Chapter 110 Today, I should be a true king!!

His eyes turned into golden pupils representing dragons at this moment, and there were streamers flashing.

The invisible majesty is revealed here.

There is also fairy air flowing on the body.

Ye Ruo, who gradually adapted to it, also sighed with a complex ~ miscellaneous sigh.

"Big dreams, floating years. It is also a path that I extend now, when I was a green dragon, there were a lot of uses of wind, all of which I had studied before. "

As it was said at the beginning.

These seem to be history, but in fact they are extensions and developments of Ye Ruoxin

So sometimes, whether it is Rustan or Qinglong Zhenjun, a few wonderful memories will appear in their minds, which are all Ye Ruo's.

They were one person from beginning to end.

And this pair of golden pupils, it is easy to switch to the previous normal pupils.

But compared to this, Turuo did not pay attention to it.

What needs to be paid more attention to at this time is the change of the body itself and the fusion of strength.

So his face was indifferent, and there was a golden light flashing in his eyes.

"Today, I am a true king."

At this moment, Ye Ruo directly turned into a stream of light and left here, and suddenly rushed straight into the clouds above Mond, farther and farther away from below.

His figure is also changing rapidly.

From a human body to a huge and slender green dragon body, it can be called earth-shattering, and the size of the body is constantly changing, sometimes tens of meters, sometimes hundreds of meters

As a true dragon, he can change his body shape at will.

It can be large or small, thick or fine.

The strong dragon claws also raised a fierce wind, which made the air explode when it was grasped, and the body of the green dragon swimming here drove the clouds and changed the weather.


An amazing dragon shadow was fleeting, carrying that strong and amazing dragon qi.

For a time, these lakes and seas below roared.

Countless waves of water rose into the sky, as if welcoming the birth of the one who ruled the sea, which shocked everyone who noticed this scene.

What happened?

Not to mention that Mondstadt is located in an island in a lake, where residents can see it after the water source changes.

Even the ocean in the distance echoes.

Amazing waves! The waves are fierce!

The green dragon that Ye Ruo turned into crisscrossed here, crossed the sea, crossed Mond, and flew to another sea.

This act.

It is simply a green dragon in the middle of the sea.

It is a fairy beast, and it is also auspicious.

Not to mention that the power in Ye Ruo's body was constantly growing, and the original wind power and ice power were fused with the power of the green dragon, and they all had corresponding attributes and merged into one.

Having a higher ceiling body naturally triggers a further increase in strength

The aura on the green dragon's body continued to increase rapidly, as an individual who had long been a top immortal beast, he was only one step away from the life of the demon god level, if he had not died in the battle with the sea god.

Promotion is also a matter of time.

So at this moment, under the impetus of the huge force, the green dragon directly crossed this barrier, and the aura on his body skyrocketed.

Become a newborn demon god!

The origin of life is also rapidly increasing and evolving.

The domineering and divine aura also constantly emanated here.

The earth-shattering roar of the dragon echoed here, causing those monsters to flee madly in fear.

After becoming a demon god, he will have a longer life and strength, and he is a higher level of existence than immortal beasts!

Ye Ruo's combat power is also rapidly getting stronger, originally a medium Demon God combat power, but now after entering the Demon God level, he even has the power to fight with a high-level Demon God!

The body is also constantly growing, from the original hundreds of meters to hundreds of meters.

However, Ye Ruo consciously shrunk, otherwise the target would be too big.

This is still the original figure.

The dragon itself has similar magical powers.

And these forces are all controlled and controlled by Ye Ruo.

This is his own strength, and it is also a natural breakthrough.

So being able to master even the slightest bit of perfection is perfect.

Even countless clouds converged, the sky darkened, and heavy rain began to fall.

However, under the power of Ye Ruo, these raindrops turned into ganlin, which can cure all diseases, make living beings healthy, and plants thrive, and then Ye Ruo disappeared here.

He returned to his human body, and the golden pupils in his eyes also changed to their previous appearance.

Returned home...

Only a very small number of people noticed what was going on.

For example, Wendy, the god of wind.

After Ye Ruo transformed into a dragon, his face changed drastically, and he looked at the sky in amazement.

Noticed the green dragon. Then the corners of Wendy's mouth twitched.

He is not a fool.

He had read all of Ye Ruo's novels before.

And thus reacted at once.

"Sure enough, Ye Ruo, this guy has more than one previous life, he is Rustan, and he is this Qinglong Zhenhai Zhenjun."

"Is this awakening the past life and taking back the memory and power?"

"How can you even take back the Green Dragon Immortal Body? What kind of outrageous rebirth technique is this. "

"No, Inazuma will be the same one then, right?"

"There are many relationships and forces involved in this."

For a while, Wendy felt dizzy, what is this?

Can't you let him stop for a while, I feel that since returning to Mondstadt, strange things have happened one after another, which is really outrageous.

Moreover, if Ye Ruo took back the immortal identity of the true monarch, he wouldn't return to Liyue, right? After all, after Ye Ruo was promoted to the Demon God, Wen You would naturally be able to detect it.

Such a good talent should stay in Mond.

After all, the changes that Ye Ruo brought to Mond were huge, making the city sprout more vitality, and the knights and people were no longer so lazy, and once became better.

Fortunately, Wendy remembered that both Eura and Lisa had moved into Ye Ruo's house.

It seems that they should have established a relationship, right?

That's nice.

Can become an immortal, or the wife of a demon god.

And if only there were more women, and Ye Ruo was firmly bound here to build a happy family.

However, remembering the story of the Sea Immortal Jun of Qinglong Town, Wendy's face was strange.

This immortal seems to be a cultivation maniac, an alchemy maniac, who spends most of his time studying his elixir, or going outside to fight.

To be honest, it's fairy.

It belongs to the immortals who are not close to beauty.

However, after being transformed into Ye Ruo, it should be much better.

By the way, Wendy finally understood one thing.

Something that has been bothering him for a long time.

That's why Twalin can have such a good relationship with Ye Ruo...

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