Thousand Rock troops at that time chose to fight to the death, and the war fought in the Strata Abyss was extremely fierce.

Too many people died.

So even if Zhongli himself will disappear into time in the future, he will face it calmly.

Besides, this traveler in front of you.

You can also record the story of Liyue.

Ying also seems to understand and not understand.

"Zhong Li, you are really knowledgeable and inquisitive, even the Qinglong Immortal and other gods know so much about the stories,"

"It's okay, there is also a certain authenticity in that novel, such as the Qinglong Immortal loves alchemy, not close to women."


As soon as these words came out, Paimon was directly stunned.

Then shake your head.

"It seems that Zhong Li only knows a little, but in fact he doesn't understand the Qinglong Zhenjun at all."

"Ahem, Paimon!"

Ying immediately stopped Paimon, which made Paimon also break out in a cold sweat and almost leaked his mouth.

She didn't want to be sealed in amber.

It's scary to think about.

After all, I have already experienced it once, and I really don't understand why immortals study such a terrible thing.

However, although Ying was a little speechless about Paimon's blurted behavior, she also thought so.

Qinglong Immortal Monarch is not close to women?

Big joke!.

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