The original darkness was directly dispelled by such a light!

Mondstadt, the whole lit up.

It became a city of light in the middle of the plains.

Such changes naturally made countless residents exclaim.

"Wow, so bright!"

"I was almost blinded."

"Didn't the Knights notify you of this time, close your eyes?"

"I didn't expect it to be such a bright light, and when it gathers, I didn't react for a while, but I've never seen such a bright city."

"Good fellow, our Mond feels like day now!"

"It's as if the sun hasn't set!"

"It's like a miracle descending, such an alchemical creation is too strong, don't worry about the inconvenience of walking in a dark place in the future."

"The Knights tried it out before, and I froze when I passed, but I didn't expect to use it in the city so soon."

"The Knights are getting more and more powerful now."

"Yes, now that we have Lord Wind God in Mond, as well as the Knights of the West Wind and Lord Knights of the Wind, it can be said that it is more and more safe and reassuring."

"This Mond is really proud. Presumably, this is a scene that the ancestors wanted to see, but could not see. "

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became low.

Oh, yes

Now they can see this scene and cheer for it.

But those predecessors of Meng 08 De could not see it.

Many even died in the war and shed their blood.

Such freedom and joy are based on the sacrifices of countless people.

As long as you think about it, the original joy is reduced to several parts of fun.

Even if Mond has lost history many times.

But with Ye Ruo's filling, people gradually learned the original stories again.

Whether it is Old Mond, or the era of aristocratic rule, and the centuries-old era of Warcraft Catastrophe, too many people have died.

The story of the teenager has fallen heavily in the hearts of countless people.

It is clear that the dawn of victory has arrived, but it has fallen into the darkness before dawn.

Rustan died in battle and guarded the defense line to the end.

Even if there was only one of him left long ago.

And now, Mond has ushered in an even brighter brilliance.

This is all because of the darkness of the past, all carried by the predecessors and the Knights of the Zephyr.

So at this time there are also people cheering and encouraging.

"Don't be too sad, obviously today should be the time to cheer, let alone the Knights of the West Wind, don't you plan to re-include those histories in the classroom in the future."

"In the future, children will not forget those histories, and behind freedom, it represents bloody struggle and sacrifice."

"We Monds have been able to have such freedom thanks to the efforts of our ancestors and Lord Fengshin."

"Lord Barbatos, the god of wind, has always been protecting us."

"Just like Lord Wind Knight said, people should not forget history, but should respect the efforts of previous people and not let their expectations be trampled."

"Yes, I heard that a day of mourning will be established to commemorate those predecessors in the past history, and Lord Kazeshin also agreed."

"And the unknown boy, as well as the former deputy commander Rustan, have countless people advocating the construction of their statue, and then there will be a statue of Lord Winessa."

"Putting them side by side symbolizes the traces of our history in Mond."

"Because of this, we should rejoice today, we in Mond have ushered in a new light!"

For a while, Mond turned into a lively ocean.

The atmosphere can be described as climax.

Not to mention in the square there.

Wendy spearheaded the song there, which was the song of battle thousands of years ago.

It was such poetry that inspired the ancestors of that time to ignite courage and hope.

So there are countless residents of Mond, like mountains and seas, lively like a sea of people, constantly boiling.

With such a light lit up today, the Monds all cheered.

In a land full of free winds, it is the sensibility and high faith of the people that are transmitted here.

This city has never abandoned the belief in the wind god.

On the contrary, the level of faith is very high.

Because people can realize whose blessing it is to have such a life.

At this moment, Wendy played her harp with her hands.

It was his own piano to the sky, returned by the church.

The cyan divine power flowed between his fingers, performing a beautiful sound, and the notes jumped out one after another, and at the same time a gentle breeze.

As a result, the people of Mond seem to see the past. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

More than 2,600 years ago, the wind wall created by the lone king of the tower blocked the sun, and people could not see the blue sky and white clouds.

Even birds can't pass.

Yes, it is just a gray patch visible to the eye, and the light visibility is very dim.

The endless wind was blowing, and all that filled the ears was the sound of howling and storming.

There was a boy who looked similar to Lord Fengshen and looked at the wind wall with stubborn eyes, and let out a cry.

"I want to see birds soaring."

However, these sounds were all overshadowed by the howling wind, and such a picture flashed and turned into darkness.

This silenced countless Monds.

Today's Mond, everyone can naturally know who that teenager is.

Because Lord Fengshen borrowed his appearance.

However, until the end, the teenager still did not see the soaring bird.

Even Ling Yu didn't have time to take a look.

Before everyone could continue to think, the rapidly changing picture also made everyone realize that something was wrong.

The darkness that suddenly fell into was not all darkness and nothingness.

In the darkness, there are still some rich and gorgeous aristocratic buildings shining brightly, extremely luxurious and exaggerated, in which countless nobles are spending their days drinking, enjoying depravity and power.

Some Maunder historians reacted immediately.

This is, the period after the establishment of New Mond for a thousand years!

Those nobles just now are the aristocratic ruling forces headed by the Lawrence family.

These families forgot their oath to protect Mond, and they have been oppressing people, and even treating the Monds as slaves at that time, which can be described as cruel and tyrannical.

And at that time, it was called the [Old Nobility] period.

Those nobles never studied history, and even monopolized the dissemination of history, not allowing the heroic honors of the past to be sung.

Especially the folk kind of irony, the circulation of historical allegorical poetry.


All banned!

Avoid being compared to each other.

Whether people or 720 are bards, they must be careful and careful when they speak, otherwise they will easily lead to death!

After all, for the nobles at that time, you dare to mock their degeneration today with the deeds of your ancestors in past history, and what you want to do tomorrow, you really dare not think about it!

So what's the point?

That's why history has been monopolized.

Generally out of reach of civilians.

So gradually, a large number of Monds suddenly woke up!

It turned out that except for the lit aristocratic mansions, the rest of the vast darkness was not blank, but referred to the places where the commoners lived.

At that time, the civilians in the evening were afraid to light the lights.

Only the nobles could enjoy the light of the night.

Therefore, in the poetry of the bard, there is a record of the original scene, which was blackened by the era of aristocratic rule!

Oh, yes.

Even the lights on the evening were a luxury for everyone at that time.

However, at that time, everyone saw a noble boy become a knight who yearned for dawn and glory.

Stealing weapons and abandoning the family.

Robbing the rich and helping the poor, helping the poor.

So the story of this person was once widely told.

Such wine and poetry of hope can raise courage for tomorrow for people.

Later, this one-handed sword style was designed to become the standard longsword of the Knights of the Zephyr today.

At this moment, people seemed to see that the teenager faced such darkness and heaviness, and let out an unwilling roar.

[Even if it is only a small amount, I want to use my own power to turn this dark world around! ] 】。

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