Chapter 108 Return to the Original, Move the Sky to Guide the Innocence Monarch, and Dark Sea!!

In this long war, at first they did not want to join.

The fight for the throne was not their intention.

It is everyone's wish to protect the happiness and peace of the people of one side.

However, the scale of the war grew bigger.

It is no longer what the rock god, dust god, and stove demon god want to avoid, and can be avoided.

There are too many demon gods in the Liyue region.

Once the fight starts, killing the red eye, it will be messed up into a pot of porridge.

Even innocent demon gods, kind demon gods, all of them will be involved.

On the side of the rock god Morax, the same is true.

They were all attacked by the demon god here, and countless mulberry fields were destroyed.

Even if the ordinary demon god can't hurt Morax, in the end, Mark Hughes.

But human beings are too fragile, and an attack triggered by a random demon god can kill countless people and make great changes in the terrain.

Affects the survival of human beings.

And Morax is by no means a god who blindly gives in, he himself is a top demon god.

It is also better understood that only strength and battle can protect the people.

Although he has no intention of chasing the deer, he knows that the sky is suffering.

Instead of being constantly attacked, passively beaten.

Might as well be proactive.

Blindly compromising and retreating will never lead to peace.

So after the Demon God War went on to a certain extent, the rock god Morax also led the alliance and his people to join the battlefield.

Instead of waiting for Liyue to usher in destruction and desolation.

It's better to end this war early!

So this round of fighting went on for a long time.

Under the continuous battle and fighting, the Blue Dragon Immortal Monarch also ushered in a breakthrough in strength, and researched stronger immortal methods and magical powers.

As a top immortal beast, he originally had combat power comparable to the Demon God, and after that, he even improved and possessed the power comparable to the Medium Demon God.

In Morax's camp, it occupies a very small position.

However, there are too many demon gods in Liyue, and after realizing the edge of Morax's side, many demon gods united.

Among them, there are several high-level demon gods.

Some were already strong enough to join forces and be able to block the Gu-level demon gods.

Moreover, the High Demon God itself can cause great damage, even Morax cannot be taken lightly, although the strength is not as good as his own, but he already has the power to hurt him.

So when it comes to fighting, Morax also has to be serious.

In this kind of battlefield, even the rock god is not invincible.

After all, if the God of Rock is really invincible, then this Demon God War cannot be fought for so long, and it is impossible to die so many people.

This is not to say that the strength of the rock god is not good.

On the contrary, it proved that in the Liyue Land at that time, there were indeed many powerful demon gods.

Not to mention that the sea demon god in the sea has the power of a high-level demon god, and with the help of the ocean, he is also a top demon god's combat power.

And later, with the rock god Morax with a lot of combat power to deal with some demon gods.

The other side ends up on this side.

But there is a united demon god attack.

Even if all the immortals tried their best, they were still unable to return to the sky.

Fall for life.

The original was destroyed.

It was destroyed by the flood caused by the flood, and the Sea Demon God struck.

As a powerful demon god who holds the power of water, it is really simple to set off huge waves and floods, and even the final nature is not his opponent.

The terrible beast was also raging.

By the time Morax returned, it was too late.

The enemy has retreated.

After all, they deliberately took advantage of the absence of this rock god to carry out the attack, otherwise they might not be able to succeed.

In order to protect these people, Morax can only lead everyone to change from offensive to defensive strategy and begin to migrate in search of a new place to live.

After all, Morax had to worry about so many humans.

You can't really let go of your hands to fight.

There are limits.

In this battle, perhaps the Sea Demon God will be merciful to his own people, but he will never be merciful to the Rock God's side.

This is war! It's a fight between you and me.

It's not a family game!

Perhaps in their own people, these demon gods are righteous and great.

It is God who loves his people.

But in the eyes of the demon god, the other demon gods are the enemies that must be eliminated!

Of course, there will also be very murderous demon gods.

Some even slaves Yasha made him evil.

A lot of cruel and bloody things were created, and boundless killing karma was brewed.

However, such a demon god was also killed by the rock god, and that Yasha also joined this side, called the Great Sage of Demons.

After the destruction of the original (set), the Qinglong Immortal Sovereign proposed that people could move south to Tianheng Mountain and build a city next to the bottom coast.

Because the sea is very large, the sea demon god is on the Bisuiyuan side.

And the place where the Qinglong Immortal Monarch pointed out was too far apart, so there was no need to worry about this demon god killing.

There are only some giant beasts, sea beasts or something, and it is enough for the Blue Dragon Immortal Monarch to personally suppress them.

No problem.

Not to mention Morax here.

So Morax also agreed to this decision, and they and many immortal beasts migrated with people, and in the process, many demon gods attacked.

A fierce battle unfolded.

The immortals all joined the war.

The rock god Morax also took the initiative to face those demon gods, killing many demon gods with rock spears and suppressing some under the Lone Cloud Pavilion.

On the other side, there was a demon god who was crazy and interrupted Tianheng Mountain, wanting to destroy everyone.

Shifting Xiao Guide Innocence Monarch stepped forward and let the other immortals cut off its horn, which was the horn that absorbed the essence of the power of the rock king emperor Yan, and it was the hardest thing in Liyue.

Propping up the mountain peaks and fighting the enemy to the last moment of his life.

The blood of this immortal formed the Bishui River.

A certain unicorn was as fat as a ball, causing the giant beast to get stuck in the esophagus of the giant beast when it swallowed her.

This allowed Kirin to easily defeat the other party from the inside.

Although this made this immortal beast feel embarrassed and embarrassed.

The Blue Dragon Immortal Monarch was also in the fight and killed several demon gods.

Because of the realization of the strength of the rock god, many demon gods before this realized that they must find a way to kill the strongest first.

Otherwise, the throne position, no one can think about it.

That is, unite, everyone kicks the strongest one out first.

This strongest is naturally the rock god.

This is also why the rock god Morax had to fight with so many demon gods, and the snake demon god Orobas was also repelled and fled from Liyue.

Chose to escape to [Dark Outer Sea].

More than one demon god made a similar move.

Because too many demon gods died, those remaining grievances and wreckage have caused a lot of demons and weird things.

There are also a large number of monsters that have been bred.

People were once infested by these things, and various diseases spread.

Under such circumstances, the Stove Demon God Mark Hughes chose to inject all his heavenly divine power into the land to calm the earth veins and purify the earth's calamity

Maybe there are quite a few elsewhere.

But at least the place where people lived was stabilized, and Liyue Port was established and stabilized during this time.

Mark Hughes was intellectually reduced and disappeared.

Slowly, people only remembered that the stove fire was the authority of the rock king, but they no longer remembered this demon god.

Only in very few books do the stories of the stove god be described.


So far.

On the side of the Rock King Emperor, there were two demon gods left, him and the Blue Dragon Immortal Monarch, as well as many immortal beasts.

The Yasha family is also constantly wearing out.

War is so cruel, accompanied by a steady stream of sacrifices. In this process, the Qianyan Army also died a lot.

But they are still strong.

In order to completely stabilize Liyue Port, Qinglong Immortal Sovereign built a Zhenhai Monument and placed it in the port, which contained his power.

It can keep this sea area peaceful.

In other ways, the Blue Dragon Immortal Monarch also played a large role.

Refining elixirs to cultivate the Thousand Rock Army, their combat power is extremely powerful.

Refining a series of daily elixirs, the people of Liyue Port can eliminate the sick and live in peace.

And recruited a large number of sailors and established the [Sea Ship Division Hunting Team].

To this end, he discussed and studied with that Liuyun True Monarch to create a kind of giant ship.

It is equipped with powerful killing weapons that can also be used by mortals, and is specially used to hunt the giant beasts of the sea.

So the fleet of ship divisions was formed.

Under the leadership of the Blue Dragon Immortal Monarch, many sea beasts from Liyue Port to the far sea were emptied.

Emperor Rock also helped.

A rock creation was made - a giant whale.

So under their power, the powerful sea beasts were destroyed, and even the powerful demon beasts named [Baqiu], monsters with no opponents in this sea.

was also killed by the Qinglong Zhenhaixian Jun.

The sea here ushered in peace...

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