Chapter 106 World Line Changes, History Coverage, The Original Myth of Liyue!!

At this time, in Ye Ruo's eyes.

A shining golden card floats with a huge blue dragon swimming in the sea.

Exudes an amazing fairy aura. It looks powerful. It made him a little blindsided.

What the heck.

What is this, a shot into the soul? Can there be such a thing? Wonderful.

Obviously according to probability.

If this thing is unlucky, a gorgeous treasure chest that has been smoked hundreds of times will not necessarily come out.

Think about the legendary degree that is needed.

What a huge number!

Even Ye Ruo said that it would take a long time to make it up.

It's the Year of the Monkey!

So at the beginning, Ye Ruo didn't hold the idea of smoking this at all, it was an unintentional move.

Unexpectedly, it was pulled out as soon as it was fired. It really made Ye Ruodu happy and ecstatic.

Is this a lottery?


Shinichi sent gold.

Thinking of extracting the Yin-Yang Master Qingming, it turned out that this immortal came out in advance.

The reason why Ye Ruo was so happy.

It's because this card with a very long name can help and improve him a lot!

After all, thinking about the abilities of the Qinglong Zhenhai Zhenjun in the novel are very useful to him.

The higher ceiling of the fairy dragon body means that he can not be a human in the future, and he has the potential to become a powerful demon god.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be in a golden treasure chest.

Then there are thousands of mountains and thousands of seas, many immortal arts, commanding the ocean, soaring clouds and driving the fog.

The so-called true dragon is that it can be fine and giant, short and long.

What calls the wind and rain, changes the sky, summons hail, blows strong winds are all very basic abilities.

Wind, water, thunder, ice, fire.

You don't stick to individual elements.

The same is true of Jota, who is able to use other elemental powers.

Therefore, Ye Ruo's ability could skyrocket all of a sudden.

Its own power can also become stronger.

Not to mention that in Liyue, there is a saying of three-eyed and five-manifested immortals.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about the three eyes.

The five manifestations refer to the explicit powers that belong to the immortals.

The most classic is to create a small world, and the dust song pot is the representative.

In addition, there is the power to discern all things, to make things clear, to change forms, to wander the world, to attach to other things, and so on.

Actually, it's easy to understand.

Immortals can actually change their body shape at will and travel the world.

The same is true of the Rock King Emperor.

Walking in Liyue with human appearance, ordinary people can't recognize it at all.

You can also attach the genshin to others, or dream fairy travel, dream dreams and the like.

Moreover, ordinary immortals do not have the ability to move mountains and reclaim the sea.

And the Rock King Emperor and the Qinglong Zhenhai Zhenjun both have.

Therefore, Ye Ruo didn't have to find Grandma Ping at all in the future, and he could create a small world by himself.

Or it can be called the Blue Dragon Realm.

And unlike other three-eyed and five-show immortals, in addition to these exterior abilities.

Qinglong Zhenhai Zhenjun also has an exclusive one, that is, the ability to refine pills.

It can refine a series of elixirs that heal injuries, cultivate, increase life, treat patients, refine the body, and many other effects.

Coupled with the many immortal arts he has mastered, and a few top immortal arts.

After Ye Ruo becomes a true monarch, his ability to see all aspects will skyrocket.

All of a sudden, I have a lot of power.

One step into the sky.

After all, even if the Qinglong Zhenhai Zhenjun did not grow to Dacheng, he was still comparable to the strength of the Medium Demon God.

If you add Ye Ruo.

I am afraid that I can completely stand at this level, and even touch the level of a high-level demon god, which is the real high-end main force in the demon god war.

Be able to truly step into the forest of the strong!

So these thoughts flashed in Ye Ruo's mind.

Look at this card at the moment.

He directly chose to use it.

Then I heard that tone.

[Ding, use [False vs. True History Overlay Qinglong Zhenhai Zhenjun Character Card] to succeed, open with the ability of False and True, start inserting relevant history, reconstruct the theory to cover the world of Tivat, and improve the relevant past history based on Liyue. 】

[Qinglong Zhenhai Zhenjun, generate. 】

So, in this force, Ye Ruoxin's story began...

Liyue thousands of years ago.

It is a vast land with abundant resources and vitality, containing countless treasures and magnificence, and the heaven and earth are created.

There are countless towering trees rising from the ground to form a dense large forest, and there are endless alpine hills, towering into the clouds.

Soar into the sky.

There are also many plains and rivers, sandbars full of flowers, bamboo forests that shade the sky, mountains and stone forests like monsters.

A large amount of ancient vegetation grows here, all of which are species that have never been seen before.

It can be called bizarre and dazzling.

With such abundant resources, there are naturally countless creatures living here.

Beasts, monsters, demons, behemoths, fairy beasts, sea beasts, humans, ghosts... And, the Demon God!

Perhaps because this land is so prosperous and resourceful, the number of demon gods bred here is also very large, far exceeding other countries.

This is the age when the gods roamed the earth!

This is the era when the Seven Kingdoms have not yet appeared!

Even in this era, there are many human beings living here.

They built their own settlements, their own city-states, and their own kingdoms

Because of the power of the gods (demonic gods), many people lived under the protection of these gods and became their people.

For example, there are people living under the demon god called the Dust King, who is good at stirring up wild sand and dust, covering the sky for thousands of miles.

She likes to study heavenly creations in order to return to the demon god.

Or the Salt Demon God, who built a huge urban agglomeration.

Under the leadership of this demon god, they built a peaceful city-state and built a magnificent temple of salt with the center of the city.

There is also the demon god born in the collision of Mars, who is in charge of fire and people's livelihood, and there are also a large number of people following him.

He is the Demon God of the Stove, One Mark Hughes.

He also has a huge body and looks like the amazing snake demon god Lobas.

This is also the demon god of the Liyue region.

It's just that it will be defeated by the god of precious gold, that is, the hand of the rock god, and then escape to other sea realms.

And because the enemy could not be defeated by Narugami, he hid again.

Now, however, it also has a large number of people who accept the faith of mankind.

In that sea, there is more than one demon god.

For example, the whirlpool demon god Orcel, or other demon gods.

Here, the most famous is the Sea Demon God.

The majestic sea god established the Sea God Palace in the middle of the sea, which is a large seafood bivalve, that is, a huge giant shell.

He also controls huge giant beasts and sea beasts, the strongest of which is called [Lash Beast], and the beast that became the mount of this sea god has two heads, pulling a cart for him to drive the sea.

The size of each beast is enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with Tianheng Mountain! This one later became the great enemy of the rock god.

And next to the coast, there are also many villages.

Many demon gods have human figures.

Because human beings are such a fragile, but extremely fast race.

Like weeds on the earth, it blows inexhaustibly, and after the fire, it comes back to life.

And that rock god has already arrived.

He guided people to open mountains and collect jade, and the people's livelihood was peaceful.

At that time, the rock god was still very young, and at that time it was in the wasteland area west of Liyue, and there were stars landing

The impact force that carried directly knocked out of a huge abyss.

Bottomless, pitch black.

It's like an abyss.

And in this abyss, there are countless beautiful jade gemstones growing from it, inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

This place is the strata abyss.

The place where Liyue has been mining for thousands of years.

In this period when all the gods were walking on the earth, in the ocean in one place, a dragon egg was bred that gathered the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon, and was nurtured by the power of that entire sea...

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